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Returning to work

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Hello everyone,

hope you are all well.

I am going back to work as a doctor on Wednesday!! I wanted to go back as this will be the start of a new rotation for me, but they led me to believe last week that it would take a while to sort it out. Today they have said I can start on Wednesday and I suddenly feel unprepared mentally!! I feel fit enough to go back part time, but anticipate that it will be very tiring. It's only 3.5 months since my SAH but I am keen to return to work as have been getting really depressed and bored recently and need some structure in my life, not to mention money.

Am planning half days to see how I get on, with flexibility to reduce my hours more if I need to and hopefully to gradually increase them over the next 4 months of the rotation. They have said my post is supernumary, i.e. they have created an extra post to phase me back in. I won't have to do on-calls or awful shifts and I won't have any pressure on me. It's as good as it could be really for a doctor.

I am quite scared!!

Will let you all know how it goes.

warm wishes



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Best WISHES Vanessa,

I am so happy for you! I hope it is a smooth transition and all goes well! You will at least be surround by a great support team!!!

Please do not forget about us! Take Care and drink your water, don't over do it either. Be patience with yourself as well.


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Well done Vanessa,

Don't do too much too soon - your body has a way of telling you when you've done too much so please, please be careful out there! Maybe some quiet reading in a corner about SAH? Seriously, please take care, it sounds like you are going back early and I can relate to that and know how exhausting it can be.

Good luck girl. Let us know how you get on.


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wonderful news! We support you through any doubts, success, back-sliding, forward leaping you do. You know how variable you are at this time, so you'll be the best judge of how you should progress...listen to that small voice inside always.

I totally know what you're talking about with the mental thing. I have discovered in myself that I can mentally perform all the calculations/figuring that I used to be able to do, but I don't think as FAST on my feet. Now, instead of being the first one to pipe up with the answer, I am the last. But, I usually still have a very good answer like I used to have. I am also aware that I am tempted to be a tree person instead of a forest person like I was. It just takes some extra focus to see the great big picture sometimes now. Decisions are still hard for me as I way all my options out loud and see all sides and because there are several valid points... 'Just DECIDE...pick an option and see what happens!'

Anyway, don't let my ramblings get you down...reach for your love of care taking; that's the most important reason to be a doctor.


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Way to go Vanessa!

The rotation sounds like a perfect start and I'm sure you will do well. Great news that your position will be supernumerary. That will help you a lot. Take as many breaks as you can. Get some fresh air, walk away from work area. Even deep breaths, eyes closed, and a stretch are helpful. Just stay in touch with how you are feeling. Think of how you would treat a patient in the same situation and treat yourself that way or better.

Don't worry, feel the excitement and focus on that!

Sandi K.

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Good luck Vanessa,

How exciting to be returning back. I'm sure you'll do fine. I too returned pretty early. The part time hours will be a big help. I did real well at 20. It's when I got to 35 and 40 that it became difficult. It sounds like they have an excellent plan for you.

Rest, drink a lot of water but most of all don't be surprised if fatigue hits you. You will get used to it and learn to manage it better over time.

Now if your return is successful and you get on well I will expect you to fix my SAH :). Just kidding. Let us know how you're doing if you can. Good luck.


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Brilliant. To return to what you love, the career you have fought hard for.

I am sure there will be tolerance and compassion from your health colleagues as you start your slow ramp up, equally try not to be frustrated with yourself at the slower pace and see this as the gift it is to continue your steady recovery.

George William Curtis said "Happiness lies, first of all, in health." you as a physician will help bring that happiness to other people whist regaining your own.

I wish you well Dr Vanessa. :-P

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congratulations vannessa

on your return to work ,please take things easy but enjoy the feeling wishing you all the best for the future and i think we will all be holding your hand hoping things improve in time massive hugs and cuddles from all of us here enjoy and remember you are not alone ever

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Good luck Vanessa.

You’ll probably find that your experience of ill health will give you an added dimension in your job because you know what it feels like. I’m sure you’ll appreciate your patient’s predicament in a way no text book could ever teach you.

I wish you well and please update us!

L xx

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Good luck Vanessa!

I went back to work after a month, albeit very slowly, because like you I was getting depressed and bored. It took me three months to go up to full time.

Sure you will be fine, just don't set yourself unachievable goals so you don't feel you are failing.

Best wishes


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Hi Vanessa,

good luck for your return to work! Although my own return hasn't been a shining example, there have been lots of positives to it - my short term memory has improved a lot, I am now able to do basic maths (completely lost in the bleed) and my logic and reasoning is coming back. I wish you all the best, enjoy!

Dawn x

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Hello everyone

just wanted to say thank you for all your positive encouragement for returning to work. I've been back 2 days now and though I am supposed to be on half time, I have found that it is virtually impossible for me to start a new medical rotation on half days so I have been doing considerably longer! Half days is not long enough to learn all the stuff I am supposed to learn. No one has put any pressure on me at all, everyone is lovely. Still feeling pretty ok, but I will have to watch that I don't do myself in as I don't want to mess up my recovery. Will definitely leave early tomorrow!

This forum is a lovely source of support and encouragement. Thank you.

best wishes


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