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Everything posted by iola

  1. All so true. I am learning. Coming up on 4 months and trying so hard to be well. Your posts have helped a lot. Iola
  2. Thanks to all. I have been doing more and it seems when I am doing things I feel good but as soon as I stop I feel it all come on. Ugh. I was especially emotional this past weekend and the weather did not help either. Trying to take one day at a time, but, does get frustrating. Thanks again. Most helpful. I
  3. I hate to bring up old threads because I am sure the answer is here somewhere, BUT, a have pressure in my head like the band around my head and pressure in eyes and ears like they need to pop. Thought maybe it was sinus. Went to Dr and he thinks its all part of the "healing" process. I would love to hear what others may think or what their Dr may have said. thanks.
  4. Hi, I am 47 and had my NASAH on Apr 9. Very similar to yours. Ferocious headache and stiffening down the neck. I was in the hospital for two weeks and had two angiograms while there and one six weeks later to rule out any aneurysms, malformations, or artery issues. I was sent home with nimodipine and the other being keppra. Like you I have low BP so the meds made my heart race and the keppra kept me tired and dizzy. I had terrible back pain my first two weeks as well. Best advice I was given is rest, rest, rest. You have been through a very traumatic experience and you need to heal. Yes, blessed you are. This is a great place for comfort and experience. Iola
  5. Good morning all, I am happy to be alive and laying here next to my daughter watching her draw and talk and talk and talk..... She is my angel. Yesterday I went outside in the very hot weather and trimmed 7 bushes back. I love being outside and three months ago I would not have been able to do that or much else. Baby steps are leading to bigger steps. Yay! I
  6. Holy smoke Desy, You are so active. I am not sit around the house gal but you put me to shame. Go get your BP checked and throttle back just a wee bit. I Oh, I was a Popeye fan too!
  7. Hi Lesley, It's amazing how you just feel forgotten. I felt the same. As for your meds most definitely contact your neuro folks. I had to do that and my doctor told me what to do with the meds. I
  8. Wow, it amazing what the brain and strong will can do. I never heard if these tests. Funny how the doctors just never tell you. Some of the folks here have had such challenges that I tell others about all the time. It's truly a miracle what some have conquered.
  9. Hi Kris, I cancelled my appt with the ophthalmologist and made one with the optometrist, which I saw today. Eyes only changed a bit. He just fine tuned my perscription and I did not get bifocals this time. It takes time to adjust to bifocals and I don't feel like the waiting time to adjust. Going to try contacts again too.. We shall see. No pun intended. My dr did refered me to a ophthalmologist that will do a full visual screening. He told me some do not and that is definitely what I need. So, I figure I have the optometrist out of the way and on to the optho. More to come........
  10. Desy, I do hope and pray all is well with your heart. Geez, we must all be children of the 80s. I sure was. I loved the 80s.. I miss big hair and lots of makeup. Not i could wear the clothes today that I wore back then! Ha! Iola
  11. Desy, You are a breath of fresh air. I know what you mean about seeing life so much more clearly. I am so grateful for literally everything now. From the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. Every day I wake is a blessing. Keep smiling, it does the heart good. Iola
  12. Hi Desy, My birthday is Apr 7th so we are both Aries kids. Sign of strong will. Good luck with all you do. It took me awhile for the positive thinking to kick in but I have so much to live for (we all do) that positive is so much more healing. iola
  13. Hi, What a fantastic story!! I had my NASAH in Apr and coming around. I have those weird tingly sensations in my head that sometimes makes it way to my legs. I am blessed with no real deficits other than the headaches and fatigue and I am pretty sure my eye sight has changed. Oh yeah, fear. I have fear. Since they could not find a cause of my SAH I wonder sometimes....... Although, all I have read is good. Your story truly made my day. Thank you Thank you Thank you. iola
  14. Hi, I am almost three months in and my husband wants me to start moving on already so I do understand, in some respects, what you are going through. I am doing pretty good but when I am alone and quiet I can't help but think about it all and frankly get pretty scared sometimes. I am not sure if that ever goes away? In any life changing event, those that have not been there cannot possibly comprehend. She has been your caregiver and has delt with much herself, but, she is not you and cannot fathom what you have been through mentally and physically. I tell my husband this. It's darn hard. I do know my husband has been through a lot as well and I am so grateful for his support and care and I am sure you are as well, but, just like healing takes a long time, so does moving on sometimes. Just my two cents. "i"
