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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Mike A very warm welcome to BTG...you are doing very well Look forward to hearing more from you. As for appointments i had to chase up my first 3 month follow up appointment...still wonder to this day if i had not,if they would have contacted me !!! ( actually my husband did the chasing ) Wishing you well...take care love Tina xx
  2. Hi Diane oh what a worry for you xx But agree with John....Mark is in the best place. I really hope they can get to the bottom of this....i had bad headaches and pain for a good 6 months from my clipping and bleed, it does take time for it all to settle down. Try and stay calm...thinking of you...take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Kel Really glad you have been signed off for a bit longer.....sounds amazing how well you have done, but yes, the emotional side is something that does not always come out until a bit later. So much to deal with. I was like you...always went with a list of questions to ask ...is the best way I was told my headaches and neck pain was because of the blood that had not dispersed after my bleed and from my craniotomy. I am sure anxiety makes it worse...but it did get better, but even now i still get the head and neck ache, also nerve pain in my face. You have had a very emotional few days to deal with....please try to rest up. Reading your post bought back how i felt...very anxious and lots of questions flying around ...hope you got most of your answers and hope that the MRI helps to reassure you further Please dont rush, take your time....take care. Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Neil HAPPY 1st ANNI-VERSARY !!!!! Was an emotional time for me too, so can totally understand where you are coming from. Hope that you and the lovely Tammy can celebrate just how far you have come.....you should be very proud Was lovely to meet you both at Christmas.....take care love Tina xx
  5. Hi Momo a very warm welcome to BTG....look forward to hearing more from you. Take care love Tina xx
  6. Hi Karen and all Like you i suffer with balance problems and dizzy spells..........i have not been in a car wash.....dont think i will either lol!! I had to sit in the back of the car as i used to feel really weird and as if things were coming at me....that happened in early days with cupboards opening. I could not judge things well at all...kept banging into things and misjudging. " years down the line this has improved alot....but have bad days....especially when tired. Also certain lights set me off....its really scary. Mel i know what you mean lol....but best way is to laugh Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Hi Norma ....Wow you are doing so well so early !!! A very warm welcome to BTG...look forward to hearing more from you...take care...love Tina xx
  8. Hi Paula A very warm welcome to BTG.....look forward to hearing more from you....take care love Tina xx
  9. Hi Geraldine a very warm welcome to BTG...you are still very early days....so glad you found us. Look forward to hearing more about you. Take care Love Tina xx
  10. Liz....i wonder how your manager would have coped with what you have been through??? Might be a little more understanding !!! Good luck xx Janet....i really hope you dont go back to a formal written warning...you have Doctors certificates....just makes me mad, hope all works out ok xx
  11. Hi Mel....this is very normal, it is still such early days.....i was the same,emotions all over the place, still can be at times.....it is so frustrating, just trying to do the smallest thing. The extreme tiredness is also very debilitating. Makes me mad that people that really need help, find it so hard. There just is not the support out there that should be for SAH. I have been very lucky i have a very understanding GP. Can you speak to your GP and ask for a further Med 4 for 6 months ? I was hoping to be back to work...but am not quite ready. I have a Doctors note for another 3 months. The stress of having to go back to work will not help your husband if he is feeling this way....let alone be able to cope going back to work! Your GP centre should have someone that can advise you....ask your GP. I wish you both well , hope you get the help you deserve. take care , love Tina xx
  12. Hi John Yes i had double vision for a long time.....about 18 months badly.... hospital tried to give me glasses with patches etc...just made me feel sick...but does work for some people and is worth going to see an eye specialist. My eyes were not working together properly, but are now Sometimes still get blurry vision now and balance goes haywire, especially if i am tired ! It does improve over time .... i still bump into things sometimes...but much improved now at 2 years down the line. Hope this helps. Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Sarah a very warm welcome to you.....wow!!!.....you have done amazingly.....well done you, take care, look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  14. Great news hope you will keep improving . It is bad that you had to pay for it....but what a relief Take care love Tina xx
  15. Hi John a very warm welcome to you.....as the others have already said, what you are going through is perfectly normal....i remember feeling exactly the same. I still cant remember alot of my time in hospital even 2 yrears down the line. It is still very early days for you, just rest up loads and we look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  16. Wow! So pleased for you both Take care love Tina xx
  17. Hi Jan a very warm welcome to BTG.....the others have said it all so glad you found us Take care Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Adam i don't get nose bleeds very often at all....after a cold had a little bit when blowing my nose. I agree with Karen and Paul, 2-3 times a week i would go and get it checked out...just for piece of mind...take care Love Tina xx
  19. Hi Debbie ....great news....well done you :) Take care love Tina xx
  20. Hi Kelley WOW!!! Thank you for sharing your story....i still cant remember everything....my hubby and family have to fill me in. You are doing great Enjoy your walks....take care love Tina xx
  21. Hi Phil Happy New Year to you and Sharon too........ Sharon is doing so well great news !! Take care love Tina xx
  22. Hi Caroline good to hear from you yes me too.....the cold weather makes my head/eye and face worse like Janet.....have been taking medication constantly which i hate....take care xxx Janet...not surprised you are not at work....hope you are ok xx Perry ...hope you thaw out take care xx
  23. Hi Kelley....i was clipped so not sure about coiling...but i had to go back 3 months later for a follow up. I am sure others coiled will let you know. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. I agree too Leonie and Celia....is a small price to pay :) xx
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