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Anxiety/Panic Attacks?

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It's been well documented from myself on this site, that I've suffered from anxiety attacks.....thankfully, I haven't reached the panic attack stage....however, there have been times when I've had to flee from loud noise and the hustle and bustle of a supermarket....but haven't regarded it as a full blown panic attack. My anxiety really started over the fear of having more seizures, when I was out and about, coupled with dizziness that affects my walking, also the feeling of being detached from the rest of the world, which is something that Scott mentioned in a previous post.

I recently replied to a thread on the Different Strokes website re: panic attacks, but I don't think that it's something that has been discussed on this site.

Has anybody else experienced this type of anxiety or panic attacks? If you have, how have you managed to overcome them? It's very easy to lose confidence when you have physical problems to overcome and it can make you feel pretty vulnerable again......

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Hi Karen,

so glad you started this thread because feel pretty sure that just LOADS of us feel the same!!

When I am out and about I get moments when I am really scared? WHY? nothing to be scared of, I live in the town I grew up in, I know loads of people! I get dizzy, disorientated, sometimes feel I have to hold on to things? (don't usually tell this to people!)

Like you, my anxiety can happen in a supermarket when there are loads of folks, or even this last Sunday PM in a church meeting!! had an ace time, then at the end of the service, everyone was buzzin about, having a natter, all I wanted to do was get out of that place, couldn't cope!! nothing to do with the church, more to do with the volume of people!!!

I definitely feel more and more as time passes "Where are you Sue?" where is the person that I was?


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Hi Sue,

Didn't think that I was going to get any replies to this post.....but glad it's just not me! :)

I still have a problem with crowds and noise .... my brain just doesn't like it .... I can't seem to think straight and I can't concentrate ... I can tolerate it slightly better now, but I still have the end result of feeling anxious and so uncomfortable that eventually I have to leave.

It's certainly horrible being out and about, when you don't feel in control of your body and your walking is affected.....quite scary.....that's when I used to feel frightened that I was about to have a seizure and hence the anxiety problem started up.

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Hi Karen,

also connect with what you say about not feeling connected to the rest of the world. Weird feeling that is, I can be having a conversation and still feel detached, not quite a part of everything. Oh well, at least we're not on our own.

Speak soon,


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I also find that I get anxious and disorientated when I 'm out, its not as bad now as it was but I find its worse when I'm out on my own.

I did manage to go to the theatre Monday but was very anxious whilst there and my eyes didn't like the flashes of light but I enjoyed most of the show.

I find if I'm on my feet for too long at anyone time I get dizzy and my head does play up cost a lot more than it used too going to town ...extra stops in cafes.


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Guest Firefly

Hi guys, I had them realy bad for the first year or so!! I still get them when I get excited. I have valium for them. I also take Depakote and paxil and it has helped a lot. I still can't handle anything load or bright! Crowds are tough, I get confused easily in crowds!!

I still suffer from sleep disorder too, it has gotten better in time though. I am still pretty much homebound and the wedding I was in was a very long & difficult day! Headaches are the worst though!!! :evil:

I think it just takes the brain a long time to heal and it is like the brain is trying to re-wire itself??

These are very common symptoms, you should talk to your Dr. about it, mine has help me a lot at least I am sleeping now!! :wink:

Take care and inm y prayers!! Tricia

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Hi there

I panic in large crowds, the supermarket just being out in shops, it’s been something that I can’t control/overcome/beat.

Yes its very easy to loose confidence, for me its something that comes & goes with how I am feeling in myself, I try my hardest not to let it beat me, its difficult at time's (ok a lot) but I like to think I am so lucky that I am actually able to go to the shops on my own even if I have to walk out before I have even got anything - have done that on many occasions (got to the shops walked in then promptly walked straight back on & home).

This is a very good thread Karen......


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I've given this a couple of days to think about my reply, mainly because it's very difficult to talk about. I've experienced all the symptons everyone describes and in the begining I too thought that I was having another heamorraghe and was going to die. Now four years on I know in my head that it's not going to happen and there are reasons why the "experts" are so blaise about the risks medium to long term. BUT try telling my body that during one of my "spells", even now I try and convince myself that I'm not about to die but for a few split seconds I KNOW I'm going to die. I'm still here many years later so logically I know it's a long shot, but emotionally it's not so straight forward.

