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weird sensation

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I do get electric shocks type pains in my feet/toes sometimes, but mainly when I'm driving .....a lot of this, I put down to anxiety and I've got a feeling that it could be the same for you ..... do you keep a diary?

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Hi Donna,

It's definetly worth keeping a diary and noting things down ..... sometimes, you can see a pattern forming .... I always find that my worse time, is around my period .....a few days before, during and a few days after... my head seems to go haywire and the dizziness is always at its worse .... so, I'm presuming that it's the hormones or lack of them, making me feel worse.....

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I thought i was the only one who gets weird sensations, i really hate the feeling it's occurs mosty when i am in bed, i cannot use the duvet so a cotton sheet is good for me i try and not to get too hot. I feel that something is passing through my body from head to toe. It's really weird.


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I used to get like a tickling sensation that crept over my head at the anni-site and then down my neck - not painful just very weird almost like trickling water. I asked my neurosurgeon and he said it was probably nerve endings tingling but he couldn't be sure but it was nothing to worry about.

Sami xxx

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Hey Donna

Yep, I had that too. I had to make sure that wherever we went there would be somewhere for me to sit if I needed to - the amount of times I had to run out of Makro cos I thought I was going to pass out was unbelievable. It does get better with time hun, just take it slowly.

Sami xxx

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Feeling like i am going to pass out is one of my biggest fears i fee like it alot......

My nurse said i need to keep calm and she is sure i wont faint x

Horrible feeling though and i get scared if no where to sit x

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  • 3 months later...

Hi there!

My description of weird could be feeling my head like if it is as big as a pumpkin. Cannot be more specific. People say the size looks normal but I feel it´s huge. Also I think my neck is too thick. Maybe it has always been but I only notice now that my hair is still short. Maybe my glands are swollen. The sensibility of my head is also "weird". Sometimes it tickles, other times it feels rough and others I don´t feel anything. I think you could throw a brick at me and I wouldn´t feel it. Other times it feels like if I am wearing a rubber band around it. Weird.

Also "weird" is sometimes I´m there and I´m not. My daughter says I look as if the "lights are one but there´s nobody home".

Can anyone relate to this?


lots of love


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I think i know what you mean Nuri

There are so many different feelings we get in our heads and neck like now i have a cold .............

my neck feels like i have slept funny AGAIN and my head feels heavy and full x x Its such a jungle in my body at the moment

and I feel the slightest things and think i'm ok its all healing...

I can go a week with no feelings then its head sensations all over again x

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Hi Nuri

It is weird the different types of sensations you feel in your head in the first few months. They do start to disappear or don't happen as often further down the line.

The lights being on but no-one at home still happens to me quite often but especially if I'm overtired and sometimes in noisy places as well.

Janet x

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Nuri, I'm exactly the same as Janet ..... the weird sensations do ease up ..... I still have the odd one now, but as Jan has said, mainly when I'm overtired or if it's noisy... I've kind of started to live with them and don't feel quite so panicky over them now.

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Well put Loobie.

I used to have like a trickly tickling sensation as though something was crawling under my scalp and it used to make me shiver. My Neuro told me that this was common but they didn't know what caused it - I like to think that it was the blood draining away from the bleed and being reabsorbed by my body. The sharp twangs I get/got I put down the brain rewiring itself and, as my memory is nearly as good as it was and the pains aren't so often, it kinda fits. The worse thing for me was the vice like gripping sensation at the back of the head - again usually when over tired or not having had enough fluids.

Two years on and there is very rarely any pain now - unless the usual headache or tiredness.

They do ease and disappear eventually.

Sami xxx

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