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Thanks penny. What I am going to make sure happens is that people with clips get better aftercare not just checked at one month then three before being discharged. Everybody needs aftercare not just to be brushed under the carpet. And I think that once this appointment is over I think I am gonna start travelling to other hospitals and make sure they do the same. Jess.xxx

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Hi Jess,

I agree, aftercare following clipping does seem poor. I honestly felt like it was a case of ' we've fixed you, off you go'. Don't get me wrong, I owe the specialists for my life, can't express my gratitude enough. I had my op at end august, had a check up end November and that would have been it but I ended up being referred back for a check up due to having whooshing noises in my ear and I was still in a lot of pain. At that appointment they explained more about my surgery, where my clip is etc, so I had a lot more understanding of why I felt such discomfort still. More awareness is needed. It's so frightening going through the unknown. Thank heavens for this site.

I really hope your future appointments go well and that you get some answers.

SarahLou Xx

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Good luck :-D

I was scanned 4 weeks post clip when I was readmitted with severe pain (a little water on the brain it turned out). I am being scanned again in November and then at 5 years.

It seems that the attitude is clipping carries more risk at the time but is seen as needing no monitoring to speak of afterwards unlike coiling?

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I know thats what alĺ the drs think not much risk after so no point checking but I think everyone should have better aftercare at 1 month I was just glad to be alive at 3 the same its after it alĺ kicks in and the worrying hits you thanks win thanks fiona I am sure everything will be fine. Jess.xxx

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Thanks carolyn surgeons do great jobs save so many lives. But alĺ their training really doesn't help they don't understand how we feel inside our heads what thoughts go through them and that is what I aim to make them understand. On a brighter note no painkillers yesterday and none as yet today but have got a bit of earache and stomach pain not to concerned ain't gonna bother just for those not bad enough. Jess.xxx

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