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Update regarding recoiling

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Hi All

Just an update re my re-coiling. After numerous attempts to get hold of anyone my wife managed to speak to the secretary of my neuro radioligist yesterday who told her there are 5 of us on his list and she is just waiting for him to give the go ahead and untill he does there is nothing she can do or say. She was unable to give any approximate date. What a wonderful system after being told in September 2008 that it was dangerous to leave!!!!



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Guest Beth1957

Yep John, I can empathise with you there; I was also told back in September that my annie needed coiling ASAP because it's dangerously big & in a bad place. It was going to be done before Christmas....

At least I have a date now though (11/2). I hope yours comes through soon. x

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Hello John

I hope you get your re-coiling date soon x x like sami said if shoe was on other foot x x

Fingers crossed your date comes through asap x x If I was you I would keep phoning no matter what.

Has anyone ever had re-coiling done I was just thinking what recovery was, I have a neck on my anni which they are keeping an eye on and said if changes then they will add more coils x x that was all they said nothing re assuring really ?



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