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19th anniversary next month!

Janet Mel

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Hi I had my sah 19 years ago and wish this site had been available then. Only now realizing that what I felt then is completely normal to sah after effects. I have only just started to use a computer so just wanted to let other people know that 19 years down the line I am still going strong!! Had my

sah clipped and as there was no follow up treatment in coping with what had happened it left me feeling very insecure and vunerable, but friends and family were wonderful. Hope this helps someone as reading through it sounds a bit doom and gloom, which I don't feel, just not used to writing on computer, hopefully will get better. The headaches do go away eventually, any headaches now are just as everyone else has, but watch people panic when you say you have one!! Bit like the effect you get when you say you have had brain surgery.::crazy::crazy:

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Hello Janet

Welcome to the site and the family.

I know exactly what you mean about saying you have a headache and peoples faces when you say you've had brain surgery. I was coiled so they find it even harder to get their heads around the fact they got to my brain through the top of my thigh.

Look forward to getting to know you.

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Hi Janet and a warm welcome! :-D

It's so wonderful to hear from somebody that's about to have their 19th SAH Anniversary! You might not realise it, but it gives a huge amount of hope to those people that have been through the same and are in their early recovery years.

Can I ask you a question? ... I'm nearly 7 years on, well in July. Is there a day that goes by, that you don't think about the SAH, even at 19 years?

There was no site specific to SAH after I had mine, so along with my family, this one was started in 2006 ... I think that I was perhaps a bit doolally at the time, but there was so many questions that I needed to ask other survivors or just felt the need to communicate with. I think that your post shows, that we all still feel the same as you did, 19 years ago .... vulnerable and insecure.

I hope that you will keep posting, as I'm sure that your advice will be helpful to many others .... by the way, congratulations on using the computer! xx

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Wow Janet you have given me hope...thanks for coming on here...I thought to myself " hmmm Win..I Guess this is beginining

of the end for you".....Then I came onto BTG after my daughter found it ...and it has been so good for me.

Knowing others have been thru the same...makes me feel not so alone...does this make sense?

Anyway thanks for coming on here....and Take Care xxx

BTG and Karen thanks also xxx


WinB143 xxx

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Hi from one Janet to another and welcome as others have already said its always nice hearing from somebody so much further along from their SAH and I'm as curious as Karen as to if you eventually manage to go days and weeks without thinking about it ???? Looking forward to hearing more from you and well done on learning to use the computer :wink:

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