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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi John A very warm welcome to you...as Cal and Janet have said, you have come to the right place for support and advice. So sorry to hear you have lost your father....so much to cope with all at one time. Your housemate sounds extremely selfish....do they understand what has happened to you?? Have you tried to explain...maybe you should show them this web site!!! Please take your time and dont push too hard...as Cal and Janet have already said....you must rest up and take things slowly. I used to try and do everything and got the terrible shakes like you....that is your body telling you to stop....listen to your body. Don't be hard on yourself as Karen always says. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Caz Caroline is right...it is only some clips that are not MRI safe....all clips used now are safe, same as coils. Don't worry xx Love Tina xx
  3. Hi Kellie Me too....i hate hats but have had to when very cold....certainly does make you more sensitive to cold ! Definitely have something ready for when cold or cold wind brrrr ! Take care Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Spike... all i can add is please take care of yourself..... i really hope things sort out for you...take care Tina xx
  5. Hi I was clipped, but many on here have been coiled like your Mum, i know a few have been re coiled. I am sure someone here will be able to advise you. Try not to worry...easy to say i know. Did you ask Consultants why they have said will not go back in again ?? Maybe worth a call, to give you and your Mum peace of mind. Take care Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Lori A very warm welcome to you...look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Tina


    Hi Paris A very warm welcome to you....what is happening is all very normal....it is still very very early days for your partner. There is so much to cope with.....i have been through all those feelings and i am at 22 months down the line. It does get better. Just takes time and we are all different. Must be very very worrying and stressful for you too....please take care of yourself, expecting a baby any minute, bless you. Don't know if you have asked your GP for counselling....there is normally a waiting list.....but i have just had some and it really did help to talk to someone. Only a suggestion. Also when your partner feels up to it....he could become a member as well. There are lots of us here that understand what you are both going through. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  8. That's good you are having all the tests...and yes hopefully will be something very minor and can get you sorted out :-D Take care xx
  9. Hi I am not as far along as you...but did get piercing pains the first year...i now just get pains when the weather is extreme....my Consultant says it is nerve pain....mending pains. I have tried the pain killers given to me but they just knocked me out rather than deal with the pain. I would go back to your Doctor if persists just for peace of mind. Take care Love Tina xx
  10. Tina

    Flu Jab

    My GP said i did not need flu jab!!! Andi...i think i have had jabs in both of my arms....maybe she was having a bad day !! xx
  11. Hi Not sure....could be....but i would go and see your Doctor if you are at all worried. I felt weak all over ...even though it was my right side effected. Felt that way for quite some months. All takes time to recover. Still get tired now and i am 22 months on. You take care xx Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Celia A very warm welcome to you...thank you for sharing your story. Onwards and upwards....is the only way I have not written my story yet....i can remember the extreme pain.....i was clipped, so cant remember alot, my husband has to fill me in. I am 22 months down the line now, after 7 hours surgery and doing well. Still get very tired sometimes and have balance problems.... but it does get better You take care. Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Phil.....hang in there....as Paul says prove them wrong. Sharon has done so well. Sending lots of love to you both. Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Anne......i was the same as karen....i still get that feeling now with my right eye.....especially when tired. I would go back as karen has said and tell them that it is really bothering you and get them to check some more....you take care Anne. Love Tina xx
  15. Hi Tisha What wonderful news Tina has really come on leaps and bounds !! Hope you can get her sorted soon in a rehab unit...wishing you both well. Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Phil Bless you both......really hope all goes well...Sharon is showing amazing determination Love Tina xx
  17. Congratulations Neil!!! I am still waiting for my right eye brow to move again !!! It moves slightly, but not up and down ...soooooo...i do know where you are coming from I keep my fringe long, so it is not too noticeable !!! Really pleased for you...can totally understand why you videoed it! Take care Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Phil...really hope all goes well for Sharon...you take care. Love Tina xx
  19. Hi Janet...really hope you get something sorted out for your pain xx There is no support group in my area at all.....i would have done anything to have had a chance to attend...thank God for BTG xx Janet...when i had my MRI scan...that i did not really need in the end they put me in feet first....there was major disagreements about if i was compatible...was scary for me.....my Consultant said yes everyone else said no.....would not touch me!! I have col bolt chromium clip on aneurysm but titanium plates and screws in side of head and cheek bone. I listened to my Consultant...as you say they know what they used. Take care and good luck with hormone testing. Love and hugs Tina xx
  20. Hi Vicki A very warm welcome to BTG.....so sorry to hear about your Mum.....it is still very early days....and things do get better....it does take time. I was also clipped, had 7 hours surgery as they could not coil my aneurysm. I was also very weak at first, had sight and balance problems etc ...but 20 months later i am doing really well. Keep positive look forward to hearing how your Mum is doing...and you remember to take care too. Love Tina xx
  21. Hi John...really hope you get some response now, it really is so unfair for you.....Take care Love Tina xx
  22. Hi I really hope when you see your Mum that she will be brighter and improving....take care love Tina xx
  23. Hi With regards to the Doctors sick note, mine started off like that, i had to keep getting another one, every month then every 3 months. I think it is standard procedure. All added worry, let alone getting to the Doctors, as i cant drive again yet, always relying on others, which i hate. The first 6 months i was hardly out of bed and had double blurry vision, balance problems and was paralysed on right side....so could not work. My GP was very understanding and wrote me a MED 4, which lasts for 6 months. Not ever being in this situation before, it is very confusing, so many forms to fill in and things to sort....i wish you and your hubby well. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. Wonderful...wonderful news!!!! :-D Take care Love Tina xx
  25. Hi There Really hope all goes well for your husband....and hope that getting back to work, will bring some sort of normality back for you. Wishing you both well. Take care Love Tina xx
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