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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Lauren We are here for you......it can be so hard sometimes, people just dont understand, and never will. Dont let them get you down xxx Hang in there....thinking of you...lots of love and hugs...Love Tinaxx
  2. Bless you Sharon ......thats just lovely......made me smile........ take care...love Tina xx
  3. Hi Dee, A very warm welcome to Behind The Gray.....you will find lots of support and answers here.... this website has been a true Godsend to me, i would not be where i am today if it was not for all the wonderful support and friendship. Hope to hear from you soon, take care Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Sharon Yes a lovely post...made me smile, thinking of your Mum calling you by your special nickname A great comfort to you xx I really hope things continue to improve, thinking of you. Take care Love Tinaxx
  5. Hi Prue A very warm welcome to you.....I also had third nerve palsy to my right eye like Janet and karen. It is 10 months now....the double vision is now only at night or when really tired, but have blurred vision alot of the time....but hopefully will improve....i have nerve damage to my eye from my surgery. I also have balance problems.....a bit like being on a boat the whole time. The hospital did give me prism glasses to wear...like Josie....but i found they made me feel sick...so they said to stop using them. I still get alot of pain and tightness around my eye and the right hand side of my face....but the Consultant says this is the muscles and nerves repairing. Not sure how long the vision will take to repair...my Consultant did say could take up to 2 years! Hope not! Well, you really have done well ...very early days for you.....take care rest up.....and congratulations on your 70th Birthday last saturday Love Tinaxx
  6. Hi Janet Sorry are having problems with neck pain......i also get neck pain, and i use the bean thingy that you wrap round and heat in the microwave. It does help. I have arthritis in my family...it is very painful....so really feel for you. I have not been diagnosed since sah.....my Doctor said it is part and parcel of recovery. Sorry cant help you on this one.....take care and hope the numbness and tingling eases up....could be the weather making it worse....my Mum says always hurts more when cold and damp. Take care my friend love Tina xx
  7. Hi Sharon As Karen has said......thank goodness for some good news.....really pleased for you...take care Love Tinaxx
  8. Hi Shiree I think we all worry about it happening again....it is quite normal to have these worries xx My Consultant however said there was more chance of him or my hubby getting one! Make of it what you will.....but i try not to dwell on it....and just think ...well i could get run over tomorrow.... who knows! So trying to grab my life back and live each day to the full. Shiree you have done so well in such a short time.....you will have good and bad days...i have them too.......but look at how far you have come .....you should be very proud of yourself Keep smiling take care Love Tina xx
  9. Hi Anne, Sorry not back to work yet....but do find i have to concentrate a lot more on things now...and constantly double check myself. I hope things will get easier in time for you. Take care love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Sharon Thinking of you........take care and God bless .......love Tinaxx
  11. Tina

    New here!

    Hi Claire A big welcome to behind the gray......as the others have said, lots of us here are at different stages, i have been clipped 10 months ago, and yes the tiredness is a big factor, also my sight and balance, but are improving. Hope you find as much help and support as i have, take care, look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Caroline Sorry i cant help either....trying to lose weight.....like Karen says have you had yout thyroid tested? Take care Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi Phil A very warm welcome to Behind The Gray.....you will find lots of support and friends here....i am 10 months down the line.....my sah came from nowhere...no warning...but ruptured........i have been clipped. I have funny feelings still and think it is all part of recovery.....still early days. The lightheadedness i also still get which affects my balance.....but it is getting better.....just a lot worse when tired. I have blurry vision still, but a least the constant double vision is only at night or when very tired. Things will get better....you are still in the very early stages. Take care and rest up...listen to your body really is the best advice i have been given. Take care, hope to hear from you soon, Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Nurianna I know how i felt the first time i went back after being clipped, like you had a long list of questions....and have had a large metal plate fixed in the side of my head where they removed bone and metal plate and screws to reconnect my cheek bone. Mine was at the stem of my brian. It is amazing what they can do! It is such a relief to get answers....stops you worrying so much about everything.....mending pains etc. Glad your appointment went well. Take care Love Tinaxx
  15. Hi Laura A very warm welcome to behind the gray...i hope you find this site as helpful and supportive as i have. So sorry for the loss of your brother....and not surprised you feel how you do. It is good you are having some tests...it will give you peace of mind or if there is a problem they can sort it. I like Shiree, had no warning no symptoms mine just ruptured, came from nowhere and is not in my family. Thinking of you and hope to hear more from you.....you are not alone. Take care Love Tinaxx
  16. Hi Sharon I am so sorry to hear about your Dad...but glad things are getting sorted to help your Mum, although it is heart breaking for you. You really did not need any more worry, bless you.....please take care of yourself. Thinking of you . Love Tinaxx
  17. Hi Nikki I am not back to work yet....thought i would be.....and want to be.....but not quite ready yet.......i will be soon. I hear what you are saying and can see how frustrating it must be for you, hopefully things will get better in time. Take care love Tinaxx
  18. Hi Nikki I think like the others have said ,your body tells you when you have overdone it, and we are all guilty of pushing it! Take care of yourself and hope you feel better. Love Tinaxx
  19. You are not alone........we all have feelings like this from time to time.......it is so hard........but we are survivors.........and we will beat this............bless you...take care.....my thoughts and prayers are with you xxx love Tina xxx
  20. Hi Caroline Not sure....sorry cant help you....i would check with your GP just to be on the safe side...take care Love Tinaxx
  21. Hi Evelyn......bless you , must be so hard, thinking of you, love Tina xx
  22. Tina

    Hello, all

    Hi Beth a very warm welcome to you! Good luck for your angiogram on the 31st....will be thinking of you...take care and keep in touch. Love Tinaxx
  23. Hi Sarah and all.....ohhh i have done that and wear the badge i heard this big bang....but it was too late...as you say an exploding hard boiled egg...2 to be exact....goes a long way!!......at the time i could not see the funny side....i can now Love Tinaxx
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