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Hi everyone I call myself Aussie cause that's where I live - Brisbane Qld.  My name is Sue, I had an SAH on the 3/12/2017, thought this was the day I was going to die, I can't believe there is a pain worse than child birth .


I had been on Nimotop tablets since the first day of my bleed. The angiogram showed I had vascular restriction, but that is now all clear and yesterday was my first day with no medication. As I slowly reduced the Nimotop I started to get headaches again and obviously lots of fear, but after reading through this site you all gave me the confidence I needed to know all was ok, my headache experience is perfectly normal, just keep drinking lots of water.


 I keep telling myself its early days don't be hard on yourself, enjoy the time out. I find gardening a challenge, I cant bend over for to long so I stick to playing with pot plants. These days my husband lifts them up on a table.

I look forward to the day my doctor says I can drive again, plus no more headaches and being able to go back to work, I loved my job...


thank you all again


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Warm welcome glad that you found us.


It is early days in your recovery, cut yourself some slack, it all just takes time.  Gardening is therapy for some. Good idea using a table for the planting. It is whatever works best for YOU.


Take things easy, rest when your body needs it, keep well hydrated...


Take care.

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Hi Sue alias Aussie lol,


I was so scared when I had my bleed I thought doom and gloom until my Daughter told me about this site.


It was like finding new pals who knew how I felt, and on down days they understood and gradually I learnt to laugh again and not listen to sad stories, so keep away from doom and gloom stories just think happy thoughts and if you run out sing a happy song lol xx 


Be well and no stress as I always say (Well surgeon told me no stress) and we are survivors who might have a down day or a good day but remember Survivors we are xxxx 


Be well and Welcome to BTG xxxxxxx


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Hi Aussie, welcome to BTG glad you have found us.


As Louise says, it is early days for you keep well hydrated and take things slowly.


I thinks it's a great idea to do the gardening on a table, gives you a chance to get on with things you enjoy within your limitations. You will find lots of different  ways to do things that used to be easy to you. Just don't push too hard, one thing a day was my limit for quite some time. 


Don't rush back to work, take as long as you can and your employee will allow.


Keep us posted on your recovery.


Clare xx

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Hi Sue,


Welcome to the survivors club!  I don't know about childbirth, but a kick in the nether regions is pretty bad for us blokes, so that's the nearest I can think of!


On a more serious note, it is very early days for you yet, it was well over a year before I could function on any meaningful level!


Your health is more important than anything else right now - it has shot to the top of your priority list whether you like it or not, so it's time to re-appraise what you do and how you do it!  Sit down with pen and paper with your other half and list the things you need to do.  Then decide how you're going to do them.  Can you delegate, do a bit at a time, do things more slowly, let someone else help, let someone else do the task under your supervision, do away with some things, carry out tasks in a different manner, and so on?


You'll be amazed at what you can come up with.  Then try.  If something doesn't work, no harm done, just figure out a different way.  Rest when you need to because if you don't your body will tell you in no uncertain terms, and if you carry on you will make mistakes.  So you will be amazed at how creative you can be - accountants do it all the time! ha ha! I see you've already come up with a way to carry on with your pot plants.  You just need to apply that theory to everything else now.


Do things at your own pace, not the one that others want you to go at.  That is very important indeed.


Any time you need to let off steam, just come on here, or if you want some support from people who've been there and got the T shirt!


Best wishes,



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I don’t know about childbirth either.

Please give yourself plenty of time to heal. Don’t go back to work, don’t lift/ push/ pull things etc etc. and listen to the neuro.

you will find that this website will be very helpful to you.  All the best.

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