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My hair has got thinner and thinner ...... I'm putting it down to the beta blockers (propranolol) that I'm on for the heart and migraines ..... however, it did start thinning straight after the SAH, when I wasn't on these meds ..... I believe that stress and pre-menopause can also cause it.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Celia

Welcome to BTG see from your info that your SAH is fairly recent so hope your recovery is going well. I don't know for certain but think it might be the trauma that causes the hair loss. You mention dread locks any chance they can be unravelled so you don't have to go as drastic as shaving it all off.

Take care and look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Celia,

If you're losing a lot of hair, then I would definetly mention it to your GP, there might be a reason .....

My hair has got a lot thinner since the SAH, but hasn't got any worse, but I know that one of the side effects of my hair loss is meds .... I also wonder whether I'm starting the menopause, so that wouldn't help either .....

Jan is right, it could also be the trauma and shock of the SAH, as you're very early on in recovery ..... but, there's nothing worse than us ladies losing our hair .... I can sympathise as I know how it feels and you kind of wonder when the hair loss is going to stop ..... but mine has, but the thickness hasn't returned, so I keep it short. xx

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Yes, my SAH was less than a month ago. My recovery seems to be going remarkably well, so I guess I'm very, very lucky.

I went to see my GP this week and he pretty much said what you guys are saying; ie trauma causes follicles to shed the hairs, which should come back in time.

I googled "Nimopodine and side effects," and hair loss was listed as one. This made me wonder why it wasn't listed on the leaflet bundled with the drug itself. A friend of mine who is a medical researcher told me that the drug manufacturers need feedback from users before they consider adding something as a known side effect, so if this is/has happened to you make sure that your GP/Consultant knows about it.

As to unravelling the locks, can't be done I'm afraid, Janet. Nah, it's time for me to bite the bullet and just get on with the shaving. Big ol' coward that I am, I think I'll wait til the weekend!

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hi celia welcome

lins hair has got thinner over time since the sah just after where they shaved it grew back very thickly but as the hair has got longer it has thinned out again they wont even allow me to get it coloured as she had it before because they think lin might react with the chemicals so she i a very beautifull sliver haired lady although i would love the colour to be allowed it dosnt worry me even just after the op her hair grew back on the right side silver the left was dark brown and was a great deal longer with a silver i/4 inch of silver untill the critical nurse came down with a pair of sissors and used the silver line as a marker and trimmed it down so it was 1/4 inch all over and boy did she look young

i think the thinning is due to hormone changes post sah as lins legs which used to be smooth have now strong growth which is kept under control by me lol

please try not to worry i know ladies do like to have their crowning glory hair wise but as a mere male will not comment nor dare to comment but i do understand celia beauty is in the eye of the beholder please dont fret i wont say anymore or i might get excomunicated lol take care sweetheart and welcome

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Greetings Celia, now that is a a real prob to have to face, don't tell yourself off! I bet you will look fantastic if you do have to shave your hair off, I think that so often we can really appreciate what wonderful bone structure many of us have if there is no hair in the way. My hair did thin quite a lot immediately post SAH but has slowed down a great deal,it was wavy pre SAH and is now curly:lol: I'm having fun with it, what next I wonder but it's definitely too short for dreadlocks;-)

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Hi Evelyn

My hair didn't become thinner but I noticed my first grey hairs in the months after the SAH. Everyone said it was age (I'm 45) but I wasn't convinced as mum didn't go grey until her late 60s. I've had no more grey hairs since, that I can see. I think our bodies are out of kilter after a SAH. I had such dry skin especially on my face, have never had anything like it, was very painful and my periods were haywire. Both took a long time to settle down and am back to normal now, skin/period wise.

But do see your doctor as there will be help available on the hair front.



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Hey Celia

Welcome to the site and to the family.

I'm sure you'd look just as fantastic with your hair shaved as you do in your pic - it's the weekend now so I hope you've some to a decision - make sure you change your pic if you go for it, so we can all be proved right about how great you'll look :wink:

Like Karen said, you're doing great posting so early after your SAH - I'm just over three years in now and this site has been a very important part of my recovery.

Look forward to getting to know you hun - and seeing the new pic if you take the plunge :lol:

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Hi Skippy and tennissmithy,

My partner Jane has just talked me out of doing it for the moment! I'm currently exploring a variety of scarves and bandanas as I have a monk like thing going on. :lol:

I never realised how attached I am to my hair (if you'll excuse the pun). I've had dreadlocks for nearly 30 years so it's weird to think of myself without them. For the moment I think I'll persevere with the bunch over/bandana thing; as I am no longer taking Nimopodene there's a chance the rest will stay put and I'll just have to trim it a bit and wait for the patch to grow back.

I'll keep you all posted though.

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Hi Celia,

Glad you've made a decision. My fingers are crossed that no more falls out. Well done Jane on helping you to come to a decision that you feel good with.

By the way I love your signature quote- onwards and upwards- its so true and i'm 3 years on! Most days still have an element of a battle in them!

Long may your recovery continue

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Mine is thinning somewhat, but I attribute that to age and hormones. The part of my head that was shaved for a brain/CFS pressure device, the hair there didn't grow back:mad2: .

Have you checked with your doc? (Maybe it's med related, as was previously written.)


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