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Flu Jab?

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Hi, I just read a post on here (somewhere??) about having Flu.

Are we in the group recommended to have a flu jab? Do any of you routinely have one after having SAH. I don't know what to think - I haven't had flu since SAH but have had a cold/cough and the coughing does really cause pain in my head as does sneezing.

Would love to know what advice others have been offered by Dr.


Michelle x

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I had my routine flu jab done in October as I have lupus disease and suffer with a low immune system but when I booked it in with the nurse at my GP surgery she said that I would come in the category that is recommend to have it anyway now because of having the SAH and I should have it done every year but I already did anyway because of the lupus. I had mine done as I said in october and had no problems with colds/coughs this winter just sinusitis!!. I will be having mine done at the start of every winter. Hope this helps

Take Care

Vicky xx

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Hi Michelle,

Firstly, I'd like to put in my disclaimer! I am not a doctor and therefore cannot recommend whether you have a flu jab or not. I will simply share my experience.

I developed a lot of colds during my first 12 months of recovery and they had an emotional affect too. I became very depressed during them and I wondered whether my immune system was low.

I had the flu jab during November. Whether because of the jab, or coincidentally, I became very ill after it. (GPs never blame the jab, however! They suggest the virus was in you anyway...)

I felt awful for @ two weeks and had to retire to my bed, shivering. I also felt very depressed. I don't blame the depression on the jab per se; rather this was a symptom of me being unable to cope with being ill again.)

I'm obviously fine now and have not been ill since, despite having been in the company of people who have had colds. (This may have something to do with me eating healthier and taking vitamins.)

Personally, I would have the jab again. One episode is not enough to judge it against. Plus, I had had the flu once a few years ago and I was no where near as bad as that after the jab.

I would hate to have the flu after a SAH; I suffer so much with a cold, (or man flu :wink:)

I am not sure whether my reply has helped you because I have been rather non committal. No one can really tell you what to do, but I hope you are able to make a decision soon.


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Hi Michelle,

My doctor told me I should get the fllu jab regularly now. Never had one before SAH. I just took her word and had it there and then. I had no ill effects from it and intend to ask for it next year too.

Hope your son is recovering well.

Sally xx

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Hi Michelle, I get the flu shot every year because I work in hospitals so I haven't had the flu for years. I've been really lucky since my NASAH in November, I haven't even had a cold. I'm really careful, the last thing I want is a head cold, especially after reading the posts about how awful it is after a SAH. I'm guessing that our immune systems are vulnerable when we're recovering because all of our energy is used by our brain.

Sandi K.

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Thank you all for your replies - is it just me or does it make everyone else mad at the lack of nation-wide continuity of care?

If we should have a flu jab why is this not highlighted in our medical notes as heart/asthma patients would be? Grrrrrrrr....

I feel like i'd be making a fuss or asking for special treatment if I had gone to my GP to ask for a flu jab.

Sally, he is slowly progressing, thank you for asking about him x

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'P.S I don't know what Lupus disease is? Would be interested to know if you are happy to explain? '

Lupus is auto immune disease. Your immunce system is in overdrive and basically your body attacks itself and you also suffer with fatigue/aching mustles. Mine attacked my scalp and ears. I looked very fetching with bald patches over my head:lol: luckily i have long hair to cover it!! but with a bit of steroid cream it soon grew back!!. Mine is under control now but it is very hard to diognose as it mimics so many other diseases like MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc..........it took them a couple of years to diognose my mom with it... ooh and they say its not hereditary but my nan, mom and sister have it and it is mainly women who have it!

Take Care

Vicky xx

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Louise I was also told that I'm not in the 'at risk' group. My understanding of this group is that catching flu is life threatening to them. I don't believe that if I were to catch flu it would be life threatening to me but I do think I that I would feel the effects a lot more keenly than most other people! My eldest son has asthma and gets the flu jab each year because the flu can be life threatening to asthmatics. My father had rheumatoid athritis and always got the fu jab for the same reasons.

I get the flu jab every year because I work for the NHS and we are encouraged to have it so as not to put a strain on the service. Our occupational health service organise it for us and their advice is to try and have the jab by the end of September start of October in order to gain best immunity. Any later than that then there's every chance that your immunity hasn't kicked in and you may still get flu. Lin the flu vaccine isn't a 'live' vaccine and I would also guess that you had some sort of virus working on you when you got the jab.

My friends daughter has Lupus. Vicky that's one of the most debilitating conditions I have ever come accross. Her dad gave her a kidney last year because the lupus had affected hers. She's going from strength to strength since the transplant.

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I was always reluctant to take the flu jab ,even though i was adviced by my GP to take it.

i refused it and from october to start of jan i went down with the flu 4 times.

It knocked the stuffing out of me,and my GP said again about having it as i ended up with 2 bad chest infections. My doc said my imune system was prob not the same now since the bleeds

Itook the jab and apart from a bruised arm and it being a we bit sore, i have had no probs, so i would advice anybody who can have it to do it .

Hope this helps

take care

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I aksed my registrar about the flu jab & she said I wasn't at risk ut liek the others if I did get flu it would be much worse than for a 'nomal' person. I had my first cold post SAA last August & I felt so much worse than normal. I think even if I was offered the jab I probably wouldn't take it as i know it's made some people feel rubbish after the jab.

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