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new member vtxrider


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On Oct 12 as i was laying in bed all of a sudden I got the worst headache of my life. We were getting ready to go to Las Vegas for a hundred mile bike ride. Just like everyone else has described here. We called 911(US) and had paramedics respond. They checked my vitals and they were fine. They suggested that I go to an ER. We only live a mile and a half from a hospital so rather than pay for the expensive ambulance I had my wife take me. I was vomiting the whole way. Once there they did a CT scan on me. When they came back they told me they were transferring me to another hospital because there was bleeding in my brain. So I didn't get out of the expensive ambulance ride after all. After arriving at the new hospital they ran angiogram. When talking to my physician he told me that i was lucky, I didn't feel to lucky. To make this short I ended up spending 17 days in the ICU of which I can't remember a lot of them because of the coma I was in. After being released I spent 4 days out of the hospital. I was visiting with family members and the next thing I know I am waking up in the ICU unit again. I was out of it for a day and a half. I was in the ICU for a week. Now that I am out I am a little depressed. I'm always feel lousy can't ride my bike can't work on cars doesn't even look like I can even ride a hundred mile ride on my bike next year. (I already have one planned first of june for diabetes.) People tell me don't over do it. I tell them that is impossible I just go down the stairs then come back up and I have over done it. This has changed my life drastically. Most of the last few days is being spent doing nothing, I can't do that, but I don't want to feel like this either. My wife found this site and wanted me to look at it.

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Hi vtxrider,

Try to remember that you have only recently had this happen to you. You wont stay this down & tired for ever, you will keep improving over time. Patience is required - easier said than done I know! In the early days I used to have a shower in the morning and then be too tired to dry my hair or get dressed. It really does get better as time passes.

Best wishes


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Welcome to BTG, also sorry that you are here but it is a fab site for info & support.

Did you have your anni coiled or clipped or was it non anyurism sah? I had my anni clipped last year & can clearly remember the first few weeks out of hospital where even a shower had me shaking with exhuation & the 3 flights of stairs to bed felt like a mountain to climb. I was told by the nurse specialist that recovery was around 6 months & I thought that was ridiculous & that I would be back to normal in 3!!

Most people will tell you you are very early days & that used to make me scream with frustration but it really is true. I am 17 months post op & am doing well, I walked my son to school on his first day last Sept, I am back driving (not sure how US rules differ but DVLA can revoke your licence after an SAH) & cooking everyday, shopping (online) etc. It is very optimistic for a 6 month recovery time,most people will say 2-3 years but if you listen to body & rest when needed you really can do anything you used to do (depending on any physical problems you may have).

I attended a neuro support group yesterday & met a very inspring guy who has been clipped twice & coiled once in 3 years, now 6 years into recovery he can do almost everything he used to, he runs 5 miles a day instead of 8, does tug of war for a small side instead of the England team & plays football for his local side.

The message i got from him is be positive & set goals (sensible ones), keep a diary so you can see how far you have come, realise you are different in some ways but that can mean better if you want it too.

Take care & do read 'a letter from your brain' in the inspiration section of the homepage. xxxx

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Hi there and a warm welcome to BTG.

I expect you have read many threads on here and gathered that recovering from a bleed on the brain is unfortunately not the same as recovering from other ailments and can take quite some time. I think most of us didn't realise how long it can take to regain our energy levels, but there is always hope and a good chance that things can and will return. I know there are a few members on here who have returned to their passion of cycling, although I can't recall how long this took.

12th Oct is not long ago - it is really early days for you and as much as you find it difficult, the best thing is to take things really easy to give your brain the best chance - it has suffered an enormous trauma, but it should gradually allow you to do more if it is treated with patience along the way. I know this can be a bit disheartening and too slow an approach, but having had a sah I certainly would have got on better if I'd known in those early days and months that it was too much to expect to continue as I had before. I'm sure you will gain a lot of advice and support from this site - I just wish it hadn't taken me over a year to find it!

I wish you well,


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Hi there

Welcome to the site and to the "family".

You are very very early on in your recovery, so please don't beat yourself up about not being able to do anything and the moment. Think about what you'd be like if you'd broken your leg and it was in a cast - you'd find it hard to get about and the stairs would be a huge problem - as for the bike, well you wouldn't be able to ride that either.

You will get there but you have to listen to your body at the moment - plenty of rest and plenty of fluids help the brain the heal and recover. Don't tell yourself that you won't be doing that bike ride in June - it's seven months away yet and if you look after yourself and help your brain to heal you just never know, you may well be on that bike.

You'll find lots of support, understanding and compassion here - we all know what it feels like - but you've done the hard bit - you've survived and that is the most important thing. Take each day as it comes, there will be bad days but you know what? When you have the good days it's an amazing feeling and boosts you along. Small steps turn into huge leaps and you will get there - it may take some time - but stay strong, determined and above all keep your sense of humour.