I only wish that the "experts" had been open with me about the very real long term downsides about surviving and living post SAH. They all want to talk about "recovery" and how many people go back to living a "normal" life, but not one health care professional has spoken to me about the issues we're talking about on this thread. It's very easy to sit and tell someone that they are not about to die if you haven't experienced one of the "panic attacks" that some of us have on a regular basis. Only on here have I been able to talk about this, and amongst people that I know can relate to how I feel.

On the positive side my BP seems to be under control again!!! Best of all the football season is almost here!!! Only a few weeks until the first BTFC game of the pre season 14/07/07


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Hi Scott,

I agree with everything you've said.... for me personally, the anxiety factor has been one of the worst issues that I've had to deal with during recovery....it is difficult to talk about....

I know that the only certainty in life for all of us, is that one day, we will all die. I know that none of us knows what life has in store, but I suppose it's

having that "taster" of how fragile life really is and how vulnerable I now feel since the SAH..... it's almost like a burden, that normal people don't have cluttering up their head, but for me, it's there when I wake up in the morning and there when I go to bed and I'm faced with it again, when my physical limitations challenge me...

I can try tell myself, like you, that the likelihood of it happening again is low and that I'm not suddenly going to have a seizure in Asda, or that my eyesight is going to pack in completely whilst driving my car and all of the other seemingly ridiculous thoughts that go through my head at 100 miles an hour, when I'm having a bad spell....but for those few minutes, the irrational thoughts are there and they're so hard to control.

So glad that you've got your BP back under control....:D

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We've got to be honest with each other, and as you say Karen at least you and I are having these "episodes" so they should become less frightening if we know that we are not the only people having these thoughts. Just because they are not either logical or rational doesn't make them any less frightening.

Another reason for you to give yourself another pat on the back. If you hadn't started this site we wouldn't be talking about this and making other people aware that they are not alone.

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Yes its those few seconds that feels like hours isnt?

I had to give myself a proper talking too, to get over it I can tell you, your right Scott they talk about getting back to a normal life hate that word 'normal' what's that, but they have to I guess. & no there seems to be a complete lack of afterwards it can only be our insight into it than can tell them.

Well all from me for now, not too good again today myself this weathers hell..... Oh-no not football 'again'


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Hi All

Yep I get them as well especially in supermarkets and crowds. I live in a market town and it takes some doing to go into the market sometimes. I also get disorientated when the town is busy and can get quite confused which can be very worrying especially when I used to police the same town.

These SAH's are cruel things as I said previously I have been feeling great for weeks and now as far as exhaustion is concerned I'm back to square one. I do make a point of going into town every day but 99% of the time with my wife still the main thing is that I'm still here. Hopefully this horrible weather will eventually go away and we can all enjoy summer!!

Cheers for now


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Well, it's been very reassuring to know that it's not just me that has this .... it's great that you guys are also admitting to experiencing the same .... I'm sure that it will help anybody else who's going through the same, not to feel quite so alone .... which is half the battle.

Anyway, did my 2nd longest drive today and I'm still here to tell the tale ... sounds pretty irrelevant but it wasn't to me ... all the small things that I used to take for granted are now something that I view as an achievement and a milestone. :)

Thank you to everybody that has posted, for their honesty.....

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  • 2 years later...

I had a panic attack last night and all I wanted to do was scream out for help x x felt I could'nt move my head or even lift it and felt sick and really dizzy...

Soooooooooo scary x x x x

14 months in and I feel scared again (mind you that never leaves me)

is this for the rest of my life x x who knows x x

Does any1 still suffer with bad panic attacks x x x

love donna x x

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Hi Donna :-D Mine are getting better......but i did have a nightmare recently....where i went all paralysed and could not move on my right side and could not speak...felt so real...was scary. Don't know why it happens...maybe mind just running riot. I try to concentrate on the positive....i am not paralysed...all is ok....i still get funny if crowded and on my own...but trying to deal with it. I have been on a train twice now.......was scary but did it and felt good! Sounds really silly doesn't it? Donna....you have come a long way.....you will get through this.....just takes time.....you take care ...love to you... Tina xx

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Sorry to hear that you are getting panic attacks Donna, they really are horrid. I think if you accept them for what they are and not try to fight it, they are not quite so scary.

