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Everything posted by winter

  1. So glad all went well Kelly. Now you can relax a bit and enjoy the festivities of the season! Well done!!! Carolyn
  2. Hi Ann! Congratulations on all your progress! Thank you for sharing your good news here! It is encouraging to know that even when we think we've hit that plateau, there may be more good coming our way. Here's to you for getting through it all and continuing to prosper in all areas of your life!!! Staying positive, Carolyn
  3. I've always had very vivid dreams, including lucid dreaming...where you're aware within the dream, that you are dreaming, and can control the outcomes! Quite interesting. Since the SAH, I've had many nightmares, do talk and yell, scream in my sleep. Not only does it wake hubby up, but sometimes I awaken due to the yelling or screaming! Years ago, I used to keep a dream journal. Very interesting to read later, as you can really see what has been going on in your life! The more you do the journaling, the recall becomes almost instant and stays with you. My Dr. said after having traumatic experiences, such as we've had, it is very common to have very vivid and sometimes frightening dreams - that seem very real. Not weird at all Andy. If it's weird, I may be the weirdest of them all Could write some good novels from some of my dreams - LOL!
  4. Right side for me. Coiling and then follow up angio 6 mo. later. Have another coming at end of January. Can you ask your GP about the studies they did? They should be able to explain it to you.
  5. Good to hear from you. Hope all goes well and you get the stairs and lift all sorted out. Sounds like a big job! Wishing you well and keeping you all in my thoughts Hugs, Carolyn
  6. Hi Jane - welcome to BTG. You are newlyweds? I am so sorry to hear you and your husband are having to deal with this, especially at a time which should be happy and joyous! It's a hard road to start off on this way. Your husband may not fully realize how his behavior is affecting you. I'm sure he is putting on his "happy face" when others are around because he knows that's what he has to do to get through it. When they walk out the door, he's back to himself again, so to speak. Feeling out of control, not himself, why did this happen to me, what will become of my life, etc... Those are some of the things that went through my head anyway. I know I said some cruel things and acted in ways which were hurtful toward my family. I didn't mean too, and of course I felt badly for it. I know that doesn't make you feel better while you're going through it, but maybe it can help you understand where he's coming from. It's a learning process for all of us and it may take a while for him to come to grips with what's happened. And you, too. I'm glad you found BTG, as it is a wonderful place to learn and we are all here for one another. Keep your chin up! You're doing the very best you can do right now. Take care of yourself - get support for you and take all the help you can get from friends, family, counselors and of course here at BTG. Feel free to rant and rave here, we'll help you get through this! Hang in there! Keeping you both in my thoughts Carolyn
  7. Hi Gill - Do it. As a massage therapist, I can safely say this will be good for you. Massage stimulates and moves all the fluids in your body - thus supplying extra nurtrients and oxygen to muscle tissue, getting rid of toxins that have built up in the soft tissues and inducing the flow of hormones that make us feel better, and slowing down the ones that make us anxious and depressed! There are so many health benefits that come with massage. I would go to a therapist, not your hair stylist, for a healthy massage. Explain to her what you've been through and what your concerns are. She will take those into consideration and if you feel uncomfortable at any point, let her know. Drink plenty of water before you go and after your massage. I have had massages since my SAH and have been fine. If you are still uncertain, ask your dr. if it's ok. Hope you do it - will be great for you.
  8. Hi Rhiann! I think all the UK folks must be fast asleep right now. In the beginning I had a lot of nausea. Sometimes I was ok and sometimes not. I figured at the time, it was because of all the medicines I was on, hormones went wacky, and just the body being so out of sorts. That went away after the about 8 weeks. The headaches however, were continual. I had a constant headache that was just always there! Sometimes it would get worse and I would have migraines and sharp pinpoint pains. I did work w/my neurologist, with trying different meds. for the headaches. Just in the past couple months, the headaches have come less frequently and are less intense. If I've been too active or at work for too long, I do get headaches. But they are still no where near as bad as they were earlier on. It has certainly gotten better for me with time. Do check in with your doctor, though, if the headaches persist or become worse. There is help out there! Take care, drink A LOT of water, and get plenty of rest.
