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Hello my name is....Mandy

Guest Mandy Down

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Guest Mandy Down

...Mandy. I had my sah & coiling in may 2008 (my birthday) I am recovering extremely well although i do have alot of the after effects that others have spoke of here. The over riding thing for me personally is the intensity of the headaches and tiredness. I recently had the follow up catheter angiogram which told me that the coils were still in place and were fine.

I have learnt much more about "myself" post sah & coiling from here than i could ever hope to learn from the local gp service (unless they read this sight) so thankyou.

It has been quite the uphill journey and ten months on from the haemerrhage i am still very thankful to be here and to have had the time i have had with my husband, children and grandchildren.

I still have questions which im not entirely sure are answerable and i am still not fully capable of holding down a job due to the frequent headaches and tiredness i still have. Although a salary would help pay for my prescriptions.


Mandy Down

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Hi Mandy and a big welcome to Behind the Gray!

Really pleased to hear you are recovering well, and that you're finding the site helpful - there are some fantastic people and great info here. There's one thing about SAHs - they do definitely make you appreciate life ;)

We're all here to help each other, and we'll all have a go at answering those tricky questions - there's usually someone on here who'll know the answers, and if not it's always good to know you're not alone in your experiences!

I've recently given up my full time job and am now looking for part time work, because I just get too tired otherwise - so you've got my sympathy about the lack of salary!! You might find the Benefits topic helpful: viewforum.php?f=14

Looking forward to hearing more from you, take good care

Blondie x

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A warm welcome to BTG Mandy

Good to hear that you are recovering well, and I do understand about the effects of tiredness and headaches.

My SAH was in March 2008 and still trying to recover.

Feel free to ask any questions and we will try to answer.

Myra xx

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Guest debbie

hello mandy and welcome to BTG,this sight has helped me through a lot so hope it does for you, if you have any questions there is some one on here that maybe able to help you,there is always some one in the chat room if you need to talk ,best of luck debbie xx :D sah 15 nov 08 coiled and waiting for further clipping on 1 have 2 they may leave :)

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Hi Mandy :D a very warm welcome to BTG.....you will find lots of wonderful support and understanding on here. So pleased you are recovering well....look forward to hearing more from you....take care love Tina xx

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Hey Mandy

Welcome to the site and to the family.

Nice to hear that you are recovering well - this site had been a godsend for so many people and I hope you get as much out of it as we do.

As for your prescriptions - if you're not "earning" surely you should be eligible for free prescriptions - not sure of the whole situation you are in but it's worth looking into.

Hope to hear more from you soon - we're nosey here :lol: so your age, occupation etc help us to get a better picture of things and advise etc better.

Take care hun

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Mandy

You can get free prescriptions if, because of a permanent disability, you cannot leave your home without help or if your income falls below a certain level. See this link.


Another alternative is to buy a prepayment certificate, the 12 month ones you can buy on monthly direct debit. See link.


Hope this helps.

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Hello Mandy

welcome to the family hun x x x glad to hear you are recovering well x x

Like Sami says I would try and see if you can get help with prescription charges x x It is exspensive x x

tc and keep recovering well luv donna :D

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Welcome Mandy :) So glad that you hve found the site useful since youir SAH, it is certainly the best place to go for info about it, I expect like many of us you were not told much and were pretty much 'in the dark' I know I was and so was pleased to find a supportive but also practical and down to earth refuge. I do hope you manage to get help with your prescriptions it must be so difficult to set aside enough for that when you can't work, I am one of the privileged, too old to pay for my medication :wink::wink: I am very thankful for that. Do look after you though asmnd as others have said if we can help we will certainly be there.

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Welcome Mandy to this fab support and advice network.I have made many dear friends and hope you do the same. I understand your concern about prescriptions, they work out expensive when you need tabs monthly!! I had my SAH 2 1/2 years ago and also still suffer lots with headaches etc. I'm in the process of trying to sort them with another doc but I must say they still get me down!

Anyway keep asking and talking- it definitely helps ( and like Sami says we're nosey :lol: )

Love and hugs



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Guest ElaineW

Hello Mandy - my mum had hers in May last year too and is feeling much the same as you - overcome with tiredness. She too has made a great recovery which is obviously still ongoing. Had a vomiting problem for 6 months post SAH but hopefully thats all water under the bridge now and after losing 2 stone she has now put on half a stone (back on ther chocolate) but hey what does that matter? Just enjoy yourself when you feel up to it.


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Guest Mandy Down

Thankyou all so much for your lovely welcome. You have made me feel very welcome.

I am 45 next birthday although its a bit of a touchy subject as i had my sah that day so alarm bells are going off a bit.

I do not presently work myself however my husband works full time.

I have two adult children and two grandchildren

Thanks for the advice re prescriptions i have recently requested some info on my eligability for employment support

(old- incapacity benefit)

I am quite active physically and walk and take exercise regularly, i am also keen on music and art and my vocation is psychology so using my mind (laughable considering what my mind has just gone through)

If you would like to know any more please ask and hopefully i wont bore you with my likes dislikes etc


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Guest Blossomuk

Hi Mandy

Welcome to BTG, good to hear you're recovering well, I'm a newbie too and finding this site & the people here very helpfull, Take care & keep Smiling :D

Jac x

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