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My twin Tina


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HI Tisha,

just read your post and that is just excellent news. It took mum quite a while to come back to the present....but like I said before the brain is an amazing thing but the biggest healer is time. just remember though one step forward two steps back...don't be suprised or dissapointed if she does seem to go backwards and forwards the inches gained do come back.

thinking of you and your sister.



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Hey Hun

Thats fantastic news - I bet Tina is chuffed with herself too - but don't be too disheartened if another day she's not so upbeat - this alone is a good sign but she may feel wiped out another time and the physio will take it out of her too, but all in all - brilliant news - so pleased for you.

Give Tina my love and have some for yourself :wink:

Take care

Love Sami xxx

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hi tisha

just read your wonderfull post im so pleased you have had such beautifull news im so pleased you have had a nice response from tina i really am just wait till she gets into rehab boy are you going to see some changes

dont forget the odd day where tina might find it a bit hard and feel not quite with it and seems quite but tina is now on the road to recovery slow but surely i reckon you will be walking around with a smile on your face a mile wide before long lol give my love to tina and a hug and a cuddle take care of yourself as well happy thoughts and happy days

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Its now six weeks today that Tina had her operation after her SAH the night before and five weeks since her vasospasm.

This week it's been the usual ups and downs again. On Monday Tina didn't look at all well and there was virtually no response from her either. Kristie and I arrived at the hospital and every time we went into see Tina a physio or a nurse or a doctor would arrive within a couple of minutes and ask us to come back in 20 mins or so. By the time we left, after about 2 hours we had only seen her for about 10 minutes in all. The only plus was that it was so hot in there and I managed to get a nurse to put a fan next to Tina. She looked exhausted and we both left feeling so deflated. We decided we wouldn't go to visit in the afternoon again as this has now happened so many times.

Tuesday night though Simon and I went and we were able to spend some nice time with Tina. She didn't say anything but was wide awake and very interested in everything. She copied my facial expressions and even managed to lift her arm when I asked her to. I waved at her and she attempted a wave back! I was chatting about some funny times we had with our brother Ray when we were little and she was listening intently and smiling. She almost managed a chuckle too!!!

Yesterday I spoke to the physio. They have been sitting Tina up in a wheely chair thing by the bed for about half an hour every morning. She said that when she is a little more used to that I might be able to wheel her outside into the sunshine! She also said that they are referring her to SALT today (speech and language therapy) which should help too.

The only possible downside is that they might still put in a permanent shunt which would take any extra fluid away from the brain. Every day they say they might and then still carry on with the lumbar punctures, so we are just taking it one day at a time. I gather that in the long term it might still be better for her, but in the shorter term if they did go ahead with it I worry that she could be back at square one for a while.

Fingers crossed that progress continues - even if it is such small steps.


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hi tisha

pleased to read the news im getting the same with lin so please dont worry to much tina is doing all she can to come back to you and it sonds as if she doing a ****** good job you will get days where tina dosnt want to play but tina is doing well up to now its taken a greatdeal out of her and it will take time to rebuild the strenght to be more active because if they are doing pyhiso that will knock her flat it takes a lot out of her ask next time if you could stay with tina as they do it that way you can give tina support while she works out

please please dont worry about the shunt being inserted please it is a minor op lin had hers done and the difference was instant when she came back from theatres its fiddly to place it but is done under a scanner so they can see where to place it its hidden no one will know tina has it promise but it will help her recovery maybe it will be the programable one take care sweetheart love to both you and tina hugs and cuddles

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Hang on in there, through it all, it is so good to hear that the progress has been there for you both. Don't worry too much about the permanent shunt I honestly don't think she will ever go back to square one, although I can see what a worrying thought that is for you. I have a permanent shunt so know how much it can help :) Her docs will do their very best for her just as you are I know. Sorry this is a bit disjointed but I'm sure you know what I mean :wink:

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Guest ElaineW

Know exactly how you are feeling with the up and down days, it is so soul destroying I just think we have to accept that this seems a common feature but it's hard when it happens to be reassured by this fact. As Paul says I am sure the shunt will bring about improvement, these guys know what they are doing but what they don't know is how much it puts us all through!!

I still think she is coming along leaps and bounds,and I know it's hard but try not to let the down days make you so sad.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone!

I haven't posted for a while because for the first time since Tina's SAH I have been able to catch up on the housework and been out and about a bit too.

There was very little change with Tina for most of the week, she was sleeping a lot and not very responsive. On Thursday Tina had the operation to put a shunt in her brain. She has been having a lumbar puncture every couple of days to relieve the build up of fluids in her brain. The idea of the shunt is that it will be there permanently and will drain directly into her stomach where the body just naturally disposes of it.

She had not been aware of very much in the preceding days before the op and had only said the very occasional word. Mr Duffil, her consultant said that it was possible that having the shunt could help with her recovery, but he could make no guarantees.

I spent most of Thursday in tears. I was so worried about the operation and was literally praying that she would be ok. I felt like this was her last chance for any real improvement and I just couldn't bear the idea of anything going wrong again. I was actually so distraught that I phoned the samaritans. I felt like my friends and family had been through enough recently but I desperately needed to talk to someone without having to watch what I said. I often feel that friends/family feel like they somehow have to put things right, which of course they can't in this instance.

The chap I spoke to was great, he listened and comforted me whilst I bawled my eyes out. I was the most fearful I have ever been. I think it was an outpouring of the culmination of almost two months of unbelievable stress and worry. It was so wonderful to be able to express myself to someone who didn't once tell me to be strong or that it would be alright.

I really did feel so much better when I came off the phone and felt I could deal with things again. I would highly recommend a phone call to them!!

