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Has anyone else experienced sudden bouts of vertigo? I woke up this morning with a mild case. I'm fine as long as I'm not looking up or down. Not good. I haven't had any issues with this until today. I've been doing pretty well since my event 2 months ago.

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Hi Todd I have been diagnosed with vertigo but I dont think it is nothing spins with me it just feels like I am on a boat my brain vibrates and rocks (well feels like it) go and see a doctor


Hope your improve soon xxx 

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I get giddy when I wake up, and I cannot jump out of bed as before I have to sit there and wait !! and only then do I get up and dash to loo !!


So try sitting before you move I have noticed picking things up off floor = bad move and move slower but still see Doc  xx Put your mind at ease.


Hope all goes well xxxx You also Jess xxxx

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Vertigo is something I suffered from occasionally  before my SAH, I had a few bouts of labyrinthitis and it was nasty. Since the SAH I have small episodes of dizziness/vertigo generally when I have a bad bout of head pain or am very tired. I did ask my GP about it and she said to keep a note of it and mention it at my next neurology appointment.


I hate the feeling and find closing my eyes and counting slowly to an arbitrary number (depends how dizzying  feel) calms me down so I can work through it. Definitely echo the advice to see a GP as if it is labyrinthitis there is some treatment out there.

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