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Shunt discomfort

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my partner had to have a shunt fitted after the SAH,hes always complaines of it being tender down the back of his head to the point were he cant lie on it,and he gets a lot of head aches around that area. theres no infection so thats good but i was just wondering if anyone else has a shunt could you give us some advice about it as weve not really been told anything like what you can or cant do,should the shunt tube be tender. any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi Merrill my wife has a shunt and hers was uncomfortable to lay on for the first few weeks as we remember she's had hers 9 months now and it's not caused her too much trouble she did say about a month ago that she had a headache around where the shunt is but thats the only time and now she's pretty much unaware that it's there most of the time it may be that it's different for everyone, so just see whats said by others with a shunt , Good luck Rod

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hi paris

i think its because the shunt is new and when they inserted it they had to make a hole for it to pass into the tummy this can take up to 3 months for things to settle down and the bruising to dissipate and normal service to resume if the headaches are severe i suggest you contact the secretary of the n/s just to put your and hubby's mind to rest lin hasn't had any problems with hers as far as i know

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I would agree with Rod and Paul here Paris. I have a shunt and did feel discomfort and aches in the early days. It is much more comfortable now, and I can lie on it, but only if the pillow is soft, on a much harder surface 'tis still rather tender, but then I have ,like most people, got soft rather than hard pillows;-) I did have renewed problems a little while ago, but we then found that the shunt was misbehaving anyway ( this was about 18 months post SAH) the malfunction was fixed and the tenderness has gone again. I do find though that it is better if I wear a hat in winter, so for the first time in my life I've joined the hat wearers:-D I would also rather not be poked in the area of the shunt;-)

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Hi Paris, I had a shunt put in in November last year to help cope with the flow of liquid. I find that my shunt is tender if a catch it. The shunt does not have as much protection as elsewhere because it is so close to the surface. Like Perry I try and use a soft pillow when in bed. I think it is just a thing we have to get used to. But as advised if you are truly concerned get in touch with your doctor.

Take care and good luck John

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just one thing i would like to point out if paris dosnt mind how many of you have a card given to you re your shunt from the hydrocephalus group or your gp as they now seem to be pushing for more awareness should you be taken into hospital non sah related it does have an effect and prevents problems your gp should have given you one or the hospital

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I have not got a card. When I asked about one I was told that they had stopped doing them as people lost them. Hubby keeps meaning to make me one with date fitted, where fitted with a contact phone number for the hospital, type and setting but it hasn't appeared as yet.

I have got and carry cards for all my cardiac stents so I would have thought it prudent to have one for the shunt, especially as I travel overseas quite a lot.

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Never heard of it.....:roll:

Though I wear a SOS chain which has all the details on it inside.....

I do however have a card I got from Headway saying 'I am a survivour of a brain injury, I may have problems with my memory, speech or actions, Your help and patience would be appreciated....

This is very handy in shops and the like....

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Hi paris I had a shunt fitted soon after my sh in 2007 it's still smart's every now and again especially if you catch it wrong or lay on a hard surface. I guess it;s the same old thing if it hurts don't do it again but you do learn to live with it. I can't say mine has ever given me headaches though. I do however feel that I feel a preasure sometimes but I also have no info on this.

take care Josie

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