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Everything posted by Vivien

  1. Hi Lin, sorry for the late reply, I missed this thread! I contacted headway as I was feeling a bit isolated and Like you could not go back to my 'old life' . I used to do accounts for small businesses and am now unable to do this anymore. I also now, have to plan my nights out, if I am going out in the evening I always make the day free for me to rest and also the following day, because if I go out I then can't get to sleep afterwards as my brain tries to process what I have experienced on my night out! Anyway, a really nice man from Headway came to visit me and I talked for ages! obviously had it all bottled up , he then told me what was available from Headway and made sure I had applied for benefits etc. They do have meetings once a month but it is too far away for me to get to, so I can't comment on the social side of things. They gave me a card to show to people if I am out and get muddled and are always there if I need to talk. So, yes, I would recommend getting in touch with them. I have got involved in photography, first of all I got a camera so that I could take photos of things and look at them to remember. I then got more interested and joined a camera club about a year ago. I am now on the committee and there are lots of social events associated with it as well. It is just a case of finding something that suits you. Good Luck Vivien x
  2. Glad you got through that procedure ok, and hopefully all will be well. Still is a bit worrying waiting for results, fingers crossed for you . Vivien x
  3. I was told that because of my SAH I would always be more prone to headaches, which I am! although I rarely get the really bad ones I suffered from before my SAH. I find that getting overtired makes them worse, so rest, lots of fluids and two paracetomol do it for me Vivien
  4. I have had a massage after my SAH it was lovely, I was so relaxed I went home and had to go to sleep for 3 hours! Vivien
  5. Hello Anne So sorry to hear the news, my deepest sympathy to the family Vivien
  6. Hi Phil and welcome to the site glad you are recovering well, as the others have said recovery does take time and patience. Vivien
  7. Hi Nita, Sorry to hear that you have been ill in hospital, glad it wasn't a stroke and glad you are back in fighting spirit You are allowed to feel fed up, it was rotten what happened, look after yourself and take it easy. Vivien x
  8. Hello John Happy anni-versary and best wishes for the next twelve months Vivien
  9. Hi Rhiann and welcome to the site It does get better in time, and as the others have said don't try to push yourself too much ( easier said than done I know!) Take Care of Yourself Vivien
  10. Hello Chrystal and welcome to BTG Glad to hear that your Mum is making such good progress Vivien
  11. Good Luck with this stage of Richards recovery, I hope it all goes smoothly. Don't forget to look after yourself as well Vivien
  12. Welcome to the site Tina and glad your recovery is going well. Vivien x
  13. Hi Pamela Welcome to the site Glad you have some help with your anxiety and that you are improving. I was told by a doctor before I left hospital that it would take a long time both physically and emotionally to recover, and he was right! I hope things continue to improve for you Vivien x
  14. I kind of had the opposite problem, I had a really bad headache and was vomiting and thought it was a migraine brought on by spasms in my neck. After two days I hadn't got better, my husband and family thought that I was sleeping, when in fact I was unconcious. I woke up and couldn't remember my husbands name, he called our GP out who said he thought that I should go to hospital.. I moaned about it as I thought it was a migraine, but my GP insisted and basically saved my life. Even in A & E I kept insisting that I wanted to go home and when shown a CT scan of this huge area of blood in my brain I said that I was going outside for a cigarette Vivien
  15. Hi Sonia I also have dystonia! I was diagnosed with it about 15 years ago, so nothing to do with my SAH. I think I was lucky to be diagnosed so quickly because it is rare and lots of people go a long time before they get to see the right doctor. I have it in my neck and left arm, which means I have a very shaky left hand and cannot turn my head. I have heard that botox is great for Blepharospam, but you have to keep having the jabs every few months. There is a UK dystonia society which is quite helpful, if you think I can help in any way please get in touch. Vivien
  16. Hello John, It is three and a half years since my SAH and my memory is still terrible, I do consider going to my GP about it now and again, but then forget! In fact last week I spoke on the phone in the moring to a friend who was collecting something from my daughters flat and promptly forgot to tell my daughter, so the two of us were sitting at mine watching tv while my friend was banging on her door. I felt really bad about that one. I also forget routes to places I have been loads of time before, I have trouble remembering what I did last week and names. Mostly I admit that I have forgotten and ask for help but it sometimes upsets me. I reckon some of it is that I am now doing more so have more to try and remember I also step back and think things through which sometimes helps Vivien
  17. Hello Lorraine, when I was in hospital before my coiling the doctor came to see me and asked if I had any questions, the only thing I said was ' will I set off the beeps in an airport'! this is also about the only thing I do remember of my hospital stay I flew about a year after and although nervous about the air pressure affecting my head, I was fine. I use ear planes - little blue things you stick in before taking off and half an hour before landing, they helped. Vivien
  18. Hi Tracy, I think after the huge trauma of an SAH it is ok to feel all these emotions and it does go on for some time, but gets better . I had counselling and did take anti depressants for a while as well. Hope you feel better soon Vivien
  19. Welcome to the site Grace, glad to hear that you are recovering well. Have plenty of rest and drink lots of water, this does really help. Vivien
  20. Hello Sonia, Glad you are back and recovering, take it easy Debbie, I think worrying about things going wrong is what most of us think about, but it does get better with time. Good Luck with your appointment in October Vivien
  21. Sorry to hear that you are feeling low Gill, but as the others have already said, you are entitled to feel that way after what you have been through! Although it probably seems like you are not doing a lot but if you look at it logically, you are, your brain needs time and rest to recover and although we would like it to be quicker, recovery chooses its own pace I think you are doing incredibly well, as it is really only a short time since you were ill. Vivien x
  22. Hello Phil Great to hear that Sharon is still progressing Vivien x
  23. I think the trouble with codeine is that if you take it for too long it causes headaches! Not sure about that though, you might want to check it out. Vivien
  24. I was also told that I would be more prone to headaches ( I have one now, because I have overdone it) and I also gave up caffeine and only take paracetomol. The only thing that really gets rid of it is rest Vivien
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