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Before SAH

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Hi All

Do not know if this is right room to post it in but here goes.

Before your Anni's/SAH/Bleeds did you get things sorted out. This is what I did a few days before SAH.

Well I can remember getting my wardrobes sorted, writing Sarah and Alan letters, phoned undertaker up, honest I

really did. To see if I could have service in same church we were married in. morbid wasn't I.

Can't remember where the letters are now, thought they were in Wedding Album but No.

It wasn't a dream I really did it but cannot find letters darn it.

Has anyone else done this.? ie sort life out just before SAH.


WinB143 xx xx

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No Win. But did after the bleed. I have been wanting to start a thread before your sah for sometime but I need to getting my timeline straight. I was really fatigued, confused when over doing and not right. That was 2010 in 2009 I was neurological with gait, falling, grip etc. so nope I not morbid until after! But I had something major going on prior that got better with cymbalta but still fatigued and not thinking well. Maryb

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Hi Win,

No, I had nothing sorted before SAH. I was 38, had years ahead of me & those thoughts weren't even a consideration :shock:

Now, I think what will be, will be & my boys know my wishes are to have my ashes dropped in the dunes at my 2 favourite beaches. Not in the water as I feel panicky just watching people put their heads under water in adverts on tv - I have to be in the dunes, watching the sea when I'm gone :cool: My only wish is to be here for the younger one until he's ready to fly the nest. After that I'm happy to take what happens next. I had headaches that I thought were from being dehydrated in the weeks before SAH as it was a hot summer that year but no other warning signs....

I use that experience to make me clear out clothes, make up, bath products etc. I look at clothes & underwear as if I'd want someone to be rooting through it if I wasn't here to stop them :wink: And having read your post, I really need to go through it all again - just in case!

Michelle xx

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That is for sure Michelle I have never sorted and organized do much in my life since sah! My family of men hate it when I hold something up and tell them like they are idiots that this is something important do mot throw it away!!! I may however replace my underwear with something more sexy?

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I was always 'Sorted' before my SAH...so nothing unusual like before i gave birth, I cleaned the fridge and then some!

I did however start to practice balancing poses and thought that something really bad should happen to me because I've had such a great life right before it happened. I quickly told myself that I didn't mean that for goodness sake, but i did think it and kind of knew I couldn't take the thought back. Thank goodness it happened after I got to my destination or I would have been road kill and hit another too. Whew!

Oh, I totally lost my balance after SAH if that wasn't obvious to my tail. Now, I'm horrid at balancing in yoga, but I can sort like no one can. :)

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Win, I had a strange feeling in the year before my SAH, a restlessness that I couldn't understand and it made me very uneasy but strangely calm and settled.

I booked us the trip of a lifetime because I thought we should just do it whilst we could. We did. Ranching in California and the coast road from San Francisco to LA. joyeous!

I wrote to people I hadn been good at keeping in touch with and we had more fun than we had had in ages.

Then whilst I was walking the dog the weeks just prior to my SAH he no longer ran off in front of me but walked close by my side and was like glue at home. It freaked me out to be honest. I remember saying to the dog one time ' is there something wrong with me?' I felt there was but honestly felt well apart from a very bad back pain which people have suggested might have been a sentinel bleed. I'll never know. The dog knew!

Ironic thing was when I had my SAH it was on my regular day off , Another week and I would have been on that long dog walk, but instead I had worked in London for a favour and it saved my life.

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Before my SAH I was at work doing all the usual things.

On the Monday of that week a pupil had thrown a ball of ice at me which hit me on my left temple leaving me with a violent headache that persisted over the next couple of days. Continued going to work in spite of the pain and on the Wednesday evening just after tea my head exploded.

I will never know if the blow caused the annie to change form and burst as it has been suggested or it was just coincidence.

If I had gone to the doctors with the headache after the bang on the head it would not have made any difference because all I would have been told was to take painkillers.

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I was just doing the normal things, working & taking Nath to nursery, cooking & keeping the house, driving whereever we needed to go!!

My anni was completely out of the blue tho with the neck ache I had the night before I knew something was wrong, I'd also been standing my guns at work instead of ignoring situations that weren't right. I still didn't know how serious I was until after my op 6 weeks later. I think that is the thing that scares me the most as Nath was only 4 & I didn't have life insurance, am not named on the mortgage & had no will stating what I wanted if I went suddenly.

I made all sorts of plans to sort that after my op but to be totally honest I haven't done any of it (my bad)

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There was nothing particularly unusual for me either except I'd started having pins and needles in my arms a few months before hand. I went to the GP and was told that it might be my chair at work, or having my PC at the wrong height. I had become very intolerant to any type of stress. Andy says that the night before, he found me in the kitchen on the floor crying my eyes out because I'd checked the filter at the bottom of the washing machine and the water had gone all over the floor even though I'd put a towel down. I was crying hysterically because I couldn't work out how to mop it all up.

I'd woken up early the day of the sah and so the lamp was on in the living room. About 20 minutes before my bleed, the lamp started flickering badly and we unplugged it because it's on a dimmer switch and we thought it might be a fire risk. To this day the lamp works absolutely fine. Apart from that, there was no real weirdness before hand.