  15. Hi Sarah, I am so happy you are doing so well. I am going on 3 months soon and like reading the progress of others. I was thinking the other day of what exercises I should start with and you gave me the Pilate's idea. Never thought of it. I was a runner and belly dancer and right now I can't see my brain dealing with either. Stay well. iola
  16. Right Mary. I was told if it was not medical it would not be covered under ins. Optometrist for glasses. Funny, when I called the ophthalmologist and told them what happened and why I was coming in they actually questioned if my appt would be covered under ins. Come' on, what the heck? Are you kidding me? i
  17. Hi Kris, I have worn contacts and bio focal glasses for years. After my NASAH, I have not been able to wear contacts. I knew pretty quickly my eyes had changed. I was told in the hospital to see an Ophthalmologist, which I am doing next week. By the end of the day my eyes are very tired and I have getting these not-so-fun stabbing pains from the back of my head through my left eye. No fun. I will let you know how it goes. iola
  18. Hi Win, Oh, I must sleep with my head propped up or else I am D I Z Z Y!!. I drop things all the time and trip over my feet. I just laugh. Will you have to remain on keppra, if you do not mind me asking? Some times the chair just feels better than the bed. I slept in our recliner for 6 weeks when I had my prior surgery way back when. I could not lay down flat for months. Hope you are sleeping well tonight. i
  19. CaseyR Thanks for your update as well. So glad to hear your dizziness and fatigue are manageable. And most of all, the headaches are dissipating. All good news. Oh, I try not to bend down at the waist. It's a habbit I USED to have. I do go out and pull weeds and walk around the yard for some exercise. I get these darn headaches that start at the top of my head and feels like it migrates out to the sides. I get them througout the day. Hate'm. Sometimes they dart through my left eye, which I have an appt with an opthomologist next week. I used to laugh at my grandma when she and her girlfriends would get together and talk about all their aches and pains. And, whose were the WORST. Funny, I find myself doing that now and I'm only 47.
  20. Good morning, Latest status. I am on my 5th day off keppra and I am doing okay. Headaches are a bit more intense and still a bit dizzy. Always tired but I still get up and do things. I find a shower makes me feel better all over. I swear my brain feels sore, which I suppose it is. Casey, how are you doing off keppra today?
  21. Hi, I had my NASAH 2-1/2 months ago and my emotions are up and down. I pray every day and every night for recovery and patience. Hope is always there. But, there are times, like today, I was sitting and watching TV (which I hardly ever do anymore) and got that tingling soda pop feeling you wrote about and then light headed and that sends me in a spin. Not to mention the aching sore headache I've had all darn day. I ended up crying for a few and now okay again. I am very functional and find when I am doing something else I am not obsessing on my head. I actually make up things to worry about and play them out in my head. I know, I know I need to stop. On top of the case-of-the-dizzies I have a case-of-thewhat-ifs. It is hard when you have children, as I have an 8 yr old, and want so much to be part of their life. I think when something like this happens we are never the same after. I am trying hard to think of this as a test of my strength, courage, and faith. Not so easy every day but it helps pull me through. I am restling with not being the same person I was, which I may find that's okay.....in about a year. My husband likes that I do no yell as much anymore. I find I am much more content letting most things go now. Just do not have the energy to fight nonsense. Cheer up and know you are not alone in this struggle. "i"
  22. Hi Sarah, I so understand. I have an 8 yr old and the second week home my hubby had to go back to work and I had to get up get my daughter ready for school and to the bus. It was frightening and I cried buckets after I put her on the bus. Keep your phone close. My hubby called throughout the day, which made me feel good. I
  23. Thanks so much. I had terrible dizziness today but I think that was a combination of both coming off the keppra and doing so much. Today was my last dose so we shall see what the rest of the month brings. The dr said I could drive after a week of being completely off so I am hopeful. There is always hope. I
  24. Thanks Kris. Needed to hear this. I all of a sudden this morning started feeling very dizzy and some pressure, which always scares me and and to go lay down. 2 hours later I am a little better. Think I've just done too much. Iola
  25. Good morning. I believe you are a month or so post op? I am a little over two. I go back to work in Aug half days. I elected to stay home a little longer to spend time with my daughter. I, too, have a wonderful and supportive boss and family. Thank goodness. I am also tired in the afternoons. I will be interested to see how you are doing as you transition back. Please keep us posted. Iola
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