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How much should I push?

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So, I'm 5 weeks out from idiopathic SAH. Was pretty lucky. Am fatigued, with headaches (not terrible) and sometimes I feel like my brain hurts if I think too much. 

Ive got another 9 weeks before I return to work. I feel like I should make good use of my time and schedule swimming, yoga classes, walks, etc.  sometimes I just don't feel like it. I'm afraid when I go get back to work I'll feel like I "wasted this medical leave by not taking advantage of this time. Any suggestions? Am I being lazy?

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Hi, no you are not being lazy. This time off work is for you to recover and rest which is what your brain needs. 

I felt a little like you early in my recovery. Having never been off sick for a prolonged period, I felt guilty and a fraud. But you aren't. 

I had my SAH while running so was fairly fit pre- bleed and wanted to get back to it. It took me 3 months before I could start to run again and then I had to build it up slowly. I now run 5-6 miles twice a week so there's the proof you can get back to it. 


Spend your sick time recovering, if that involves a bit of yoga or swimming, great. But don't push too hard. I joined my local gym approx 6 weeks after my bleed and just took it easy. I swam - on my back as I found it was easier on my neck - , I did the over 50's exercise class as it was a lot gentler and I gradually built things up. 


If you want to take some exercise check with your medics that it is ok then start slow and increase gently.

In the meantime I also cleared every cupboard in my house while off sick and now can't remember what I did with everything! Lol! 

Remember, you're doing well just don't push too hard! 


Clare xx

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Hi V Girl


Do what you feel is okay for you..I went swimming and couldn't keep my legs under water but I swam under the water on bottom of pool and came up fighting for breath !!

I kept at it and it was good for me. 


Do what you feel comfortable in doing xx


Good luck

Win xxxxxx

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Vermont girl, why would you feel you have wasted this time? Rest is important and using physical energy will take more out of you right now.


 Put your energy into the things that make healing better, work out what works for you and what doesn't. if you had broken a leg you wouldn't be thinking oh I should go out for a long walk, now think about the  the injury your brain got, imagine it like a big bruise across the surface of your brain where you bled and be considerate of that whilst you invest in getting better.


Go steady 

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Thanks, Daffodil. I am coming to appreciate, and heed, the messages my brain/body are sending me. Moving from "I need to get back to my life" to "this is my life". 

Yoga, swimming, resting, meditation are all helping, I think. Next challenge will be bringing those habits and pace along when I return to work in another month. 

Thanks for the "bruised brain" image - it's useful. 

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Do what you need to do, not necessarily what you want to do.  There's a difference.  Listen to your brain.  Pushing too hard, too soon could set you back a bit, so instil a bit of discipline into what you do, but when your brain tells you to - stop and rest - and rest well.  It's no good going one step forward and two back.


Discipline and control is what you want.  Before you do strenuous exercise programmes, you should only do so with your doctor's approval.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.



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When I was down I tried so hard to get back to my place.  I went back to work too soon, I started walking too soon, and I had incredible fatigue, dizzy spells , and headaches.  Take your time.  You are not a sloth, your brain  is hurt and it does not heal like a broken arm.   People cannot see inside your brain so do not pay attention to those that think they know more than you because they don't.  Only you feel what you feel.





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Keep up the good work.  It is so hard to make yourself accept you are not able to do the same as you used to.  


It is a slow process and only do what your brain allows you.  If you feel tired, your brain is telling you it has had enough.


 One of the registrars in the neuro department told me to accept being tired as you have to remember the brain is actually doing all the work for the body, (making your legs and arms move, your mind to think and eyes to see), it has been injured and is still working but it needs us to allow it to rest.


You will look back over the coming months, years, etc and you will be able to see the improvement you have made and be proud.


I can look back after a year and 10 months and remember at one point I couldn't even do the shopping or use a bank card as the process was too much for me. I think my husband would be happy if the bank card memory hadn't come back!

Look after yourself, we are all with you.

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