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Everything posted by iola

  1. Hi Poppy, You shoud be very proud of your recovery, but, the brain will stop you if you have done too much. Been there! At six months I thought I'd be skipping rope and jumping hurdles but instead I felt like I fell and rolled down a very steep and bumpy hill. My dr told me this was normal and there would be times I would feel like I was jumping forward and sometimes falling down again. So true. I also understand the feeling of isolation. Boy, do I ever remember that. The early days are the worst but we make it through. Take it one day at a time and try not to overdue. God bless. I
  2. Hi Sharon, Both my grandmother and mother died from hemorrhagic strokes. My grandmom was in her 80s and mom in her 70s. Then, I come along and BAM at 47 sitting down for dinner I had a bleed. Never suffered from headaches, etc.... Mine was non-aneurysmal but still a bleed and it rocked my world!! I learned quickly you must be your own advocate. I just asked my dr for a MRI/MRA at my one yr mark in Apr. You have to ask pointed questions so you and others will understand your need. Good luck to you and recovery. I
  3. Congrats Win. Does not matter how long it takes, just that you get there. Positive thinking. Iola
  4. Hi, I take supplements but I also use Essential Oils. I'll send you a private msg. Iola
  5. Hi Paul, So sorry for your ordeal. Unacceptable. I was lucky and asleep. Although, I do remember parts of the second one. Best news is the "all clear". Bad news is, what do I do now? Louise is so right, thanks for coming and have a nice life. I saw my dr 6 months later, better prepared, with all sorts of questions. I had a terrible headache after my second angiogram. My groin area hurt for awhile too. Don't pick up anything heavy or do too much. When I did too much I would nearly pass-out. Drink lots of water and rest. It is so important for the brain to be quiet. I didn't listen to advice and at 6 mos thought I was rolling backward. That does happen or did to me, at least. I think because I pushed too hard. Take it slow. I
  6. Hi Alicia, I'm from Maryland. My bleed was non aneurysmal too. I assume yours was as well. I have learned a bleed is a bleed no matter how it happened so your brain needs to rest and get well again. It takes time. If you are worried and/or need questions answered please see your dr. Peace of mind helps the healing process immensely. Drink plenty of water (helps headaches) and rest. Iola
  7. Bravo!! Such a goal to conquer. It's hard at times, really hard. I am getting ready to go on 10 months and hope and pray at two years most of the "funky irritating symptoms" will be gone. I have noticed the busier I am the less I hurt or feel dizzy. It's when I relax that it all settles on me. Crazy. Maybe its the endorphins kicking in when I am busy. Who knows. I live on the East Coast (USA) so my head is letting me know all about the winter storm coming up the coast. Ugh!! Good luck to another two years and more. Keep running....I am just in walking phase again but I'll get there. Thanks for your inspiring story. iola
  8. Hi Susan, I know this dance. Two steps forward and then I fall on my face. When I went to see my neuro he said that was normal and it would take time to heal. It's not just a few months, it truly is 12-18 months and more. I am almost 10 months and I still have "stuff" still going on. For the most part I am getting better though. Especially if I look back and see where I was and where I am now. Wow, that is something. Together we will conquer!! iola
  9. Hi Lin, I had all four out at once and did not look like Brando from the Godfather. This was pre SAH. There was some nasty breath for a few days following. I would not get too close to folks while speaking. . You will be just fine. Honestly, a root canal is worse. Mary, your last comment made me chuckle. Iola
  10. Susan, So glad you found someone that cares. So many are there just for the money. I know how you feel about the weight. I've gained 15 pounds. In the beginning I ate and did not gain weight and now the scale just keeps going up up up. Ugh. I
  11. This is wonderful news. I know after my third angiogram I felt relieved. I am at 9 months and still have dizziness. Hate it. I had to look up canvernoma as I've never heard of it before. So glad your spirits are up and the doctors are impressed as well. Keep up the good work! I
  12. Hi Paul, Sounds like you had a non aneurysmal SAH. I did too, 9 months ago. They never found the source of my bleed either. I was on Nimodipine for 21 days. Pretty standard from what I was told. Also, had three angiograms. Take it slow, drink plenty of water and rest. That fluffy head needs to heal. I had, and sometimes still do, have odd sensations, twinges, spiking pains in my head. Weirdness that makes you feel not quite right. I was very tired my first few months. Still get tired in the evenings if I've overdone. Be kind to yourself and do not do too much in the early months. I