  9. John - Cheers to you on this day! What a lovely and inspiring post. Your positive attitude and love for life will keep you going Thank you for sharing! Carolyn
  10. Hooray for you two! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your experiences! Hopefully, many people will have a new understanding of all kinds of strokes and how they affect so many of us, regardless of age. Sending you healing thoughts and good energy Carolyn
  11. Hi Chrystal! Welcome to BTG and thank you for sharing your story. You have been through some very scary times! I'm so glad to hear your mom is making a remarkable recovery - she is strong indeed and so are you! Good for you for keeping up with school; while at the same time, dealing with everything that's happening with your family. Do come here often. It's a great place for support, information and new friendships. We're alll here to help each other - it's good to know we're not alone in this. Take care sweetie and give your mom, dad, and yourself a big hug! Hope to hear from you again soon Carolyn
  12. Jimbo - Hi. Not had those types of problems, but I'm sure somebody here can relate. I'm 10 mo. post SAH. Still get headaches, but they are fewer and far between. Fatigue still kicks me down. I work part time right now. I do get strange little pin-point pains in certain areas of my head, and sometimes shooting pain from behind left eye down to cheek area! Even though you're 3 yrs. post, I would certainly phone your Dr. and let him/her know what's going on. Always better to be safe than sorry. Take care, Carolyn
  13. Grace, It is normal to feel anxious about returning to work. Many questions and uncertainties come with it. If you really don't feel ready, then you may not be. I would talk with your supervisors first, to make sure they understand how you're feeling and whether you can return part time to start. I was quite anxious about going back to work. My neurologist said I could return after a month, post op! I felt pressured to get back at it and needed to have some income! Also, my SAH occurred at work, while doing a massage on a patient! So there were lots of mixed emotions. I did go back on a phased return. Because my job is somewhat physically demanding and my head in a downward position, I did have troubles. I am no longer doing massage regularly, but working as a receptionist/secretary at same place. I do go back and help on the therapy side from time to time. I keep trying! Have to say I do recognize so much improvement since day 1 back at it. I do still get tired after a long day and headaches occur. But they are fewer and less intense than before, so that is good. I wish you luck getting back into the swing of things. Just take it easy and listen to your body. Keeping you in my thoughts, Carolyn
  14. winter


    Hi Ash! So wonderful to hear the great progress your mom is making!!! I'm sure you feel better knowing she is in a good facility for her recovery, too. Here's to a speedy recovery and restful nights for you, your dad, and mom. Keeping you all in my thoughts! Carolyn
  15. Hi Jules - Welcome to Behind The Gray! It is so wonderful that your husband was able to do all the journaling! Will have to make some time to read it all!!! Glad you're here and hope to hear more from you! Carolyn
  16. Welcome Jo! Sounds like you have made some remarkable recovery!!! Good for you. I think I recognize your name from another SAH site? BTG has been wonderful for me - great people here, wonderful support group. So many times I have felt so alone with my recovery, but I know I can come here and there is ALWAYS help I see you're my neighbor. GA is lovely! We vacationed in Helen and surrounding towns 2 yrs. ago and loved it. Thought about moving there, even! Hope to hear more from you. Take care and be well, Carolyn
  17. I had coils placed, and so have to have MRAs to check the coils. Had my 1st one 6 mo. post SAH. Have another one scheduled for end of Jan., then 1 a yr. from that and another a yr. from that. As long as all of those are good, I'll be "good to go". That is the protocol for coiled annies, at least where I live. I guess it varies, depending on the procedures you've had and whether you have any unruptured annies they're watching. Unfortunate though, that your consultant was so flippant with you! I'd be on the phone complaining and asking for an explanation of what to expect for follow up procedures! Hope you get some answers so you can get rid of the worries!!! Take care