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I knew I wasn't well and begun going to doctor 2 months before. Had ECG on my heart cuz I'd been having palpitations and I was just so very tired all the time. Had a biopsy on a weird looking spot on my leg. All came back normal. Then lightening struck.

I hadn't sorted anything. In fact, we were planning on a restful long weekend away beginning the next morning.

Sandi K.

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I forgot but had this happen again recently- I had pins and needles tingle from the tip of my nose to my bottom lip in a straight vertical line - very weird. It was always so weird, along with the over whelming fatigue, writing nonsense in charts ( I still lose my thought and start writing that makes no sense to me or anyone else when they read it like I started a new thought) after a few sentences and my writing was not staying on the lines, I also had more floaters in my right eye than usual, one night i had what was like a 4th of July sparkler ( do you know what a sparkler is?) go off in my eye and it last like 15 seconds. I mentioned it to my eye dr and was was unimpressed however the neuro eye dr was very interested in that event.

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Thanks for All your replies. xx

I was dubious about writing this as you might think I had lost the plot, even Al looks at me a bit funny when I

mention it. like this :crazy:

My Dogs stayed close to me also Daff, thought it was because I was feeding them titbits. xx

Sparklers are used here on 5th November Mary xx Mary I got floaters in eye and they sent me to optician who gave

me eye wash, it worked

Darn it thought I had found the first signs of an SAH.

Back to square one again.

Be Well All you BTGers

Love to you All

WinB143 xx xx

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adding bit to Mary
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Fascinating thread Win.

With hindsight, the events leading up to my collapse were pretty hairy! I suffered the thunderclap headache approx one month prior to my collapse, but failed to do anything about it and dismissed it as a really bad migraine.

I continued with my life as normal, though looking back my general mood was very calm and I went about my daily routines in a very quiet and controlled way. I remember thinking at the time that nothing seemed to 'faze' me at all.

I arranged to fly out to India on a last minute business trip on my own for what was effectively a 2 night stay. However from nowhere I had started with severe back pain, I went to my GPs 'cos I was worried about the effect the long haul flight might have on my back. My GP gave me the all clear to fly - so off I went!

On my return I arranged to cram in a weekend with one of my closet friends whom I had not seen for more than a year. Just felt the overriding need to have a girlie catch up, less than a few weeks later we were both thankful we had, probably just coincidence?

I remember experiencing almost daily headaches, and the backache disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared.

On the day of my collapse I was potentially double booked at work and was considering delegating a presentation I had organised to one of my team and driving 200 miles down the motorway to a client meeting. However my boss stepped in at the last minute and did the client meeting for me. Both he and I were so glad he had, otherwise it is highly likely that I would have been driving at speed on the motorway at the time of my collapse.

Looking back at it all now I suspect I had a sentinel bleed when I experienced the thunderclap headache and the backache was as a result of the blood dispersing down my spine. None of that has been proven, though the neuros feel it is highly likely.

In the weeks and months prior to my headache I think, though I cannot be certain, that I had some coordination problems from time to time and occasional loss of balance.


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Thanks Wem,

Did you get a tinny taste in mouth Wem or anyone? I did and had bad head thought it was work getting to me or blew nose too hard. (or hubby Nooo he an daughter were so good I was told).

Good job you never went to meeting Wem !!

Be Well xx Be Happy xx



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I knew I wasn't well and begun going to doctor 2 months before. Had ECG on my heart cuz I'd been having palpitations and I was just so very tired all the time. Had a biopsy on a weird looking spot on my leg. All came back normal. Then lightening struck.

I hadn't sorted anything. In fact, we were planning on a restful long weekend away beginning the next morning.

Sandi K.



I had palpatations also, just thought I was stressed out and tried to be calmer.

Me and calm do not go together.

Anyone get palpatations ? other than us 2 xx

Come on lets find a link xx


WinB143 xx

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I had high blood pressure picked up by chance at a work event about four months prior where I had organised a team to come in and run spot health checks...I was the only one who needed follow up...no irony there then.:lol:

I had an ECG and bloods as it was unclear to the reason behind it. During both pregnancies i had normal BP so it was odd that it suddenly was alarmingly high .Tests all came back normal so the docs decided that we would just monitor it without medication and I was popping down for weekly readings ....next thing you know I am coiled, shunted and fully BP tabletted up ...but I don't think anyone would have suggested a brain scan with that little to go on. I didn't have any headaches just the very odd backache the previous year...

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Daff and All xx

So we have backaches as symptom, headaches, pins and needles MaryB, my tinny taste, reckon it was blood ??

migraines which we'll put with headaches/thunderclap ones also. any others fill in xx

1) Headaches/migraines/thunderclap type.

2) Pins and needles MaryB's x

3) Tinny Taste, blood taste at back of throat/nose

4) BP High


Anymore before feelings? please fill in no matter what ie happiness anything Euphoria? sorting out life etc xx



put bl**dy changed it to blood

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