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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

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Hi All

Have finally had to come to a decision about life, work balance. As some of you know I returned to work on a phased return last June and gradually increased the hours worked to 30 a week.

I have been working the 30 hours since November but it has been a struggle as most weekends are just spent recovering ready to face the next week.

This latest bout of fatigue has made me realise that it can't continue, I hardly have a social life at all due to tiredness and haven't been able to get to the gym much at all this year as am too tired to go after finishing work for the day.

Physchologically this has a big impact on me as I have difficulty trying to loose weight at all but at least when I was managing to make it to the gym I felt better about myself.

So wish me luck everyone because when I go back into work Monday I will be asking to reduce my hours I'm hoping to cut back to 24/25 hours a week instead.

This has been a hard decision to make and something Morris and I have discussed he has bless him been nagging me for months to reduce the hours I work. I am obviously very stubborn and its taken me a while to admit defeat and acknowledge the fact that I can't continue with the way things are.

Janet x

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Hi Janet,

Good for you! :D Don't see it as defeat though ...... you've done really well with work and deserve some decent free time, rather than playing catch up ..... there's no way I could work 30 hours per week and see to the house and all that it entails.......

Good luck on Monday! ...... xx

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I hope it all goes well Janet xxxxxx

I will be working 24 hours a week and keep that on review i have a very understanding boss and i love my job xx

I'm sure it will be ok we didnt ask for this to happen so why should we suffer x x GOOD LUCK HUN x x

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Hey Jan

Like Karen says - don't see it as defeat. Until we moved I was working 40 hours a week and now I work 30 - and I'm happier about it. There's no point in doing too much so that you don't have anything left for anything else - remember we work to live not live to work!!

Good luck and I hope your boss understands.

See you soon

Love Skippy xxx

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Hi Janet

You've made the right decision and bless Morris, he's a treasure and probably knows you better than you know yourself at times! (I know Fiona does with me but I still have to battle against it!).

Skippy's right, we work to live, not live to work so go for it girl, you need it and you deserve it. Good luck on Monday

Sasbo xxx

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Hi Janet

yes it's true, you want a balanced life rather than one in which work takes up all your energy. My hours have crept up to full time again though I don't think I will want to do it long term as I find it exhausting. However I will very likely be made redundant in November this year so am trying to hold on until then. I'd like to work less time and have time to do other things I enjoy.

On the weight issue, I no longer enjoy most food due to taste distortion (though it has improved a bit) and I lost a lot of weight following my SAH. Now I've got used to things tasting bad and find that I eat too much to keep myself going as am so tired. eg a cup of tea and chocolate to give me a boast in energy. Has anyone else found this?

Good luck on Monday.

Anne xxx

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Hey Janet

Sorry its a bit late but I'm with the others on it all good for you realizing that its too much (do hope that makes sense)

I used to do a Friday am class at college but after 2years gave it up because I was just no good on the Sat/Sun & by Monday Ronnie was back to work its no fun.....

hope it goes well when you explain, sending you hugs


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Hi Everyone

Just to let you all know I have been able to reduce my hours to 25 and if necessary will be allowed to reduce them further. My new hours start immediately which is great :D

Thanks Louise I did understand what you were saying.

Janet x

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That is such great news. I haven't started back at work yet and am dreading it as if I have a good (nearly normal) day, it takes me about two days to recover and start again!

I only hope my employers will be as understanding as yours!

- oh and congratualtions on recognising that it was an issue and being brave enough to ask for what you needed. It isn't always easy :!:

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