  13. Hi Alison, My heart goes out you and your family. A very traumatic time. Grieving and healing at the same time is difficult. Have your cries for your sister and yourself. It helps. As for you, you had a bleed but they could not find the source? Me too. Please keep us updated on your progress. God Bless. Iola
  14. All good news Dawn. I am currently at a symposium with about 300 of my closest friends. . I am okay now but will go onto a fog by the end of the day. Good luck Sarah Lou!! How exciting! Iola
  15. I have my emergency reports too and the reports when I was moved to the other hospital. I have all three of my angiograms. The emergency room reports haunted me until I made the dr explain it to me. I honestly made myself sick with worry. No Oprah for me either!! I
  16. Thanks Daff. I did see this on my Facebook one time and promptly forgot about it. I will check this out again. iola
  17. This is incredible news. He is on my prayer list. God bless. I
  18. I am at 9 months and still suffer from dizziness. Not as bad as in the beginning. At 6 mos I went to see my Dr that told me it would take 12-18 mos to feel better. I went to see him because I was not feeling any better and felt like I was regressing. My bleed was from an unknown source as well. Regardless, it's still a bleed. Its so hard to feel like you are progressing when you feel bad. There are going to be times when you feel like you can conquer this mountain and other times when that mountain is weighing on you. It's a tough struggle but you will get there. I
  19. Hi, I just hit 9 months and it has been raining for three days. The rain brings a heavy head and dizziness for me. It also brings thoughts of what if this happens or what if that happens. When you are feeling good you think, "finally, I think I'm gonna make it." The down days can be difficult. The first 3 months I would not buy myself a thing for fear of not making it. The feeling of dread is just awful. As you start to feel better the thoughts do become less and less, but, I still have moments.....I also pray every night to wake in the morning. It's so interesting how we all do truly think alike and have the same type emotions and feelings. It's always good to talk to someone that can help give you peace. Iola
  20. Oh my dear I know exactly where you are emotionally. I cried every day the first three months. I still cry. The doctors tell you nothing and because its a non aneurysmal bleed you are thrown to the bottom of the barrel. You are expected to get better. Which could be considered positive. Its like wait, I had a brain bleed and I could've died and I am scared and I have questions and I want to be better but my brain is healing on its own time and I still hurt and feel weird. Ugh. I know. I am 9 months out and slowly coming to terms with things. It has taken longer than imagined. My Dr told me 12-18 months. God bless and know you are not alone. I
  21. As vain as it sounds I would want my makeup. If I could not put it on I hope someone would do it for me. When my mother was in the hospital, in a coma, my niece did her hair and makeup and she looked beautiful. Of course the standard stuff like toothbrush, toothpaste, deorderant, etc... I hope I never have to worry about packing a bag for THAT again. Iola
  22. Hi Sue, I am so glad you posted your status. It is good to hear you are back to your "old self". Always inspirational. I am going to hit 9 months soon and still have those darn spiky random headaches and dizziness. Getting better though. Can do just about anything but do still get wiped out the next day. Slow but sure. Glad to hear your mom is doing well too. Have a wonderful New Year and keep posting your status. It's so nice to hear such positive stories. Iola
  23. Hi Lauren, To know who I was before my injury was to know a person that was very independent and if I was afraid of something I faced it and conquered. Well, one week after I came home from the hospital my husband had to go back to work and I had to start putting our daughter (8 yrs old) on the bus for school. I freaked out and cried like a baby. Such a simple task but I was terrified of doing it by myself and being by myself. I did it tough. It was a giant step at the time and even now! Take that step toward living your life. I
  24. Hi Simon, What a crazy and dangerous ride you were on. It is incredible how many people are misdiagnosed. I just read an article about that. I had mine in April and its been a long haul. Everyone is different and I do hope you recover very soon but try not to push too hard. It's a double edged sword. You want to feel better, then you do, then you do more, and then you've done too much. I am well aware of this scenario. Rest as much as you can right now. You will thank yourself later. I
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