I went to my brother's 50th birthday party yesterday, and since my SAH I seem to get overexcited and then cannot calm back down again. I had a great time but then when I got home my brain seemed to be whizzing, was still awake at 3am and felt like my head was going to explode with all the thoughts whizzing round! I tried my meditation and it didn't work! eventually fell asleep at around 4 am and woke up at 6.30 with a splitting headache. It will take me a couple of days to wind back down, just from going to a party, it is so frustrating. Anyway, all sorts of scary thoughts go through my head in the middle of the night and I just say to myself " Thankyou mind for that thought" and then think about something else, because that is all that they are, thoughts that are just passing through my head. Hope this might help

Vivien x

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Karen, thanks so much for this thread, I bet you are surprised at the replies! Yes, you have guessed me too! I am, to put it very simply just not me any more ( at least that is how I feel on the bad days) I am certainly not a fan of supermarkets, crowds or the like. I never was but it is really quite a lot worse now. I too cannot any longer cope with loud noises or flashing lights.If those kids who live two fields away ( that is how we measure distance, here in the back of Ballygobackwards;-) if they scream just once more, I shall probably commit a crime! Along with these things I think I have probably also got to say that I am not as even tempered as I used to be.

Scott and Karen, you are so right about needing to be told these things which is why it all needs to be put together and collated into a Care Package ( at least my consultant has not only agreed to that but has asked me to start the ball rollling here in NI, I will need lots of help, you bet I will:roll: I have just read the thread and am off to think about the whole thing so maybe more another time:-D

I am adding a postscript!for all but particularly Karen and Scott, maybe others too for all I know. I have a feeling that the difficulty in talking about and coming to terms with this issue lies in the fact that we were ( I know I was, very got together folk, holding down very responsible posts prior to SAH ( or in my case retirement and SAH) this must make it much harder for us to accept and therfore deal with. Thoughts please anyone ?

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Hi Perry& Everyone

The one thing i find really hard to deal with is that where i was so in control before SAH....i ran my own business like clockwork and my home and family....attention to detail ...never panicked....remembered everything without having to have post it notes everywhere. Never panicked about crowds of people or going out on my own.....i feel very cross with myself about my panic and anxiety attacks. I suppose i was a bit of a control freak / perfectionist and yes i find this new me very hard to accept.

I actually feel tearful typing this, and the spinning feelings , hit you suddenly when you are not expecting them. The lights still affect me, especially in supermarkets. So do loud noises.

Where you have to stay indoors to recover for quite some time as i did, i found i was avoiding going out...especially on my own. I found if i walked too far up the road and could not see my house i started to panic....head pounding....balance all over the place.....needed to get home. I did not tell anyone about this for ages. In fact the first person was karen, a few months back...i then posted a little bit of how i felt on the green room. I am glad i did as i have started to address it. Karen suggested using a stick...this did help alot, once i got over the embarrassment of having one ! Felt everyone was looking at me.

I think Stephen said something recently about learning to accept the new you and move forward.....wise words.....this is something i am trying to do. I will get back to work, i will just have to adapt to new ways of getting organised and to help my memory and tiredness. I am a strong determind person, which will help. I still have this overwhelming feeling of guilt, the feeling of letting everyone down and putting my family through hell and back with worry.

I am on the road to recovery...each day is better....i still get bad days and another illness has set me back a bit recently....but onwards and forwards.

Sorry if i have rambled.....obvivously needed to let it all out!!! LOL! Apologies !!

Love Tina xx

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Hi Everyone

I have had panic attacks since my sah and hopefully been quite open about it. A 17 stone man standing crying in Morrisons is very tough but i am trying to gauge the anxiety before i go out and then have plans to manage the attack. i was lucky and went into rehab for 4 months and this is when i worked on anxiety. I still see my psycologist every week and we discuss them regularly.

As mentioned earlier i am accepting the adjustments i need to make to give me a meaningful life and i am enjoying it.

Perry stated earlier that the jobs and roles we had done previously, i was a about to start a service manager in a homeless drug rehab unit with people who have mental health issues.


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Hi Everyone

I have just started seeing a counsellor about my panic attacks and anxiety....we are also talking through ways of dealing with them...i have been on a waiting list for 6 months....i am lucky. It is helping to talk it through. I have had 3 so far...i think you only get 6- 8 sessions.

Stephen its great to read you are accepting the adjustments needed.... well done you !

It really does help to talk about things.

Love Tina xx

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Tina glad your seeing a councillor x x mine helped me loads and sometimes I do miss having her to talk to x x

Hope she helps you with panic attacks they are horrible x x

love donna

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Tina, I'm so glad that you are now getting some help to deal with this :-D It is so very tough when you have been the cool, collected type isn't it? This reaction to anxiety seems to be pretty much a toughie for a lot of us, I feel particularly annoyed with myself ( which is very silly) as not only did I have a responsible job as I mentioned earlier but was before I retired a counsellor:oops:

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