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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Lauren...so glad you have had a giggle with your Mum and so pleased someone is listening!... hope you can get your work hours changed so you can spend more time with her...You take care ...Love Tina xx
  2. Excellent news Joanne....you take care... love Tina xx
  3. Hi Joanne a very warm welcome to BTG I agree with the others...take your time and discuss how you feel with your GP....dont be pushed back if you dont feel ready. Hope you get your appointment sorted. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  4. Congratulations Lucie!!! I love your photo !!! have a great Day! Love Tina xx
  5. Hi Lucie Happy 3rd Anni-versary for tomorrow....so glad to hear you are doing so well! Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Kim Thank you for sharing your story....so sorry to hear about your father. As Karen has said....it is great to hear how you have come along with your recovery.....well done to you...take care...look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  7. Hi Michael Wow ...you have done well.....i truly hope 2009 will be a better year for you and you will celebrate your 25th Wedding Anniversary in April in style.....you take care...love Tina xx
  8. Hi All 3 months!!! I wish.......i was lucky that Yasmin had a copy of the booklet and gave it to me to read .....and i have to say it was very helpful....but agree the recovery time stated is definitely open to dispute. Take care Love Tinaxx
  9. Hi Scott...i saw this on the news last night....as Evelyn has said a blessing from a tragedy.....how the family are coping i just don't know...i also pray she does well. Love Tina xx
  10. Hi Komodo A very warm welcome to BTG...you will find a lot of support and friends here. Like the others i had not heard of Tersons Syndrome....i wish you well and look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care Love Tina xx
  11. Perry...good luck with your Angiogram...hope you get a date very soon. Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Scott...yes count me in as well....what ever i can do to help...i came out of hospital with nothing...knowing nothing! I was just so lucky to come across this web site ! The after care is next to nothing! I agree start with GP'S Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Debbie A very warm welcome to you....you will find this web site very friendly and supportive and it has lots of information to help you. So sorry i had to go earlier....had visitors...hope to chat with you soon...take care. Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Anne So far i have not caught the lurgy even though all my family have....but then i never did before....so hope it stays the same...hope you feel better xx Hi Louise, i agree with you ...roll on spring!!! Hope you feel better xx Hi Scott, I asked my GP about the flu jab he said i did not need one...lets hope he is right! Hope you feel better xx
  15. Hi John I have to agree with you ! I think they should have visited this website to get a proper insight....don't you??? Take care Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Karen It is so sad and so wrong...as you say a lot of us were mis -diagnosed! I wish they would make scans a priority!
  17. Hi Lauren Wishing you and your Mum a wonderful happy healthy new year! Take care Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Caroline Happy New Year to you xx I agree with the others.....if you feel your heart is not in it and you are getting really tired, maybe now is the time for change......as Karen and Ann have said...go with your instincts, might be the best thing you have ever done. Good luck...hope whatever you decide works out for you. Take care Love Tina xx
  19. Myra ..thats lovely laughing from the heart ! xxx i agree with Evelyn ...you are a wonderful person going through a new experience....lots of love to you xxxx
  20. Hi Myra I think i have been very lucky.....apart from losing confidence and panicking more about things....i am much the same person...or so my family and friends say! I do look at life differently and appreciate every thing! I did get very down a few times, and pushed people away...i think it is coming to terms with the new person you are...what you cant do the same as before, very frustrating!........i am trying to accept this and adapt....i just want my life back...as we all do! My Doctor offered me anti-depressants....which i did not want...it is a year for me now.....and i am feeling better in myself........so time will tell! Myra ...you have been through such alot....and you have had to cope alot on your own....i think you have done amazingly......maybe the things your friend has pointed out to you, you can address.....but take your time and do what is right for you! One step at a time.....Still early days... Take care Lots of love to you Love Tina xxxxx
  21. Hi Donna Yes all of what you are experiencing i have...i still have dizzy balance problems and my eyes still not right....but look how well you have done......back to work......as Myra says you should be very proud and give yourself a pat on the back!!! take care Lots of love to you.... ROFL.... Love Tina xx
  22. Hi Lauren So glad you had a wonderful time in St Lucia....you really did deserve it ! Glad you realise there is nothing to feel guilty about xx You have been and are there for your Mum, but as you say you do need your own time, to be able to cope........bless you xx Hope your Mum is doing ok, and wish you and your family a very Happy healthy New Year!!! Take care, Lots of love to you, Tina xx
  23. Hi Nurianna I am the same as Shiree....i waited for 3 months, until the scabs had healed on my scar......i was very wary, and avoided going right up to the scar area. My hair also grew back grey ! So long as the hairdresser knows to be gentle and careful, i think you will be fine.....you will certainly feel so much better...i know i did Take care Lots of love to you xx Love Tina xx
  24. Yes, wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a great New Year...please keep in touch...take care...love Tina xx
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