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Falling Apart

Guest michelle39

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Guest michelle39

:? Having a bad day today.

I have been having the wobbles today.

Clumsy clot comes to mind. Anyone having a dropsy day.

I keep dropping things and forgetting things.

My emosions are very up and down and I have been having a very funny sensation in my head

abit like a TV that has not got its ariel plugged in.

Please excuse the spelling keep forgetting how to spell.

Good news though am having my ears checked and blood pressure checked later by Dr.

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Hi Michelle.

You are allowed to have a wobble now and again. It's normal, although not very nice, to experience this in the early weeks and months ... even years in some cases, but it does get better and the wobbles become less frequent with time.

Don't worry about the spelling. We all know how difficult it can be.

Hope you get on OK at the docs.



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Hi Michelle,

I was very clumsy in the early months post SAH and it was extremely frustrating (but also had poor eyesight) .....it is something that has improved, but I was always knocking things off the work top and banging my arms ..... I also went through a long period of burning myself on the oven when getting a baking tray etc out. For years I just used to use a tea towel, but I now wear an oven mitt....I learned! :wink:

But, I still feel that I'm clumsier than I used to be pre-SAH and can often find bruises on my arms and legs that I can't account for ..... so, whether I've just got used to being clumsier, who knows!

As for the memory problems, then that's pretty usual, from what's been said on here before ..... I still use plenty of Post It notes.... but, again, it's something that has improved and I'm learning to trust my memory a bit more now. Think that you can lose your confidence.

Emotions were all over the place for many months and I could have the odd day, where I would take myself off into the bedroom and have a good bawling session ... but, surprisingly it did make me feel a lot better ..... I think that many of us have experienced strange pains in the head, especially at your stage and even later .... the anxiety when this happens, probably makes the situation worse, but with time, the situation does get better and you will become more confident that nothing awful is about to happen to you .....

Well, I wish you well at the Docs today and hope all is okay.......hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for you....

Love Karen x

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Hi Michelle

Oh yes I so remember those clumsy, frustrating and emotional early days, even now sometimes when Im tired....

When your at the GP mention the sensations but I found that it was the healing sensations I was getting but no harm in asking....

tomorrow hopefully a better day.....

take care


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we all wobble from time to time x x x

I have been checked for everything x x but all came back ok x x

It does get you down x x x

but brake a smile and some fresh air x x it seems to help pick me up a bit x x

tc love


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O’h hun, I wobbled all over the place as feelings were intense. Be assured that in time you will see how far you’ve come emotionally and you’ll feel stronger and more confident. Also dropped and knocked in to everything as didn't have the spacial awareness, just basically clumsy. My memory was significantly impacted but has massively improved now (four years on). The funny sensations in your head, more particularly around the site, are your membranes and synaptics restoring. The brain fog you’re experiencing are all normal too; with some days better than others. Try to focus on the positives, as hard as it is, times will get better; believe that they will and in yourself!

Keep strong!

Anya xx

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Hey there

With you a lot on this one. For the first year or so my memory was terrible, I was always dropping things and had a permanent brain fog - the sharp pains and twinges used to scare the hell out of me - I was told too that this is the brain re-wiring itself - an amazing thing the brain!!!

The emotional side was the worse for me - one minute I would be finet the next I'd be laughing hysterically then I'd be in a bottomless pit of dispair - it's all completely normal after what we've been through, but I promise, it does get better and it does get easier.

Take care hun

Love Sami xxx

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Hi Michelle39

I can only agree with what everyone has said my hubby says i bump and fall a bit more agracefully now, and as for wobble days we are perfectly allowed to have those days the wierd feelings in the head the dropping things all quite normal it early days and saying that i still do that now 19 months on you are amongst friends here, try not to worry too much easier said than done..take care.

Love luck and laughter

MIchelle cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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