Well on Friday I went to visit Tina and was amazed at the change in her. Firstly I was welcomed with a wonderful smile and then couldn't believe it when without any prompting she said 'hi sis'. We were able to communicate!!!! I was with her a couple of hours and although she did 'come and go' a bit, she spoke more than she has since the vasospasm, and at times was quite muddled as well.

I asked her to hold my hand, which she did, and then I kissed her hand. I was so amazed and overjoyed when she moved my hand to her lips and kissed it too and then gave me a massive smile! That was just so fantastic.

I saw her again on Saturday and she was not quite as alert as on Friday, but she was still very interested in what I was saying and did make comments and answered questions.

She seems to have regained her sense of humour and was really laughing as we talked about funny experiences from our childhood.

She had a splint on her right hand as it was beginning to curl inwards and there still appears to be no movement at all in her right arm. When I saw it I asked her what it was and she very matter of factly told me 'It's my splint sis'. Its funny because she has no idea how impressive it is that she can manage to answer me without any prompting.

For the first time since going into hospital she had absolutely no pipes or drains or needles. Not even her feeding tube. She is able to be fed pureed food and has at last been able to have a cup of coffee in a drinking beaker!!

I honestly feel like a miracle has happened and when I went in the lift back down to the car I was just saying out loud thank you thank you thank you - if anyone would have heard me they'd have thought I was some kind of nutter.

I gather that the plan is that she will be transferred to the rehabilitation unit within the next week or so. Fingers crossed!

Hope everyone is doing ok.


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Hi Tisha and what a difference a day makes!

Yes, it's good to let it all out and have a damned good howl ......like you say, you couldn't talk to your family, but you needed to say it, with complete honesty.... I'm glad that you rang the samaritans and that it's helped you ...... the kindness of a stanger, just willing to listen is sometimes what it needs.

Hope that Tina continues to make steady progress now she has the shunt fitted ....

Keep well yourself Tisha ....

Love Karen x

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Hi Tisha

Brilliant news about Tina really hope that she continues to make progress and gets her transfer to the rehabilitation unit soon. Remember to take time out for yourself as well Tina will need all your strength and support in the next few months.

Janet x

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Guest ElaineW

Hi again , great news and as you say indeed another miracle, the signs to me always seemed so positive. I hope you continue to get those smiles, I know exactly how good they can make you feel. My very best wishes for Tina's ccntinued progress

Elaine & Maggie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been a long time since my last post as I have not been very well - I have lupus and chronic fatigue and I think that all the stress of Tina's illness finally caught up with me. I have though managed to visit Tina every other day and then been able to rest.

Tina was moved to the rehabilitation unit within the hospital grounds almost two weeks ago! She has her own room with its own tv/dvd and radio/cd player. She is making good progress. They dress her everyday and, with assistance, she is able to sit in an ultra padded wheelchair for a couple of hours . Her right side is paralysed but with help from the physio she is able now to move her fingers a little. She is looking brighter every day and now its quite normal for her to say hello when I arrive!! She has the attention span of a gnat so talking to her is quite difficult and she can take a long time to answer, so I have had to learn to slow down and give her time to think. She is now able to recognise most of the family and seems to be able to remember quite a lot from when we were younger, but not so good about the last few years.

For the last week I have been teaching her to pick up and use the tv remote and last night she managed it twice, which is quite something. I have told her that if she can master that then she will be able to have a phone in her room so that friends and relatives could call her - she seemed pretty keen on that idea. Even if I just rang to say good morning and she could hear me and just say hello that would be great. So my goal next week is to get that working.

She is beginning to have an understanding of what has happened to her and this makes me so sad. Last night she was looking at her paralysed hand and then just looked at me and said 'oh sis' and started crying. My heart was breaking and I just hugged her and told her that together we'll do whatever it takes to get her as well as possible. Its such an emotional time and I just can't imagine how Tina must be feeling. She has no memory of being in the main hospital at all and last night I was telling her a little of how she had arrived at the situation she is in. She seemed very interested and quite keen to know as much as possible. I'm sure it must be so odd to try and work out why you are so limited in your movements and speech.

Later we were listening to a cd with music on it that we used to listen to when we were at college together. Again she became quite upset, but I managed to get her laughing when I was talking about lots of the funny things that happened to us. She said ' I mean what' and I waited and then asked her what she meant and she said 'I mean what I'm saying'. A few minutes passed and she said 'I mean what I'm saying when' and then she looked at me and said 'I mean what I'm saying when I say I love you so much'. It was the very best moment. It had taken her such a lot of effort to string that sentence together and I was trying so hard not to cry.

I feel so lucky that Tina has done so well and keep praying that she will continue to progress.

Last week I had the MRI on my brain and this afternoon I see Tina's consultant to see what he has to say about my risk of having an SAH. I must admit I am quite scared, but then think that I am so lucky to have this opportunity which most people don't have. Fingers crossed everyone please!


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hi tisha

you have made my day such wonderfull news and now i think you WILL see some changes in tina its fantastic news to wake up to i think i know how you feel as well jumping on clouds and hopefully it wont be long before you can get her out into the sunshine in a chair so she can feel the sun on her face maybe slowing down will help you as well learn from tina relax and enjoy dont make her to comfortable in there otherwise she wont want to leave lol the phyiso will work on tina and hopfully things will come on in leaps and bounds who knows? dont worry to much about what has happend to tina you will find the right time to explain what happened in due course the main thing is to get tina up and about for now i bet the two of you were right terrors when you were young as well

i wish you well on your mri and that the news will put your mind to rest i really do you are a very brave women to have it done but i also understand why you have as you say one day at a time enjoy having tina around and make the most of it and most importantly be happy and plan to have fun together so from me to both you and tina massive hugs and cuddles and good luck for this afternoon hoping for good news take care love to both tina and your good self

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