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Hi my wife had an sah on the 27th of march she wasfound to have two anuerysms one was coiled the other clipped 4 days later now home she sufers weakness in the legs confusion short term memory losses the shakes and slurred speach is this typical and does she improve or is that an impossible question?

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Its is very early days for your wife but she will improve albeit not as quick as she would like I'm sure, I'm almost a year on and still have weak legs although better than before, my memory has improved. Everyone recovers differently all say is to take one day at a time and be patient.



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hi rod

and welcome i hope things go well for your wife at norwich and if nessasary at addenbrooks have emailed you i will also pm you my number should you need it here on behind the gray there is a wealth of support from people who have gone through what you are going through both suffers and carers i for one wouldnt be here now without their support take care my thoughts are with you both

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Hi Rod :D

As the others have said...it is very early days......i was exactly the same....i am now 16 months on and still have short term memory but it is improving, if tired or stressed can get the tremors, i had therapy to help with the weakness in my legs which helped.......my main problem is blurry vision, balance and confidence......it effects both physically and emotionally. Things will improve....it just takes time... Keep positive :D You have come to the right place though :D:D ....BTG has been a life line to me and have made some wonderful friends.......thinking of you both....take care, Love Tina xx

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Guest ElaineW

Hi and welcome. As you will find your way around this site you will find a wealth of information. My mum had her SAH one year ago which was coiled and she is doing remarkably well. Everyone is different so just try to take each day at a time and don't worry to much if she gets a good day followed by a few bad, this seems very common. A lot of problems seem to gradaully improve but the few you have mentioned are very common ones especially the memory - I'm afraid mum has lost her memory big time.(short term), There will be lots of ups and downs but your wife has survived which is a very big step. Everyone on this site sems to have had lots of different problems but they have got throught them. I wish your wife a good recovery and make sure you look after yourself too.


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Hi Rod

Welcome to BTG hope you the site useful in answering some of the concerns you have about your wife at the moment. Please let us know how she is getting on and being nosey can you tell us your wifes name? Take care of yourself as well as your wife and look forward to hearing more from you.

Janet x

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Hi Rod,

Welcome to BTG, you will get lots of information and support here :D

It is early days for your wife, I'm 2 1/2 years on and still suffer from lots of headaches, tiredness, dizziness and weak legs especially if tired or headachey.

Can you tell us a bit more about your wife- name, age etc we are a nosey bunch :lol:

It does get easier but it is a real rollercoaster ride even 2 1/2 years on. There are people on here that had SAH's long before mine and they still say its a rollercoaster!

Stay positive

Love and hugs



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HI to you all again and sorry i did'nt give you much info before i just wanted answers and you all pitched in with them and thankyou Iwould like to say thanks to paul who have listened to me supported me and helped me these last couple of days anyway a little about both of us my wifes name is Merril and i'm Rodney (Rod) she had an sah and it was the most frightning time of my lifetaken to norwich hospital and transfered to Addenbrooks

where she was found to have 2 Anuerysmns one was coiled but they could'nt get the other as the neck was too wide so she went back to the theatre 4 days later and had it clipped she was dicharged 11 days after the clipping she was doing well for 3 weeks then I noticed the confusion got worse along with some of the other symtons took her to my gp sent back to Norwich hospital and was transfered back to Addenbrookes friday 8 05 09 where they fitted a shunt I can tell u frighten the life out of me again but today sunday she seemed fine when i got there from the very first moment of this illness merrill has not complained once i can't tell anyone how much i admire her for the way she has handled this we've been together 40 years (met when we were 16) married at 18 through choice and have now been married 38 years and she is still the one thing i wake up for every morning I love her so much and god i miss her while she's in hospital anyway fingers crossed and i now hope that things will be a little easier for a while, she has been through so much as i'm sure you all have and you are here to tell your story and this can only give me hope for the future and that is what i was looking for thanks to everyone will keep you posted when merrill comes home and i will introduce her to this site and post a pic Thankyou to you all and you paul Rod

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Hi Rod

Welcome to the family. Its sounds like Merril, {love her name by the way)

is doing a lot better now she has had the shunt fitted. Thanks for sharing her story. Any other questions you have please ask as someone will have the answer for you, keep posting and take care.

Love luck and laughter


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