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We're looking to raise at least £800+ per year to keep this site running.... Hosting alone and part management with Invision, is now costing us £600 per year, so that doesn't include any extras that we may need to put into place ... such as paying for up to date software upgrades every couple of years and new themes/skins that support the new software.


Information technology changes like the wind and in order for this site to work properly and without any glitches, we have to move with it. If we don't, it results in areas of the website becoming "broken" and the website and forums would eventually fall into decay and not usable.

Everything, that is carried out on this site is voluntary and carried out to a high standard and would cost us significantly more, if we had to employ people in a professional capacity to do the same. Therefore, we rely on the goodwill of volunteers to keep this website running at the high standard that it is, for the minimum of costs.

If anybody would like to give a donation to help keep us running there is a Donate button on the site .... if you would prefer to send a personal cheque, then please contact me via Private Message or the website via email.


With many thanks to all who've set up a regular monthly donation with the website and you know who you are! x


A regular monthy donation helps the site to budget for the following year/s and to be honest, it's a bit of a relief and less stress for me when working out our finances or if we need to consider fundraising.


I'm not good or at all comfortable with asking for money to keep this site funded and it goes against the grain for me, but I can see that it's often down to some individuals who donate the one off larger amount who've floated the site funds to take BTG forward for another year, after I've appealed on the website and without these members, BTG wouldn't be here.


So, it's also with many thanks to those of you, who've donated a yearly donation over the years and you also know who you are ...x


Thank you all for your kindness and giving support to future survivors. 



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  • Karen pinned this topic

I sent some last week.  We ll all try to pinch in something for this website.  I think it s a very good idea to save 5$ or 5£ per week or month. I do understand it is not easy to keep a website. We do have emr system and it needs monthly fee for the IT personnel.  Sometimes there are unseen fees.

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A monthly donation is worth it to keep this great site running. I don't drink coffee so the money I'd spend on one if I did can go to BTG :) 


Keep up the sterling work Karen and hope others can help out too.


Clare xx



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With many thanks to all of those members who make a monthly donation to Behind the Gray! x


I'm a little bit late with the "thank you's" but it's so much appreciated and it helps us to budget for the normal bits and pieces and the unforseen stuff that arrives at BTG's door .... Thank you so much. xx



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With many thanks to Subzero for his very kind donation today! :)


And also many thanks to those BTG members who make a monthly contribution to keep the site up and running. :)


Your support and kindness is very much appreciated. x

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With many thanks to all who've donated with a monthly donation to BTG in December....it's very much appreciated and you really help to keep the website functioning and the support ongoing! x


With many thanks to Louise and Kathy too, for their very kind and generous donation  x...


I'm blown away by the kindness from you all.... Thank you so much! xx

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With many thanks to Johnnie M for his very kind and generous donation! x


Also with many thanks to you guys who make a regular monthly contribution towards the running cost of the site! x


It's very much appreciated. :) x

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With the Coronavirus taking hold and jobs being at risk ....and the current climate of uncertainty, I would urge members to cancel their monthly paypal contribution to BTG.


BTG is in a good position financially and looking at the figures we're able to pay the bills, approximately for the next 12 months. We can always fund raise and pick up the pace once this virus is over and when everyone's in a better position.


Take care all and many thanks. x



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