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Hi Everyone

I have had a lot of neck pain post SAH and just put it down to after-effects. I had also suffered with a slight numbness in my left hand mainly on waking, this week however the numbnesshas spread up my arm with a tingling sensation making it really uncomfortable especially so at work.

Whilst at the Doctors yesterday I mentioned it and said I thought it was a side effect of my medication as it does state can cause numbness and tingling sensations. The Doctor assured me it wasn't the medication or it would have started straight away.

She completed all the reflex tests and diagnosed Arthritis in my neck due to wear and tear but probably aggravated by the SAH. I just wondered if anyone else has also been disgnosed with Arthritis in the neck since having their SAH.

Janet x


Hi Janet

The neck pain is something we all seem to share? I hav'nt been to Doc about mine so don't know if he would disgnose Arthritis and of late its not too bad it comes and goes. I often used to wake with pins and needles and numbless did yesterday infact, my main problem at the mo is my leg gives me loads of jip :(

Have you tried one of those neck things you heat in the microwave? mine is my best friend

Take care




Hi Janet

I also experience pain in around the neck area and sometimes get tingling feelings too, the Doctor feels that the pins and needles feeling i have might be vitamin B deficieny but is looking more into it.

I have more pain than before around neck now but i don't know if is arthritis related.

Myra xx


hi janet

sorry to here your neck is giving you a lot of gip i have ankolosing sponodlytis arthritis in the neck and i got a wheat bag from the shops a pound shop or a health shop you put it into the microwave for 2mins or three and then drape it around the neck it does work wonders it relieves my pain within mins and the pins and needles eases off very quickly its the weather if it gets damp and cold it plays me rotten but get the wheat bag some have lavender in and they smell nice and relaxes me and i drop off to sleep very quickly it helps when i go to bed makes me all nice and cozy and sleepy i think there about £1-00 to £3-00 try and see you will have to be carefull dont burn yourself you will find the best heat by trial and error good luck lots of love


Hi Janet :D

Sorry are having problems with neck pain......i also get neck pain, and i use the bean thingy that you wrap round and heat in the microwave. It does help. I have arthritis in my family...it is very painful....so really feel for you. I have not been diagnosed since sah.....my Doctor said it is part and parcel of recovery. Sorry cant help you on this one.....take care and hope the numbness and tingling eases up....could be the weather making it worse....my Mum says always hurts more when cold and damp. Take care my friend love Tina xx


I have arthritis in my neck, but was diagnosed before SAH.

I find the wheat bag helps, and the v shaped pillow.

Sorry you are in pain, hope it eases soon

Vivien x


Hi Janet I too have pain all in my neck and back of head dunno what it is though haven't had it diagnosed. Jess.xxx


Hi Jan,

Had lots of neck pain in my first 2 years .... it was almost as though my head was too heavy for my neck ...... used to find myself propping my head up with my hands, even when walking around.

It's got a lot better in my 3rd year ..... but when I get certain head pains, it tends to come back. However, if you think that it's meds that are causing you probs, then I would definetly pursue it and try to find an alternative. Only you know your own body .....

Hope that you can find an answer....

Lots of love xx


Hi Jan

I had neck pain prior to SAH but after coiling it got worse. It also spread down my spine and leg. I was eventually referred to pain clinic where I had X Rays and scans and they put it down to arthritis. Eventually I saw a back specialist who commented on the fact that I had an SAH. When I had my routine appointment with the neurologist I asked him about my back and he told me that it was probably due to my SAH and did explain but to be honest I didn't understand, basically I am stuck with it apparently. When I go in for my second coiling I will no doubt ask for a further explanation.




Yes I had neck pain too after I came home from hospital post-coiling. It was down one side of my neck (the side I had my aneurysm on). One neurologist thought it was connected to my SAH, another one didn't and my GP didn't. I was given Valium to take to relax my muscles and I took them over a five day period and my sore neck went away and I've not been bothered with it since really.




Hi there

I too have had neck pain ever since my SAH. First of all the neuro said it was probably just because I had been in one position for too long in ICU for the first week after SAH. A few months later when it still hadn't gone GP phoned neuro to ask him about neck pain and he was pretty dimissive that it was related to SAH. Then went for X rays which showed only minor spondylitic changes ie arthritis type changes (prob not enough to cause so much discomfort) along with loss of normal cervical lordosis (basically a change in the natural curve of the neck) indicating muscle spasm. I was also then offered Valium but it was also suggested I could first try Amytriptelene (excuse spelling) which in larger doses is used for depression but in doses up to 40mg for relief of nerve pain. Just coming to the end of a month on that but no real joy. GP has now referred me back to neuro as he feels, like most of us on here, that it IS related to SAH.I am certainly convinced it is related. When tired it also radiates down my arm and is worse with each footfall of my left foot as I walk, especially going upstairs, its a real pain in the neck the whole thing! GP also suggested Physio which I have just started, she also gave me acupuncture which I was dubious about but am having again next week.


Guest ElaineW

Mum has arthritis affecting back, hands and neck (prior to SAH though) so she will be able to relate to how you feel. Takes Tramadol regularly and uses heat pad. Wet/damp weather aggravates it too. Hope it improves - it's not nice to have.


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