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Recovery Advice

Guest Shiree

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Guest Shiree


I am just about 6 months post SAH. I still have headache and a feeling like my head is full and it makes me feel a bit dizzy (most of the time). Is this normal?

I have not had a blood test since i left hospital, so thought I would go get one but what do I need them to check for? My 2 scans since SAH have been fine but i am starting to panic about the headache/dizzy thing.

What complications can happen?



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Hi there Shiree if I were you I would go to the doctors and basically just tell them what you told us it can be a number of things like lack of iron, low blood pressure ear infections so just pop off and see you doctor I am sure there is nothing for you to worry about though. Jess.xxx

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Hi Shiree :D

I agree with Jess, go to your Doctors........i felt like that....i was told i was pushing too hard and i also had ear infection. That was caused by a blockage of blood and anesthetic from my surgery. I had it suctioned out...but still have the dizzy feeling and headaches. I think it is just the brain still mending....6 months is still very early days.

Take care Shiree, lots of love to you hun, thinking of you,

Love Tinaxx

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Morning Shiree

I had SAH just days after you and i think that there are days are feel so grotty with a headache or sickness.

I do think like Jess and Tina have already said have it checked out to rule out anything serious.

Tina i too had the same problem and had suction at the hospital, hated it.

Shiree try and not work too hard you should still take it easy even six months post SAH.

Myra xx

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If you tell the Doc your symptoms, he should know what type of stuff that needs to be ruled out ...... you shouldn't have to tell him ..... just enforce the fact that you need some peace of mind.... dizziness can be caused by a multitude of things, that he could help rule out ....anxiety being one of the them... I still have my spells, especially when tired, but to a lesser degree and it's more manageable ...... after blood tests, I was found to be calcium and iron deficient .... taking the iron and calcium supplement seems to have helped with the cramps and dizziness ... I was also given a balance assesment at the hospital, but it was after many months of to-ing and fro-ing to the Doc .... just be insistent .... he should know his job, if he doesn't, then I would find another Doc if possible. Headaches post SAH are common and from the info I've read, many of us will be more prone to them, than before. You're still at the every early stages of recovery, so give it some time, see the Doc and don't rush trying to get back to normal, as you still need to rest up ..... good luck! :)

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Hey guys

Been to the Doctors and pretty much had to demand bloodtests. Blood pressure was fine and so was ears etc. She seemed to think these symptoms are just because i am anxious...hmmmm wot do you guys think?

Will have results of the blood tests in a few days.



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Thanks guys

Yea I am usually a strong minded person and had huge doubts that the Dr might be right, but then again I have never been through a near death experience before either!!!

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me



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Hi guys

Just thought I would let you know that the blood test results were all good and normal. I had a little sore on my nose and the Dr wouldn't give me anything for it on the Monday, so it got worse and I went back on the Thursday and Waited for 3 bl**dy hours to see a Dr to get a script for antibiotics. Took all of 3 minutes of Dr's time. Anyway My blood pressure was quite high - first time ever in my life and i have to go back and get it checked again. I wonder if it had anything to do with the steam coming out of my ears after the 3 hour wait!!

And heres a weird thing - i seem to feel better after i have had an energy drink. I drink 'v' over here...



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steam coming out of ears = high BP oh yes........

sugar or energy drink does make you feel Yeh!!!! but for me the energy drink is too much of a Yeh so I cant take them.....

glad the test were ok hope your feeling better.



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Hi Shiree

Good news about the blood tests :D

Take care with the blood pressure. It's important to keep it under control. I'm on meds for mine, but my doc told me that loosing some weight and getting more exercise would help. I'm going to take his advice ... tomorrow ... honest.



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  • 1 month later...

hi anne i was told my potassium levels where terribly low when i was in hospital and told to eat bananas dont know what the symptoms are of low potassium (dont like bananas) but iam eating them ,so just hope it works ,love prue

Hi Shiree

Maybe your potassium level is a bit low - I do get that every now and then and it can make you feel quite rubbish.

Heres hoping you feel better soon. :D:D


SAH Xmas Day 2007 coiled

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hi its prue thanks for your reply i to love tomatoes i cant believe that i was short of it as ive grown them for years{and eat hundreds of them] especially in soups etc ,and yet he said i had a desperate shortage thanks so much for your reply love prue



LOVE & HUGS EVELYN :mrgreen:

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