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Gill C

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Everything posted by Gill C

  1. Wow John what a fab read this morning. I agree you should be very very proud of what you have achieved, they are fabulous milestones & give us hope for the good things to come. Good on you xxx
  2. I miss my energy, being able to do several things in a day & not suffer for it. Now I hope I do just the important things I miss being able to listen to music when driving, I simply can't concentrate on both things at once I miss being able to read big tomes (such as the lastest Children of the Earth series) & follow family line or complicated plots. On the up side I have discovered an artistic side to myself I never knew I had, card making is a passion now. I am a lot more tolerant & a lot less judgemental these days too. There are pluses to the new me
  3. Hi & welcome to the family Dawn xx
  4. We do indeed have days like that & I find accepting is a part of the healing process & allowing myself to feel this way helps. You are allowed to feel emotion FFS you could have died, that is an enormous thing to get a normal brain round never mind a damaged and healing one!! Pulling yourself together, being grateful for being alive, just getting on with it are the the unuseful things that people say to us but I disagree, take time to see where you have come from, grieve the old you when necessary & accept the new you when you are ready. I found joining Headway the biggest help, I thought I could get better on my own but soon realised I did need help & to be able to meet other people who know exactly how you are feeling & have empathy with you is a great thing! You don't have to explain the brain fog, the headaches or the fatigue which is a huge relief. The more I tried to do too soon the more frustrated I go & it set me back a week or so, by taking my time I am a much happier person & some parts of my life are better than the old life I had, don't get me wrong I still miss the old me & that energy I had to do anything I wanted but some things I wouldn't change any more. I also found myself becoming more & more low in myself mainly due to teh fatigue I suffer. I tried & tried for so long to cope with that & wouldn't accept that maybe my Dr could help (I am not depressed so why did I need anti depressants). In the end I went & talked to my GP about the fatigue & he has put me on a low dose anti d, although my fatigue levels are still high the way I feel about it has changed. I am also determined that this year I will start doing some voluntary work & to see what I actually CAN do rather than what I can't. Sometimes this just means doing things differently. Sorry that seems to have been a bit of a lecture & I know Lin Lin will say so many good things much more succinctly than me but do listen to her very wise words & talk here to all of us whenever you need to xxx
  5. http://www.nbcwashington.com/video/#!/news/health/Stop-Brain-Aneurysms-Before-They-Rupture/135952063
  6. I had always had headaches before my anni & on reading stuff on the net whilst waiting for a diagnosis of my head pain I think I had cluster headaches. I too had migraines & I counted 10 in 7 days whilst waiting for my MRI. Since my clipping I haven't had a single migraine so I think the weak vessel behind my eye caused my migraines too & then eventually ballooned after 45 years!! The vessel (posterior communicating artery) which was clipped is on the same side as the visual disturbances/halo I used to get with migraines & the same as where the headache was. I'm lucky in that my headaches have certainly got better since my op, I can generally take ibuprofen or paracetamol or on really bad days co codamol.
  7. I get the pins & needles in my hands in bed, usually if I lay on my side with the top arm resting on the bed, if I rest it on my side its fine though. If I stand for too long I get a numb foot only on my left side (my anni was right side so my left side was the one that went tingly after vasospasms). I have all sorts of neck cricks but then I sit badly with my feet up on the sofa on my right side so my posture is very left heavy. As for my head its most def improved since last year, I don't get many itchy feelings & the bad headaches are a rarity usually brought on by lack of sleep! Foodwise I think I am ok although I ate something yesterday which gave me a lot of pain in the early hours (I used to be lactose intolerant but that seemed to ease when I was pregnant). Alcohol I rarely touch, I made the mistake of drinking a bottle of wine on mothers day & the 2 day hangover was just the pits!! I have had a couple of small Baileys the last few nights & have been fine but I darent try more than one. I think on another thread you mentioned temperature. I find I am either too hot (in shops or shopping centres/offices) & sweaty or very cold. I did raise this at my 3 month review but my full bloods showed everything to be normal. I do find if I walk anywhere I do get very hot too
  8. Hi & welcome to BTG Dan. This site has really been a lifeline to me, I found it about 6-8 weeks post clipping & it saved my life. Before that it was lonely & every twinge made me panic & not knowing if it was normal was worrying. No matter how far down the line you this place is so supportive & helpful. xx
  9. I think its pulsatile tinnitus & I get it too, its a real nuisance when trying to get back to sleep when I'm tired out. I used to get it if I raised my heartrate too, by running up the stairs etc. As for the noise tiring you out this is a common thing post sah. A friend of mine offered me a lift to our weekly ante natatl group meeting (we've been meeting for 5 nearly 6 years now!) as I said I was tired & had a job centre session on Tues. I keep trying to say the driving is fine but a houseful of 13 children is the real problem!! Not only the noise but having to keep an eye on them all the time just saps my energy!! She just doesn't get it but I know exactly how you are feeling! I think it does get better as you become accustomed to dealing with an office enviroment on a daily basis just take it a step at a time & don't expect to be 'back to normal' straight away. Your coleagues also need to know that just cos you look ok your brain is still healing & trying to cope with its new world xxxx
  10. GG I did ask my neuro nurse & was told the damage was localised to the area of my scar which isn't helpful as the scar ran from my forehead to my ear. Having learnt at Headway which bits of the brain do what I think mine is mainly frontal lobe damage hence why my memory seems to be unaffected. Kel I too was having problems with being too hot or too cold & mentioned it at my review, they did bloods & said it was all fine so I guess if they hypothalmus was damaged that would show up in bloods?
