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One year on - 1st anniversary

Guest Phil Price

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Guest Phil Price

Hi there to one and all,

I've not been a frequent visitor to this site for a few months now. Though that does not mean I dont appreciate all the helpful advice, support and genuine warmth I received from various members and of course the founder/administrators.

Just wanted to check-in and say that here I am exactly one year on since my non-aneurysm SAH. I am fit and well and have been back at work for over 6 months. Though I hate my job with a vengance these days - not sure if I would have felt the same way with or without suffering SAH. I just feel I need to go and do something more worthwhile. So I am busy looking for something more rewarding on the job front.

Anyway - I hope I will be able to report in again at intervals in the future saying that I am still ok.

I hope that everyone who has suffered SAH makes a full and speedy recovery and finds themselves able to carry on your life. It has changed me forever - though I am still discovering how.....

Take care and lots of love.


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Hi Phil :-D

Happy 1st Anni-versary !!! You have done very well....back to work....its great to hear from you and wish you good luck on the job front...hope you find something that suits you.

Keep in touch.

Take care

Love Tina xx

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Congratulations, and like everyone else has already...."Good Luck with looking for a new job". And, yes Phil, after having a SAH, I too found that my attitude changed a lot about anything, and everything I did in the past before my SAH.


B x x

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Hey Phil

Congratulations on your anni-versary - and lots of luck on the job front. I know what you mean about your attitude being different - I worked with my husband running our own company but post SAH it wasn't enough for me - now I work in a Nursery doing admin but also working with kids and the Head is organising putting me through training to get my qualifications to work with kids properly.

Glad all is well with you

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