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Hi everyone,


Today, I finally reached 10 years.   What a journey.  


In the beginning, there was pain and the fear of not knowing if I would live or what kind of life I would have.  The weirdness in my head and if I’d ever feel anything other than pain and dread. My brain was a filing cabinet full of knowledge and order that tipped over and made a mess all over the floor and I was incapable of picking any of my files up.  


However, something happened along the way and slowly my files started finding their way back.  It takes time, hard work, a lot of crying, and it takes hope. The folks on this site helped me tremendously to see there was and is hope.  

I sit here today 10 years later to tell the “newbies” to have hope.  One week leads to one month, which leads to three months, six months, one year, and the next thing you know you are sitting in my spot 10 years later hoping for another 10 years.  Xoxo


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Sat here crying! What a lovely message to read. I am approaching my first year anniversary (Christmas Day!). No idea what caused my NASAH so the fear and anxiety have been huge. I have just seen a title on here called “NASAH - will it happen again?” - I am too scared to click into it for fear of what I may read. I clicked on your story instead, thank you for the fantastic, positive post. X

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A lovely message indeed.  It says it all.  Congrats on your first year Mrsherring.  One year is such a milestone. Many positive thoughts to you tonight, I too don't know what  caused my bleed but 6 years have gone past.  Great words in that message...



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On 20/12/2023 at 05:25, Mrsherring said:

my first year anniversary (Christmas Day!).

Have a lovely day on Christmas day enjoy it - be thankful it'll be better....


I had a SAH 24yrs ago No idea what the cause was and was so scared of any landmark ani-versaries but what I've learnt is fear isnt the place to be just enjoy your Christmas... 

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Hi Iola,

Congratulations on your 10 year Anni-versary, I am so pleased to read your post and to hear that slowly but surely you have found yourself much improved, I know how scared I was at the outset of my SAH recovery journey, it's such a bumpy road that we all travel.


As you say, we have to have hope, the belief that things will get better and for most of us, they do.

This fantastic group is definitely where I got all of my support and positivity from, not sure where I would have been without it to be honest.


10 years is a wonderful milestone, I wish you well and send you a huge hug lovely lady.


Michelle xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/12/2023 at 09:49, Louise said:

Have a lovely day on Christmas day enjoy it - be thankful it'll be better....


I had a SAH 24yrs ago No idea what the cause was and was so scared of any landmark ani-versaries but what I've learnt is fear isnt the place to be just enjoy your Christmas... 


Thank you for your lovely message. My Christmas Day was peaceful. I love that quote “fear isn’t the place to be”. I shall try to remember that. Xx

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On 21/12/2023 at 02:18, Swishy said:

A lovely message indeed.  It says it all.  Congrats on your first year Mrsherring.  One year is such a milestone. Many positive thoughts to you tonight, I too don't know what  caused my bleed but 6 years have gone past.  Great words in that message...




Thank you Jean for your kind words. I am feeling the positivity from you! Xx

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