  11. Welcome to BTG, also sorry that you are here but it is a fab site for info & support. Did you have your anni coiled or clipped or was it non anyurism sah? I had my anni clipped last year & can clearly remember the first few weeks out of hospital where even a shower had me shaking with exhuation & the 3 flights of stairs to bed felt like a mountain to climb. I was told by the nurse specialist that recovery was around 6 months & I thought that was ridiculous & that I would be back to normal in 3!! Most people will tell you you are very early days & that used to make me scream with frustration but it really is true. I am 17 months post op & am doing well, I walked my son to school on his first day last Sept, I am back driving (not sure how US rules differ but DVLA can revoke your licence after an SAH) & cooking everyday, shopping (online) etc. It is very optimistic for a 6 month recovery time,most people will say 2-3 years but if you listen to body & rest when needed you really can do anything you used to do (depending on any physical problems you may have). I attended a neuro support group yesterday & met a very inspring guy who has been clipped twice & coiled once in 3 years, now 6 years into recovery he can do almost everything he used to, he runs 5 miles a day instead of 8, does tug of war for a small side instead of the England team & plays football for his local side. The message i got from him is be positive & set goals (sensible ones), keep a diary so you can see how far you have come, realise you are different in some ways but that can mean better if you want it too. Take care & do read 'a letter from your brain' in the inspiration section of the homepage. xxxx
  12. hi Mikr & welcome to BTG. I could do with the H plan diet but not the op that went with it. I lost a stone in 17 days but like SL put it all back on & more!! If you find you are struggling it may be worth speaking to your local Headway & see if they can offer you support, their Intro to brainc injury course was very helpful as I am one of those people who needs to know what they are dealing with! Don't see it as not doing anything, you are in actual fact allowing your brain to heal after a major trauma. You wouldn't be expected to be up & about doing your normal stuff after other major surgery so take it easy x
  13. Theresa good luck for tomorrow I'm sure it will be fine. i was clipped & my first thought was the pain from my annie had gone, my second thought was I felt like I'd been trampled so the gave me oramorph. I think then I had a vasospasm as I was sick & then transferred to HDU. Despite being in HDU I actually didn't feel too bad, I did sleep a lot but felt well enough to want to get out of bed. Because of the vasospasms I was in hospital for nearly 3 weeks but when they suspected a mirror image anni on the other side I was told I would be out within 2-4 days with elective surgery. We will be thinking of you & crossing everything for a quick recovery xxx
  14. I struggle with heat & especially humid heat, I've found I can't cope with a sauna any more as it makes my head feel tight. We have also avoided going abroad for summer hols this year as I don't think I cop with Turkey in August as the temps get to 40 degrees & over, I am now looking at Portugal or similar in the hope that it will be sunny & warmer than the uk but not stiflingly hot. i get very sweaty & flustered in indoor shopping centres in the summer & end up with my hair dripping wet on my forehead & neck, very unpleasent
  15. I didn't do anything on the date as I was hoping hubby would suggest going out for a meal or something. I should have known better as he didn't suggest anything.The date for him doesn't have the same meaning but I was sadly disappointed it was a ordinary day yet 12 months previosuly an amazing man had saved my life & I too have few physical effects apart from my double vision!! I am def going to make sure next year we do something just so I can feel at peace with the date. I don't worry about it happening again but it would be fitting to remember how far I've come
  16. Congratulations Louise, for showing us the way ahead & being there to support us all, thank you <3
  17. http://www.behindthegray.net/vbulletin/content.php?146-inspiration
  18. Shirls your experience sounds a little like me with th spasms & the left sided numbness which went with fluids! I was clipped though. I am stunned you started work so soon & agree with Bill that it could be too much too soon.I am 16 months post op & still suffer badly from fatigue. My brain just seems to freeze & refuse to co-operate any more. I do rest when ever possible & have help to sleep if that is a problem. I would recc you read 'a letter to your brain' which is on the home page, it really helped me. Take care hon & take some time out to rest xxx
  19. Having won my appeal a bare 4 months ago today I've received a medical questionnaire from Atos, I was told this would be a forerunner to another medical. My question is nothing has changed since the appeal but do I have to fill in the form in it's entirity from scratch? I also don't have any new medical evidence & since I'm not seeing the neuro physch any more there is nothing for them to add to the letter they did for me previously!!