  18. Most of my family have passed on - no annies that I know of. My anneurism was located in an artery, that the neurologist said, is unusually small and therefore, probably congenital. And because of this my 2 children should be checked out. Every time I visit him, he asks if my kids have had their MRAs yet. It really scares me because neither of them have been able to do so. My daughter's insurance company won't pay for it as they don't deem it medically necessary - and so won't pay for it. MRAs are several thousand dollars, which we just don't have My son doesn't have any health insurance at all - not good! So for now, we just don't think about it. And when we do, it's very scary. I keep hoping one of the universities around here will do some studies surrounding genetic links w/SAHs, volunteers welcome!!! Maybe I'll write some letters:shock:
  19. winter


    Hi Ash! So good to hear news of your mom's progress! Thanks for the updates. I'm sorry the rehab place is not closer to you. That makes it a bit challenging, to say the least. I hope you are doing well, also. Still keeping you, your mom, and family in my thoughts and prayers Look forward to more good news from you!!! Carolyn
  20. Those numbers are high! I don't understand, either, why so many cases are misdiagnosed to start with. It is truly horrifying that this happens even once! Obviously more education is needed within the medical community! My SAH occured at work, and thankfully my co-workers were there to help me and called 911. However, the medics should have talked more to them, they knew something was not right w/me. The medics thought maybe I had a case of food poisoning - because of the vomiting that came on suddenly. I did pass some of their tests: what day is this, how many fingers am I holding up, etc... I was struggling inside my head to stay alert and alive. After their assessment, they asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital or not, just to get checked out! I asked them why they were asking me that and what did they think, after all they were supposed to know. My coworkers said, yes-take her. I was feeling confused, embarassed and just didn't know what to think. Then they asked me which hospital I wanted to go to! Told them I didn't know, closest one available. I learned later, that I had told my office manager, that I could hear her talking but didn't know what she was saying. If they had asked her questioins, maybe they would have had a better idea of what was happening to me. Once at the hospital, they did xrays of abdominal area. Found nothing. My blood pressure was actually perfect. I was, however slipping in and out of cousciousness. And the Dr. then began asking a lot more questions and sent me for MRI. Thank God for that, as it showed a brain bleed and I was then taken to another hospital. Sorry to have rambled on now! Your post today just brought back many memories and I am so thankful my co-workers told the EMTs to take me to hospital. The outcome otherwise, would not have been good! Your posting and another from a US site, has prompted me to write some letters, for better awareness. Maybe more of us could also do so. Might help save some lives! Have a good day Kelv, get some rest and know that many folks are sending good thoughts and wishes your way carolyn
  21. Sonia, good to know you now have answers! I agree, knowing what is happening to our bodies, makes it easier to deal with. So, good for you for taking charge of things Hang in there! Carolyn
  22. Welcome to BTG! This is a great place to be - lots ofo help, compassion and support here. Hang in there... take all the help you can get and know we're all here for you. Hope you're peacefully sleeping right now! Carolyn
  23. I was told, while in the hospital, the first couple of weeks are when they are likely to occur. Agree w/Gill - always consult your dr. w/concerns. Better to be safe And like Jess said, the nimodipine is to help keep them from happening. I was on that for 30 days after I was released from hospital.
  24. Kath - Thank you for coming to this site! And of course, as the others have said, great thanks to you and the nurses for the care received while in the hospital. I was in ICU for 9 days and then moved to regular ward. I had lots of wonderful nurses who took great care of me! Hope to see more of you here. Best wishes to you! Carolyn
  25. Welcome Grace! Glad you found this site - it has been most helpful for me. I'm 9 mo. post SAH and coiling. You do sound like you're doing well - keep up the good work Everyone here will help get you through this, even though we're all miles apart. I see you're in US. Me too. Look forward to hearing more from you! Carolyn
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