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Back to work 5 years after my SAH

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Wow. What a ride.

I just had my 5 year annie-versary and I wanted to share my progress. In the beginning, I came to BTG everyday to try and connect with people that had experienced something that few people live through. As time went on and I thought I was better, I avoided BTG so that I wouldn't have my SAH as my defining identity. And just when I thought I was better, I was accepted into a vocational rehab program. I was sure they wouldn't take me cause I was sooo healed. But it turns out I was very wrong. I only wanted to be better. Wanting didn't make it happen. So I did rehab for one year and set out to find a job after my discharge. I am pleased to report I am employeed as a team leader at a science and engineering company. And I am doing a very good job there. I supervise the greenhouse gas emissions and it is very technical. Not too shabby for the girl who couldn't find her own house just three years ago. I am driving my car to and from work. I am probably more organised than anyone I work with because I have to be. My co-workers marvel at my lists and plans and diaries to record my every thought. They even gave me a raise just last week.

I just wanted to share because it does get better with time. ANd I think I am a better person for my SAH.

I have been mentoring a young scientist (27) who wasn't sure what to do with her career and I could comfortably advise her to not waste any time more time. Figure it out and go for it! Who knows how much time we have? I view my time now as past my expiration date. No more wasting it. As survivors,we were given the blessing of a living funeral. We got the chance to understand how amazing our friends and family are. We got a chance to figure out what was really important in life. Lots of people don't get that wake up call. They just keep doing their daily activities without much thought. Sure it was harder for us. We had to have helpers, make lists, have surgeries, take meds. But I think the SAH survivor is blessed for it.

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Good to read your story.

It is filled with optimism. Thats the kind of thing that keeps me going. Although I am far from it, I Do think that in time I will be albe to work again, see friends and do all the other things that make life LIFE.

Thank you for sharing!

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Wow thanks for posting your story, I think I'm so scared of failing at work & not being the person in my CV I'm scared to go back to work. I'm almost 10 months post clipping & the pressure is on to get into work but I do wonder if anyone will take a chance on me when there are 100 applicants without a brain op for each job. You've given me hope & the vision that I CAN be better at a job if I put my mind to it.

thank you xxxx

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In the beginning, I came to BTG everyday to try and connect with people that had experienced something that few people live through. As time went on and I thought I was better, I avoided BTG so that I wouldn't have my SAH as my defining identity.

Wow, I could have written every single word of that lol. Especially the bit above.

I am so happy for you. I totally agree that we've actually been lucky to have this wake up call. I for one am definitely never going back to being a PA full-time. Part of me feels a huge loss, as I was PA to CEOs and the like for 30 years, but I can't do all that multi-tasking etc and I really don't want to waste my life wiping grown men's noses for them.... That's why I have my plan and have started turning my hobby into a job so when I have more energy I will devote it to that entirely!

Keep smiling!!

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Thank guys!

The place I went for rehab was called Community Neuro Rehab in Calgary Ab. www.alliance-cns.com At first I hated it. But now being a graduate, I can look bakc and see how helpful it was.

For those who are eager to get back. Take your time. Even after five years, I had a difficult time just staying awake the first few weeks of work. Now 6 months into work, I can stay awake, but get very fatiqued by just thinking. I really had to increase my Concerta perscription a lot.

CNS above was very good at helping me phase into work and re train my brain to handle complex tasks.

Good luck to you all.


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Hi Linda

Its great to hear that you're doing so well now it may have taken you a while but you got there in the end. Life post SAH is all about getting the work/life balance right its good that the company you work for understand your issues. Good luck for the future :-D:-D

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