  20. Hi gaynor & welcome to BTG On the alcohol front I would be wary like Sandy too. On mothers day me & hubby had a row & I ended up drinking a whole bottle of wine (not somegthing I would do pre sah either) but I was peed off with him, The joke was on me though as my hangover lasted 2 days & i felt lousy!! Waterwise I was told in neuro ward to aim for 3L a day, I did this on the day my dopplers were low enough for them to allow me to come home (measuring the rate of blood flow across my skull/temples) so if I have a bad head day I try to drink lots as this usually helps where the painkillers don't. I do try to avoid sweeteners like aspartame though as they have other health risks so i stick with fruit juice or a high fruit squash. Again I avoid caffinated coffee & if we're out & I have a caffinated coffee I can feel the stimulant effect quite quickly. I love your sense of humour which remains typically English I think, looking forward to chatting more with you xxxx
  21. JellyB signed off is great but it's also scary. I felt very cut off when discharged from he hospital after 17 days of intensive 24/7 care. It's a huge step from that to being home alone or with your partner. For me my SA was completely out of the blue so who was to say that it couldn't happen again & as I wasn't being checked how would I know? I know you are at Wessex so you can alwyas contact lesley or Jane with any concerns & i certainly did in the early months. I also had help from headway so it's worth contacting them for support if you want to. There is also the Wessex support group meet in November which should be great & then you can share your thoughts with people who have been through the same thing, it really does help when it's in person! Hope that helps in some way xxx
  22. Juliette I think its only natural to worry but for 9 months you have been fine so there is no reason why anything will change over the next 3 months. If you are really worried about the deja vu thing can you get someone else to drop your daughter off to the panto? I had a wierd mix of emotions for my 1st anni which were mostly feeling down for some reason (maybe it's because I think a year post SAH I think I SHOULD back to normal & I'm not!). We didn't celebrate my anni versary & TBH I was gutted that hubby didn't do anything but he doesn't want to remember the day he almost lost me so can kind of see his point (even if it still hurt). I would have liked a nice meal out & some flowers but got nothing but I do ad have my life which is the most precious gift ever given to me!! Don't feel bad for worrying I think we've a had times like this, jsut don't let the fear take over your life - you're a survivor!
  23. Hi Mags am just up the road from you near cosham & was also treated at Wessex. I am now 14 months post clipping & life is slowly returning to normal although my temper & emotions are still pretty unstable & I get very tired still. You are extremely early in your recovery & its very easy to try to do too much too soon & i found out the hard way it sets you back a few days when you do too much. The best thing is small steps listening to your body & drinking lots of water to help ease those headaches. Unfortunately as good as Wessex is there isn't much info given in terms of recovery & the main reason for that is they just don't know! everyone is soooo very different & recovers at their own pace. soemtimes too you think you're getting over certain issues & they come back to bite you on the bum (tiredness is on of those for me). I hope you will be going to the support group on 17th so we can meet up & say hello (although I am very unfit & not very active!!) Gill xxx
  24. Zoe it's your marriage so no one elses business except yours & Richs. You have fought so hard but I am well aware how hard it is to fight on your own. I am very sad that you are splitting but having read your posts I have to admit to not being totally suprised. I have a friend whose hubby suffered a major brain injury after amotorbike accident & she too tried to hold things together on her own for as long as possible but eventually like you the kids had to come first. Plus you also need to think of yourself in this for once & put yourself first, your happiness is important too. My friend did split with her hubby & it wasn't easy but I do think now his family are much more appreciative of what she had to put up with. I can't give much advice other than I know things on both sides are not easy but you have to do what is right for you & the children Wishing you all the luck in the world however things pan out for you & Rich. YOu have been one amazing wife & mother for him, don't ever forget that
  25. Samantha I hate MRI's have had 2 & the last one to find my anni caused me so much pain with the noise & vibrations but I knew I had to do it to find out what was wrong. Luckily they did find out although it took them 8 days to review the scan & I am here to tell the tale. They aren't fun for sure but it's an amazing advance of technology since my dad had his stroke over 20 years ago! I hope your results come through soon & ease your mind xxx
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