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  1. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage/Stroke Discussion

    1. 24k
    2. Non-Aneurysm SAH or Perimesencephalic SAH

      This is the forum to post in, if you've experienced a SAH with no known cause.

    3. Stroke Discussion

      For all other types of stroke and childhood stroke

    4. Carers Support

      Discussion for carers of an SAH or stroke survivor.

    5. Untreated/Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms

      Please post here if you're living with aneurysm(s) that haven't been treated or totally occluded.

    6. SAH/Stroke Anniversaries

      Please feel free to post details of your SAH/Stroke Anniversary here .

    7. Cerebral AVM's - Arteriovenous Malformations

      An abnormal connection between veins and arteries, usually congenital.

    8. Your Story

      Please feel free to add your experience ... It gives a lot of comfort to new members. 

  2. General Discussion

    1. Advice & Tips/Healthy Living/Benefits

      Tell us what you've found useful as an aid to your recovery (such as relaxation techniques etc.) and discuss natural diet advice/healthy living tips. This is also the forum to post in, if you need or can offer advice on Benefits that can be claimed after a SAH/Stroke

    2. Introduce Yourself

      Tell us about yourself here and please feel free to include an account of your SAH/Stroke.

    3. Driving After SAH

      Sharing experiences of getting back to driving and useful suggestions and tips. 

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    • Hi Eddie   Good luck for Monday, hope all goes well .   As Super Mario has said above the DVLA are often very slow. I politely chased them up each week after the specified time given for a reply. Make sure you take copies of all documents that you send to them, just in case.   Please let us know how you get on.   Take care Tina  
    • I seem to remember from other posts that DVLA really drag their heels and that you have to start pestering them after a reasonable length of time.
    • Hi New to the forum..................but thanks for all of the info and advice I can see there.   I had an occipital lob stroke at the beginning of March 2024. I had disturbed vision and difficulty reading for about 10 minutes. I put and appointment on at the opticians who did a field test and said he through i had a stroke as I has missed a strip of the lights down the RHS  on each eye. A visit to hospital and a CT scan confirmed that I had in fact had a stroke. A real shock to me as I had been playing football the night before and was healthy. Stroke was caused by Atrial fibrillation which I had an ablation procedure for fifteen years ago but which had returned. I had no other symptoms apart from the reduced field. I was advised not to drive and he optical did another test a month later which showed marked improvement but I still could not drive. Optician told me to return for another test in 3 months. I informed the DVLA and they told me a I needed to have an Esterman fields test to be done within 3 weeks. I have that test on Monday so have my fingers and toes crossed. I have no other symptoms post stroke but having read into these test I know how fine the margins can be between pass and fail.   Thanks for all the information  Eddie
    • Hi Folks   I'm very new to this forum. I had a occipital lob stroke in March 2024 which affected my RHS vision on both eyes. My vision is much improved and I have been to the optician for a visual field test. This has shown a marked improvement but I was advised not to drive. I contacted the DVLA and they have advised that I need to book and eye test with SpecSavers within 3 weeks.   That test is due on Monday so I have my fingers and toes crossed I am able to pass. I don't notice any difficulties with my everyday sight and when I was sitting in the car passenger seat it all looked normal to me. I'm hoping that I pass the Esterman test.   My own optician did a fields test with me a month after my stroke and said things had improved but to return in 3 months and not to drive meantime. The DVLA have said I must have a test with SS within 3 weeks of receiving their letter.    There so much useful advice and experience on the forum so thanks for that.   Does anyone know how long it takes the DVLA to get back to people after the SS Esterman Fields test?   Eddie
    • Should be getting a GP appointment in the next week or so to ask for sure, Upon reflection the feelings in the chest are less than last week, not sure if I was imagining it to be worse than it is. Easily short of breath and a slight increase in heart beat after small effort probably best describes what I'm feeling right now, and it's definitely not as pronounced as a few days a go, so hopefully on the right track, just want to be sure I'm not not missing something else.    Thanks alot for the replies
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