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2 years today


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On this day 2 years ago, I had my “episode “ as I refer to it. Lol!  I am feeling great, I am working, albeit in a different capacity and much less hours, but I decided a while ago that I need to do what is right for me!  I have had wonderful support from friends and family.


Having said all that, I still am not 100% of my old self.  I still deal with fatigue, fuzzy head, anxiety and depression.  This site has been a god send to me.  Let me take this opportunity to say Thank You to all of you.  We have all come out the other side of this, and for that I am thankful♥️



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Hi there pat I still get fatigue fuzzy head and anxiety but not as bad as what it was I am 16 years out now xxx


Try to relax drink plenty of water and rest whenever you need to xxx


Congratulations on your anniversary xxx

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Hello Pat, and also congratulations two years post SAH.


You sound as if you have adjusted your life to cope with the effects of your SAH and well done for your positive attitude.


Thank you for your kind comments about BTG and it`s members. It is encouraging to know that the site has played a part in your recovery journey.





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Hello Pat,


Welcome to BTG and it is so good to be a survivor xx Some days we don't feel like it but we  made it,  where some others never xx


Morbid bit over with, now keep smiling and always sing or think happy thoughts they really help on down days xx 


Never listen to others worries and keep stress free when possible and most of all welcome to this site it is a God send xxx


I used to plan my funeral but now I feel so lucky  xxx  This place is good when you are down others understand and some laugh and I have my smile back thanks to this site xxxx All the people on it also xxxxx 


Good luck xxxx

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  • 2 months later...

Hello Pat C,  I am know as Pat D  (Trish1013)  I Reached my 2 years in November 2018 I still get very tired and also a fuzzy head any strange feelings in my head still scares me. I work also,  changed my hours, you are right you have to do what is good for you.


My sleep is not as good as it used to be, I always am so tired. I am trying to change my diet I am not the same person I used to be. I also get depressed, this site answers all my questions it is a great feeling to know you are not alone.  I have some days I feel great and order days lousy. I took an FMLA at work, so I have to leave in the middle of the day, nothing is held against me.


I work a little slower now but I am very blessed to still be here.  Congratulations  on your 2 years.

Please keep posting how you are feeling.


Hugs Back


Pat D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Trish

i know how you feel.  Some days are better than others.  I also battle with anxiety and depression ( have for many years, but it’s a little more now).  What I find most frustrating is that I don’t remember much of what lead to my bleeds, and how I was feeling at the time.  My husband tells me that I was complain8ng of a bad headache, but I don’t remember any of that.  


A lot of that time has been erased from my memory.  I tend to revisit that time in my head, but it’s blank and there goes my anxiety level.  I have to learn to let it go.....easier said than done. Lol!  


I feel truly blessed to come out the other end of this fairly unscathed❤️  We do need to be stingy with our time, and listen to our bodies.  If that means afternoon naps, then so be it!!!!


Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary, and wishing you all the best.  

Hugs ♥️ Pat

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