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happening again

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The thoughts will go in time or not be as stong everyone is different, but as the healing prosess is going on its hard to think otherwise try not to, you really are early on in your recovery, one of the bodies most complex peice of machinery needs time to heal & so do you.....

Rambled enough as usual....

Take care


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Hi Donna

It still worries me , but I try not to think about it, you have to try and not think about it, or you will never get back to how you were, and I am determind to get back to how I was, as best i can.

Take care

Love Tinaxx

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Even five years on I still worry about another bleed, even though I know in my head that it's not going to happen I can't convince my heart of it (if you see what I mean!). You can't have cast iron guarantees in life and you learn to deal with things on the balance of probability and that says that it will NOT happen again even though you feel otherwise. It's no good people telling you what may happen, we all know that is no help at all! What you have to learn to deal with is living in the aftermath of SAH. How you do that is down to YOU there is no right or wrong way just a matter of common sense. Help and support is good, helps with recovery BUT the hard work has to be yours and those closest to you.

I hope that you can look back in a few months time and see the difference, that's one thing we all have in common.... The speed of recovery may not seem much on a day to day or even a week to week. You may only notice slight differences from month to month but as long as you are moving forward that's what is important.


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Hey Donna

Looks like you're my neighbour (kinda) I live in Nottingham.

For ages i thought it was gonna happen again and even now 22 months on when i get a sharp twinge or stabbing pain, it worries me. But then I didn't have any of these symptoms before my SAH so why should they present themselves now?? My view on life is that I have more chance of getting hit by a car/bus than this happening again. It will take a while for you to stop feeling this way, but take comfort from the fact that the way you are feeling is perfectly natural and only to be expected. It will get easier.

Take care

Sami xxx

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