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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Sharon I agree with Laura......once a week is fine, you are a kind and loving daughter.....look after yourself as well. Take care...lots of love Tina xx
  2. Hi Karen I am 11 months on since SAH, and i do suffer with the tiredness...sometimes more than at the beginning...maybe because i am trying to do more and my brain is still mending! Love Tinaxx
  3. Hi Sharon....Please dont feel so bad.....you have been and are there for your Mum.....no need to feel guilty. Maybe your body is saying to you that you need a bit of me time....you are going through an emotional rollercoaster just take a bit of time out when you feel this way...still phone as you have been and when you feel a little better, you will be able to go and see your Mum. I hope you Mum is on the mend. Hang in there Sharon....a big hug and lots of love to you. Thinking of you, take care love Tina xx
  4. We are your friends Lizbeth xxx
  5. Hi Laura I also feel the same sometimes...i worry and feel guily for what has happened...although Mike has always been nothing but 100% supportive and understanding....i worry he will get fed up with me....i just want the old me back....i think our emotions are very raw...and when we are down things always seem so much worse. Laura.... i agree with Janet...seeing Simon with you...you have no worries Take care keep smiling...lots of love to you, love Tina xx
  6. Hi Sharon. A big hug to you and lots of love.....hang in there hun, thinking of you...take care love Tinaxx
  7. Hi Lucie Will make sure it buy it...well done you xxx love Tina xx
  8. Hi Evelyn Like Jess.....sometimes, i think others try to understand but it is very hard for them to really know how we feel inside. I just want to be back to the old me......and ever positive......i will get there! You take care Evelyn....lots of love to you, love Tina xxxx
  9. Hi Sharon That is so wonderful to hear......there are so many horror stories, and it is heartwarming to know, all credit to the staff. Take care Sharon, thinking of you and your mum. Love Tinaxx
  10. Hi Donna ...i cant give you feed back just yet...but well done you Love Tina xxxxxxx
  11. Wow ! I never thought of looking my Consultant up either ! Love Tinaxx
  12. Congratulations sharon on the promotion Glad to hear the meds are working for your Mum....Good news !! Take care Love Tinaxx
  13. Hi Nyx A very warm welcome to this wonderful website.....you will get lots af support and advise here. I had my sah 11 months ago, i had to be clipped and had 7hours surgery......i am doing well...slowly but surely getting there. As Mutti has said causiously optimistic is right, recovery is varied....i do feel for you and your family it is a terrible thing and hope that all will be well for your Mum. Take care. Love Tinaxx
  14. Hi Beth So pleased you have your answers now and hope that they can get on and 'do' you very soon. Try not to worry....easy to say i know xx Take care and rest up...love Tinaxx
  15. Wow Prue....what a coincidence....glad you are both doing well....take care love Tinaxx
  16. Yes happy to help Adrian. Tina xx
  17. Hi Prue I agree with karen...you are absolutely wonderful.....and such early days love Tina xx
  18. Hi Cal I am at nearly 11 months and still get very tired. I do not sleep during the day, just rest up...never have been able to sleep during the day!.....am not back to work yet, but hope fully soon. Take care Love Tina xx
  19. Hi Sharon I agree with Karen, dont feel guilty.....you must look after yourself as well....bless you, take care love Tina xx
  20. I have as well...takes 5 minutes...good luck! Tinaxx
  21. Hi Dee Was really nice to meet you and chat with you in the chatroom earlier today....take care Love Tinaxx
  22. Hi Karen Yes we love good news.....so pleased for you miracles do happen....thinking of you and your family. Love Tina xx
  23. Hi Kelly Bless you...it is so easy to just get out that card and spend.....especially when you are stuck in at home and feeling under the weather and fed up! I must admit have been very tempted to buy the odd thing....but have not....cant really help apart from get rid of the cards and lose the numbers in the shredder....remove all temptation. I am sure it will all get better in time as the others have said. Take care Love Tinaxx
  24. Karen the same thing happened to me...must be gremlins....look forward to your update...take care Love Tinaxx
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