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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Lyn and Gray A very warm welcome to you both. It is such a very hard time for all involved. Turns your whole life upside down and your emotions haywire. I am glad you are both on a waiting list for counselling.....i know it is a long wait....dont know if you were given this option, but i put my name down for last minute cancellations. Also keep on the case...chase it up. You will find lots of support and information on here, BTG has been a God send to me . I wish you both all the best and look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Paul thats great news....really glad you are getting some help...take care xx
  3. Hi Caz.....you take care....you are doing great!! Love Tina xx
  4. Hi Anne...so sorry to hear about your redundancy a very stressful and worrying time for you. Not surprising you are feeling as you are. I really hope something sorts out for you. Wishing you lots of luck...take care love Tina xx
  5. Vicki :-D:-D So pleased for you....fantastic news!!!! Your Mum has done so well......onwards and forwards now!!! Take care Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Paul ....sorry to hear you have been so unwell.....i have not had dealings with Headway, but believe they are very good. I hope they can help you. Take care Love Tina xx
  7. Hi Ali Sp pleased John is back to the ward...but really hope he can get moved back to where he was....lets hope they can sort this out for you. Please remember to rest up and eat. Thinking of you both...take care love Tina xx
  8. Hi Caz Well done you on your return to work ! I cant help with advice either, as have not yet returned, hope to in the New Year. All i can say about the housework side is, it will wait, dont do yourself in trying to do everything. When i go back i am going to ask my husband and two kids to help out as much as they can. My kids are grown up, so should not be too much to ask! Make sure you rest up lots and dont over do it as Rod has just said. Take care Love Tina xx
  9. Hi Ali....hope you are feeling better...thinking of you both...take care love Tina xx
  10. Hi Mel Good news on the scans for your hubby....and yes we all suffer from short term memory etc....i still do at nearly 2 years Wishing you well for your gastroscopy...take care love Tina xx
  11. Hi Bessie....so frustrating for you.....i think as karen has said in another post...he who shouts loudest.....i dont know who would be the best to speak to, but i am sure someone else on here will be able to advise you. Really hope you can get something sorted for your Mum. Take care Love Tina xx
  12. Really hope you get some joy Louise...its all so wrong !! xx
  13. Hi Ali A very warm welcome to BTG....you will find lots of helpful info and lots of support here...you dont have to go through this alone. There are lots of us here that know what you and your hubby are going through, like Paul has just said. It is a very scary time, hang in there....and remember to take care of yourself too. Look forward to hearing more from you....please let us know how John is doing. Take care Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Laanka A very warm welcome to BTG....what a hard decision you have to make...but i too had a burst aneurysm, so had no choice and was clipped. We are here for you, good luck with your decision...so hard i know. Take care Love Tina xx
  15. Hi Rod...so pleased for you... i waited months and months for my counselling....i was lucky to have it i know....and it really helped...good luck to you. Hope the rehab is helping Merrill. Take care Love Tina xx
  16. Hi Phil So pleased for you both...as Rod has said sounds very positive Fantastic! Take care, love Tina xx
  17. Hi Sam A very warm welcome to you....really hope the thread Janet bumped to top of SAH discussion helps you. You have come to the right place for lots of advice and support...what Janet has said about listening to your body...is the best advise you can get xx Please take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Rod All sounds very good...hope you get your date through soon to see Consultant. Hope to meet you and Merrill in December. Take care love Tina xx
  19. Hi Andi wishing you luck on 4th November...hope all is well for you. Love Tina xx
  20. Really hope you feel better soon...you really have been going through it...stress is a horrible thing. Take care...love Tina xx
  21. Hi Celia I am also clipped....22 months later......still have same symptoms as Janet.....numbness and painful to lie on that side. But has improved. Wasl a result of my surgery, where they cut through muscle and nerves to clip anni at stem of brain. Caused 5 nerve palsy paralysis to the right side of my face...which recovered 80 % after 4 months, still not completely back on eye brow and forehead, but a small price to pay for my life. Mine could not be coiled as was too small and had ruptured. I have been signed off now, unless any problems. With coiling i believe you have more check ups, but also get signed off when they are happy. As Janet says....clipping or coiling...the recovery/ after affects are very similar. If given the choice, i would go for clipping as Jess has said it is for life. Hope all goes well for you. Take care Love Tina xx
  22. Good luck...thinking of you both...take care ..Love Tina xx
  23. Hi Janet I was clipped like yourself and have numbness and fuzziness like Janet...mine is on the right hand side. I was paralysed on my right hand side but has fully recovered now. My eyesight has improved ..but when tired is awful. I agree with Janet and karen...please go to your GP it is worth checking things out. I still get nerve pain all round my eye and fore head.....am told this may never go. I am at 22 months now down the line. As the others have said...definitely go back to GP. I wish you well. Take care Love Tina xx
  24. Keep positive John You are doing really well...is still very early days for you !! We are here for you xx
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