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Feb 9, 2008 SAH/home recovering & need to talk

Guest KarenB

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Guest KarenB


I just found this website and hope it will be useful in helping me understand my recovery better.

I realize I made it through one of the worst SAH's in my doctor's history...I was truly blessed to make it and not have any seizures or strokes or any other symptoms except my buttocks & hamstrings are numb. Tests taken showed no problems from surgery but that it may just be from being put under and all that...who knows. :? Afterall, it has only been almost a month. I got out of ICU after 3 days & into my own room staying another 4 or 5 days then I went home!!! Very lucky girl!

Hopefully, I will be able to get through this and make some life changes. I just wanted to chat for a bit and tell my story.

Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!

Karen :D

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Hi Karen and welcome to the website.... :)

It definetly helps to talk to others about what's happened and I hope you'll find some comfort from this message board.

It's also quite reassuring to know, that others share the same feelings, frustrations and worries etc.

Anyway, you'll find a good bunch of people on this MB who will only be too happy to listen to you.

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Hi Karen

Warm welcome to you and I hope you find the site as helpful as I have. As Karen says we are a good bunch on here so if you have any questions just ask away.

Look forward to hearing more from you just remember to get plenty of rest its still very early on in your recovery.

Take care

Janet x

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Hi Karen

You've come to the right place for support and inspiration from the best bunch of people. They've certainly aided my recovery.

Its early days, hope you've got someone with you running around after you for a change, try to rest as much as possible. Don't try to do too much.

I had a strange numb patch like a large triangle under my chin for months post SAH and woke up one morning recently and it had gone.

Someone is always around on here to 'chat' or share experiences whenever you feel the need.

Take care, big hug

Lesley xxx

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Guest KarenB

Thank you all so much for your replies. I will check often to see what others have to say.

I have my husband, friends & family that are close to help. Believe me, they will not let me do too much.

I even tried to drive for the first time the other day, not gonna do that again for a while.

Thanks again for the warmth!!

Karen :D

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Hi Karen-welcome.

I caught the bit about driving..do be careful because I was told no driving for 3 months and I had to tell my insurers.

I voluntarily surrendered my licence and that way it was easier to get it back.

I am pretty sure in the UK the DVLA will insist that you don't drive for 3 months or until your GP says you can.

You may not be insured if anything happens.

It will change your life and I am sure you will re evaluate a lot.

Unpleasant as it is there are good things that will come out of it.

All the best

Andy P

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Welcome to the site and the family :D

I'm nearly 19 months post SAh and this site has been my life line - I've made some very good friends on here and without their constant support and advice I wold be in a whole different place. I hope you get as much out of and from the site as I have.

I agree with Andy on the driving thing - contact the DVLA and surrender your licence - I got mine back the beginning of December when my SAH was in the August.

Feel free to ask for advice or just let off steam - we're all here to help each other. Your emotions are likely to be all over the place for a while, so feel free to ask for support, and not just from your family and freinds, but us guys too.

I hope you continue to recover as well as you have been doing and look forward to hearing more fro you, when you feel up to it.

Look after number one and listen to your body - the two best bits of advice given.

Take care

Sami xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest malathi

Even i had SAH on Jan 5th 2008. I had 5 anneurysms and underwent 2 major surgeries to clip the on both sides of my brain. My doctor said its Grade 1. But she could treat all of the anneurysms. She is great.

After 25 days I came home and started living with my family again.. My cute little one who is 2 yrs says "Mom is taking rest and I am taking rest" she will come to me and ask Mom are you alright?? and disturb me which is so sweet..

I thought I am going to miss all that.. but my doctor gave my life back to me.

This site is really helpful. We can meet people get ideas share feelings emotions etc.. Welcome to the site.


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Hi there welcome to this site.

I had a rupture in 2002 and another weak spot clipped jan 03 I was pregnant 2wks later mind not all good as how I expect your feeling now I felt after my first child was born it all caught up with me. LOL we are all alright now though and I have since had another one who is 6months (nearly 7 LOL) oh well welcome anything you need to know just ask someone will know the answer I'm sure. Jess.xxx

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Hello my name is Josie I also had a SAH and am at home recovering.

I'm not sure about what is happening, someday's are great, others I feel spaced out. I try to explain to people but I guess you have to have been there to understand.

I also had a shunt fitted due to fliuid on the brain, I have had some coils fitted and am due for more.

Why I survived is a mistery to me I guess my work isn't done yet.

I'd really liketo be in touch with someone who understands.


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Welcome to the site, we all have felt that we need to find someone who understands and thats what this site does. Everyone is so caring and helpful. You can moan about anything or share good news and you will still be supported. It is a great family to be part of.

Take care and look after yourself



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cheryl


I have just found this site, i just cried, i do not feel alone anymore, i was never told or given any support or contacts, i was just sent home and it has been a battle for the last 3yrs, thank you

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Hi Cheryl

Yep, I felt the same way until I found this site and it has been a god send. You're among friends here so feel free to cry, scream, shout - absolutely anything. it's a horrible thing to happen, but we can and do support each other and get each other through the hardest days - look forward to speaking to again soon.


Sami xxxx

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