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Advice please - Flying

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It's not a daft question Lorraine, but from all information I have been given the platinum used in coiling (and the clips) are not detected by the airport scanners so you shouldn't worry about setting the alarms off!

I don't know where you are going, but have a lovely trip.

All the best,


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Hiya do have a fab holiday where ever it is and no the coils or clips won't set the alarms off I asked my Doc the same and have flown heaps of times since my op! But :wink: oh how I held my breath the first time I flew I was sure i'd set the alarms off!But no drama:biggrin:

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Coils and clips are fine my stomach was in knots the first time as i hadn't had the chance to ask nyone we just upped and went whist on holiday in this country to the scilly isles been to turkey since and was fine both times. Jess.xxx

Ps have a great time

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Hi Lorraine, My SAH was in June and I flew to Turkey on 23rd August - didn't set any alarms off and although I was worried about the pressure during take off and landing I didn't have any adverse effects on the flight. Make sure you get plenty of rest wherever you are going and enjoy yourself.

Jan x

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Hi Lorraine ...i have flown and had no problems, but i did set off the alarms, i have a clip and metal plates and screws in my head and face made of titanium and cobalt chromium. (Spelling ??? ) Was a bit embarrassing being body searched, i have a letter from my GP that i carry with me. I always take some sweets to suck on taking off and landing as it helps with the pressure in my ears. Have a great time. Take care Love Tina xx

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Hello Lorraine, when I was in hospital before my coiling the doctor came to see me and asked if I had any questions, the only thing I said was ' will I set off the beeps in an airport'! this is also about the only thing I do remember of my hospital stay :)

I flew about a year after and although nervous about the air pressure affecting my head, I was fine. I use ear planes - little blue things you stick in before taking off and half an hour before landing, they helped.


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Vivien - that is the only question I asked when they told me I would be having coiling treatment. I could not think of any other questions, not even 'will I be okay afterwards'?!... but the doctor/nurse/whoever just looked at me like I was a bit mad and didn't even answer me!! How rude! :eek6:

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