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Hi there!

Life post SAH continues. It's 4 months and a half now and I am definetely feeling better. The SAH does not dominate my thoughts 24/7 as it used to. The pains are slowly decreasing, are much more tolerable and my resistance is building up. Still get tired but much less than before. No comparison. One black spot, I must confess. I´m back smoking. Much less than before, but just couldn´t make it a day longer.

Still seeing the neurosurgeon on October 16th. Had my CTA done here and a local surgeon I know had a look at it and said it looks good. It´s not the definite ok, since it´s not his speciality but it gave me a boost.

The bad days are still bad but they seem to be spacing themselves out.

I´m learning to cope with the whole situation much better. I´m also learning to say "NO" when I´m tired and doing too much. There was a friend who wanted to come over to visit and stay at home while she "helped", and I had to say "NO" because she drives me nuts and leaves my energy flat. It has always been like this over the years but just now I couldn´t bear the thought of it. Wouldn´t have been able to say "NO" before. In that aspect, the SAH has given me like a courage to look after myself better and not try to please everyone else around me.

Well, that´s the latest from down here,

Lots of love


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Hi Nurianna

Its great to hear that you're improving gradually. Hope everything goes well at the Neuro apptment but good news that your friend thinks it looks ok you must be quite relieved.

Take care and let us know how the appointment goes.

Janet x

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Hi there

you seem to be doing really well and your learning to say No even if you really want to do something you have to think will it tire me out too much.....

when the good days start to out weigh the bad ones thats a great feeling......



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Hi Nurianna

It's so good that you're doing so well. I remember when the space between the bad days got bigger - it was such a relief. So glad that you've learnt to say "no" too - it helps with the recovery to know your limits. Well done.

Speak soon

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Nurianna

Yes, isn't it great when the bad days get further apart? Sound's like you're doing well :D

I know what you mean about saying "no". It's very hard to do sometimes, but you have to. I found in the early weeks, visitors would wear me out completely and sometimes it was almost impossible to tell them politely that I'd had enough without appearing rude.



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I seem to be having less bad days the further post sah xxx but what worrys me is i will get to the state i was with my emotions when they was really bad xx but i keep telling myself i am aloud to cry i thibnk its its more of controlling my emotions that i need to do at the time when the tears come xxxx

When people say bad days do you mean emotional wise or headaches ??

or even both x x

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Nurianna, I'm so pleased to hear that your days are becoming more positives than negatives :) It's a great feeling isn't it, I'm in the 'metoo' club as I feel that like you, the good days are getting more frequent, it does help you to cope when there are some positives, doesn't it? I do hope that your neurologist feels that he agrees with your other local surgeon, I bet he does as so often I think that the increases in good days do indeed happen when the brain is healing on schedule, I'll be thinking of you later this month, I have just had my 6 month check up and all is going to schedule, and I think after positives from Nuero, the good days increase at a faster rate :D Do try again with your smoking, Nurianna, it will work in the end. I have been lucky after smoking for 50 years, when I came out of hospital after my SAH I didn't even want a cigarette, I have a pack of twenty in my chest of drawers, I see them every day and in an odd sort of way it helps, as it reminds me that at last I can be proud of myself re smoking, and I've got an awful lot more money :wink: ( No begging PM's please :wink::wink:

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Hi! I love that Eleanor Roosevelt quote in the previous entrance! I believe she was right. It´s like the saying: "When I resent someone, I´m letting them live rent-free in my head!"

Thanks to all of you for your support. It´s really encouraging!

Discovered thru my TAC that I seem to have a serious sinus congestion and they are looking into it to see what it consists on and that it is not an infection. Has anyone had this experience?

Lots of love,


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Hi Nuriana

I can relate to the sinus infection. I did have a problem prior to my SAH but it has increased threefold since SAH. The consultant did say he was going to operate before my SAH but has now put it off. I think he's frightened since my SAH so I use an inhaler. I think you know what I am going to say next and that is smoking definitely doesn't help, please try and give up again it causes so many problems, as you may be aware I am due to be recoiled and the main thing the neuro said was "Do I smoke?" I did many years ago but I'm too scared to now. As far as your sinuses are concerned I buy menthol sweets (I won't advertise but they're the strong ones) and they do give me temporary relief. I am also on a permanent antibiotic as I am prone to chest infections which cause a cough which also frightens me with regards to my coils.



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