Look after yourself

Chat soon

Sami x

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Hi, mine was a non anyurism. I did have a vasospasm and that is when they put me in a coma. You would have to ask my wife about that because I don't remember anything except what was told me afterwards. My physician is very respected in the field. I have been told he is one of the best in the nation. After the vasospasm one of the nurses told me he had never seen my doctor as concerned before. My doctor told me that if I wasn't in such good condition that I may have not made it. One thing that I was told that happened is that I flipped a nurse off. I can't remember anything about it. Another nurse told me about it. She said that when I did that the nurse I flipped off came out of the room and said 'YES! He is still alive in there.' The nurse telling me this said 'that is when I knew you were going to make it'. The second time going into the hospital was because of another vasospasm. I did not know anyone or respond to anything.

I am going to have to cut this off now because my head is starting to hurt.

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See your brain is telling you enough on the computer. you give me a break...so you have started learning already !!!

Honestly you will improve when I look back to last christmas my hubby got me a zimmer frame He's good like that lol

I wanted diamonds but a new zimmer was more practical...darn it lol

Keep bright and smile try singing it helps me but costs a fortune in ear plugs for family and friends lol

All the Best


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Welcome to BTG,

I think right after pain, the second worst symptom to cope with is frustration. Frustration at not being able to do the things you normally can do. It would be easier if the brain wasn't working overtime to remind you of all the things you want or need to do. And frustration at getting tired so easily. Sometimes I think this happens to us so that we take a step back and reassess our lives and what we think is important. Journalling and writing to threads or reading other peoples stories here is such a big help because then you don't feel so alone. You are among friends, take care of yourself and drink water,water, water to flush all that blood out of your brain for the next few months. Hope today is going better for you :)

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Hi Vtxrider

It really is early days for you after your SAH.

In the coming months you will start to notice the changes in what you are able to do, but for now it will feel as though you are wading through treacle, just getting out of bed, showered and dressed. I do recall that time.

I am nearly 2 yrs post-SAH and had one largish aneursym coiled a week after my initial SAH.

It is hard to believe that things will get better, and you will be able to regain at least some of your previous life, if not all of it. It just takes time. How much time depends on individual circumstances, and how well you treat yourself early on. You have to allow your brain time to heal.

Take care of yourself, be nice to your brain and it will reward you along your way to recovery.

Kel x

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Hi Vtxrider,

Welcome to BTG.

I can understand how you feel, we all can, but please, please go easy on yourself.

Give yourself time to heal, have patience and understanding with yourself.

As Gill said, please do read 'a letter from your brain' , that piece of writing gives me such strength.

You will get back to doing the things that your heart and soul want and need to do, just not right now, but you will get there.

I wish you well with your recovery.

Take care and keep smiling,


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Thanks everyone for the replies and concern. Yesterday was a better day. The only problem is I think I walked to far. it's hard when a little over a month ago I could ride a hundred miles. Thanks again everyone

Welcome to BTG. I hope you have been feeling better lately.

I sympathise with the loss of fitness. Eight weeks before my SAH I ran the Berlin Marathon and I cannot pretend that the loss of fitness didn't hit me hard.

I can still jog and I know that I am fortunate not to have lost mobility. Nevertheless, my 'loss' has been my level of athleticism which I have found difficult to adjust to. When this first happened to me, I thought it was the worst thing ever; I have adjusted to my situation better now and I no longer think of it as the 'disaster' it first was.

There are people on this site you have resumed cycling and I am not saying you will not return to your level. I am simply explaining my circumstance which by no means will reflect yours. I simply saying that I battled a similar situation and so I understand where you are coming from.

I am certain that I could cover high distances again; but it would need to be approached differently. I.e. walking and jogging instead of running full pelt, taking regular breaks and accepting that I would be one of the last to finish. This is my realistic assessment. I am by no means pessimistic; I just know what it takes to RUN a marathon and I know I don't possess that ability anymore. I am not as resilient and hardy as I was.

The thing is, with my running diminished, other things have come into my life. I do more community work and I acknowledge that the things I do now are more collaborative and are of help to others. My running was a very individualistic pursuit and all about me, myself and I. In that element of my life ending, a more emotionally rewarding pass time has replaced it.

It does take time to adjust however. I am two years post SAH and so my present circumstances have become 'normal.'

Don't give up on fitness however, just re-introduce your body back into it sensibly. Keeping active is important. I started doing yoga and pilates DVDs to help during my recovery and it was noticeable how much I improved. I think I was only doing 5 mins initially. Measure your yardstick in how you were 'last week'; not how you were before the SAH. This way you can measure improvement, not 'loss.'

I have adjusted to my new pace of life, but it took time and I have had counselling to help.

I cannot stress enough that your circumstances may be better than mine. I am not trying to bring you down. I am just acknowledging how hard it is to be unwell when your life and social life previously revolved around fitness and training.

I felt better when I started to approach things differently and looked upon fitness as trying to improve my present circumstances, instead of trying to get back to where I was. I hope you find an approach that brings you some peace too.

Good luck,


Edited by Lin-lin
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Hi VTXrider

You will get back to the bike. Just give it time. Right now you've got to focus on recovery. You cannot train if the body is already fully occupied with that recovery process. You know that. So just help it with that healing process.

