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Back and diaphragm pain

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Hello again. I’m seven and a half weeks post aneurysm SAH and I still get really bad pain down my spine which now also affects the area around my diaphragm. Has anyone else had this pain and if you have how long does it last?


Someone at the hospital said it’s caused by blood in the fluid draining down the spine but it should go once I’m up and about.


I left hospital four weeks ago and make myself walk every day increasing the distance. Not very far but I’m up to three miles a day which I’m pleased with as when I came home I needed a Zimmer frame to get around the house. I’d be grateful if anyone can give me an insight into this back pain from their experience. Thanks 😊

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Hi Sallios,


I had terrible pain that seemed to settle at the bottom of my spine around week 3, it was attributed to the blood that was in my spinal fluid and I was told it would take a while for it to be reabsorbed...it was quite painful and perhaps two weeks later it was just gone...so I am hoping for you that it just goes away soon...


Everything about this is so individual so please don't take my experience as possibly being your own...we all recover at our own rate...I also had a lot of stiffness and pain I think from being confined to bed and then only walking with the therapist, limiting my activity...once I was home and moving at my own will I began to have less stiffness and pain...


My best wishes with your recovery.


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Hey Sallios


I had horrendous back pain after, and was also told it was the blood leaving the spinal fluid - the thunderclap headache is caused by the blood invading the fluid around the brain as it's an irritant to it.  I was advised it would take about 3 months to dissipate and to be honest, for me, that was about right.


Best wishes for a good recovery x

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Sallios, make sure you keep you water intake up, that will Help a bit and  I did find gentle heat, like a hot water bottle, placed in small of back , helped a little with discomfort but it’s a horrid effect.


Well done on the walking , that will definately be helping you physically and mentally but equally it has the effect of moving the system which in turn creates the irritation...be worth it in the long run, but take it steady, pace yourself and rest whenever you need. 

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Hi Sallios,


I was told I'd never walk again and the way they told me was abrupt like this "What makes you think you'll ever walk again" I looked at the BIT person = Brain injury  Team.  These people were supposed to help me !! In a way they did and I said to the man who said this to me " And what makes you think I wont?.


Taken me 10 years to walk 1,000 yards to walk 1,000 yards but my aim is to do a full shop lol  back still aches but I was out just under a year ...So Well done Sallios  xxxx Some days I feel so tired I don't walk then I think of BIT man and it gets me up ..I also have lazy periods were I feel sad for myself but few and far between xxxx  We have to keep at it  xxxx She says thinking of bed !! lol  

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Thanks Winb for your reply. Extremely well done for proving them wrong and walking again. Keep it up 😊


Had a a rough night last night with the pain and today is one of the backward step days. Haven’t been out for a walk today. 


Off to see GP tomorrow x

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  • 10 months later...

One year on and I still have pain in my diaphragm and down my spine if I put my chin in my chest. I’ve mentioned it to doctor months ago but didn’t suggest anything. Guess it’s still a hangover in some way from SAH. 

Not had a follow up just a letter to say follow up will be delayed by at least  6 months due to backlog. Fingers crossed everything is as it should be.

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Keep your chin up Sallios. It can be frustrating waiting for checks and scans etc but I guess no-one foresaw a world-wide pandemic!  Nice to hear from you!


Look on the bright side - at least it sounds as though nothing has got worse!  If the situation changes contact your docs asap or get down to the emergency department at hospital!


best wishes,



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