I did an Ironman triathlon in May. Had NASAH in June. And now I'm back doing some biking. OK - not much compared to what I was doing but thats because I'm making sure to stay within a zone where the biking is a positive rather than a negative. It will come back and I know it. So I'm not stressing about it.

Lynne - it was interesting to read your update. I watched the Berlin Marathon on the TV. I know sport can sometimes be a bit me, me , me. But it doesn't have to be. I've got a whole lot more philosophical with age and you can help many people through sport and in so many ways. One of my training partners is 73 (sounds crazy but he's better than alot of 40 somethings I know) and he's just come back from doing the New York marathon. His focus is entirely on maximising life and well being and he still works as a personal trainer. How fantastic is that? The youngsters love him because they want to be like him one day.

But I must admit the SAH has changed my out look on the world too. Like many here, I am now more inclined to help others than maybe I was before. And I'm very aware that you cannot tell a persons physical / mental state simply by looking at them. I'm even going to volunteer some time soon. I've gained some wisdom from the whole experience. And I hope, with time, that you can too. For now just listen to your healing body, help others maybe if you can, and make the most of what ever comes your way.

Bye JellyB

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Thanks for the response Lynne. I know you weren't trying to discourage me but give a different way to measure myself. I know right now it is hard not to look at what I could do before. I am improving I walked a half mile without just totally exhausting myself and not being able to do anything the rest of the day but rest. It does help knowing that I am not alone with this and my endurance rides.

JellyB, an ironman? holy s*** . I have a friend that was always trying to get me to do one and I told him no problem because I wouldn't have to worry about running the 26.2 miles and riding 112 miles because I would drowned in the swimming part. I was wondering how far you are riding now. I have an angiogram scheduled for wed. and if everything looks good the doctor is going to allow me to start riding again. Only problem is the weather is turning cold yesterday it was 21 in the morning. It did warm up enough to ride later though my son was out riding. But soon there will be snow on the roads so that will put me on the trainer in the basement.

Another problem I'm having is that I'm a type II diabetic. I controlled my blood sugar with medication, diet and exercise before. It has went up anywhere from 30 to 50 points from where it was before. I have an appointment with my diabetic doctor soon to see what we have to do to get it under control. It has got me to the point sometimes that I just say 'what's the point I'm going to eat anything I want'.

I really appreciate the help and support from everyone here.


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Hi Clayton,

I just wanna say thanks for giving me a much needed giggle!! The bit about you drowning in the swimming part before even getting to the run and ride. I feel half dead even thinking about that!

I hope things go ok with your diabetic doctor.

It's great to hear you're walking and getting a lil bit of 'normal' back.

Your'll get there, just be patient and take things slow.

I remember being exhausted just walking down the road, now I'm doing a good few miles every day.

I've just gotta get back to that skipping malarky I started a while back, leaves me star fish style flat out on the floor gasping for breath but I love it really!!

Take care hun and keep smiling,

SarahLou Xx

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Hi VTXrider

Ref the biking: my advice is don't have any targets for now. Think only about how you are feeling and if it's a good idea for your on going recovery? I'm thinking you might seem just a bit too keen to get back on two wheels??!! I can tell you for sure that I wouldn't / couldn't have done it at your stage of recovery. And I got away lightly compared to your story. So really take care. My advice, for what it's worth, is that it's too soon to even think about biking. You need to recover first. You seem to be only 7 weeks post SAH and thats not much. For me it was more like 18 weeks until starting a bit of easy biking. But we are all different. My tip would be that it's a definite plus to start off indoors. You can get off when you want and whats the point of freezing anyway?

I'm not trying to put you off or anything but take it easy for a while .....

I know there are some really interesting studies around at the moment ref diet and type 2. Probably you already research this area? But if not its worth checking the latest.

Bye JellyB

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I have my angiogram in a few hours. Not really looking forward to it. JellyB thanks for your reply. You are right about me being to anxious about getting back on two wheels. I did tell my son that I couldn't ride now even if the doctor said it was OK. I have a charity ride for diabetes that I do every year. It is in the first part of June. I have a hard time if there is a hundred mile option to ride a shorter one. In fact I have never done it. I knew eventually that it would happen (like when I'm 80 not when I'm 60). I know that I'm early in my recovery, I've just never had anything like this before. I have to learn patience. I really appreciate your advice and everyone else's. I just have to be smart enough and take it.

SarrahLou if I did do the swim I would have to wear those balloons they put around little kids arms.

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Hi Vtxrider

I can understand how anxious you will be about getting the angiogram done today.

I had one last December as a 1-year check-up after my coiling.

I was panicking the whole week beforehand, and it was actually not as bad as I had thought it would be.

Good luck


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Had my angiogram and ended up spending the most of the day in the hospital. Because I have had two others angiograms in the last month and half they did not want to cork the artery. I did not feel like doing much for the next couple of days. I saw the doctor on Friday and everything looked good they want to do an MRI.

He told me that I have come a long ways from where I was. I told him about this site and what everyone has been telling me about not trying to come back to soon and do to much. He told me to listen to you, they've been there and know.

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