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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi all....i was also on the pill...low BP...non smoker....but was told could not ever go back on the pill.....trauma of SAH brought on full blown menopause...so luckily for me no more periods...but hot flushes etc I was told same as Sami, just a weakness in the artery wall...could have been there for years....who knows. xx
  2. Hi Sally a very warm welcome to you. Dont give up on the driving...it took me nearly two years before my vision and balance was ok to drive again. Look forward to hearing more from you....take care xx
  3. Hi Di a very warm welcome to you....WOW!!! As the others have said...you are doing great ....please take care xx
  4. Hi Caroline So sorry you have been feeling so upset xx it is so hard sometimes to come to terms with the new you. I still struggle sometimes too. Good days and bad days, we all have them xx Congratulations to you on Grandma to be Its great to see you posting, you have been missed. Please take care Love and hugs Tina xx
  5. Hi Saffy...glad you are getting some sleep...it will help xx You take care...try not to worry...i had two angiograms whilst awake before my craniotomy....the staff are very good at reassuring you. I did not find it painful,wishing you all the best. Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Phil So very happy for you both !!! So lovely !! Belated Happy Birthday Phil xx
  7. Hi John I can empathise with you big time.....i also cannot remember what happened from when i was rushed to hospital.....to when i came home. I have to ask my husband and family constantly to fill in the blanks. I have not written my story yet, like you would need to sit down with all my family and close friend. I also have short term memory problems and cant multitask like i used to. I get very very tired....i was always full of so much energy ! I find it very hard sometimes to come to terms with the new me. Thanks to a wonderful surgeon you would never know i had a craniotomy and have a metal plate where my cheek is and on the side of my head...like you, i can feel it, and the screws. My eye brow still does not work...but that is a small price to pay It is still very early stages for you....i used to and still do get very frustrated with myself when i cant do what i used to, let alone all the emotional side you have to deal with. All i can say...is what Karen from BTG always says.....'don't be so hard on yourself and always listen to your body' ...very wise words Like you...am very glad to be here and cant thank BTG enough, and all the wonderful friends i have on here. I wish you well John....you should be very proud of how far you have come and what you have achieved. Take care Love Tina xx
  8. Hi Zoe so pleased all is going well for Richard....its good to laugh....helps you get through some of the really tough times....take care both...love Tina xx
  9. Hi Angela...so pleased Mark is doing so well...take care both...love Tina xx
  10. Hi Jen just read your story...wow! Welcome to BTG, look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  11. Hi Zoe Thinking of you and Richard...such a very hard time for you and your family. As Paul has said...write down all your questions, so you dont forget what you want to ask. Is very early days for Richard...i also was very confused for some time like John and cant remember things at all. Thinking of you. Take care Love Tina xx
  12. HAPPY 2ND ANNI-VERSARY !!!!! Congratulations Caz, hope you had a wonderful day xx
  13. Great news John ...really hope all will be ok for you.....thinking of you...take care xx
  14. Yuk Yuk Yuk !!! lol....I hate it but Mike loves it !! xx
  15. Hi Zoe a very warm welcome to BTG....so sorry to hear about your husband.....such a scary worrying time for you. So glad you have found us. You will find lots of info and get lots of support from everyone.....thinking of you, please try and rest up to. Take care, love Tina xx
  16. Hi Caz Great news....take care love Tina xx
  17. Hi Momo really hope you are feeling a little better....it is good to talk. Hope your GP can sort out someone to talk to. Sadly there is a waiting list.....wishing you well..take care love Tina xx Keep cuddling your cat...great therapy
  18. Hi Saffy Sorry you are not feeling so good....agree with Kel, maybe all the anxiety and worry.....glad you have found out when you will be coiled, hope you get a date soon.....rest up and take care, love Tina xx
  19. Hi Missy ..very early days for you....i felt nauseous and lightheaded for about 3 months....it did then improve....but was in bed sleeping alot at this time and was not long out of hospital....i was clipped. I was told it is your brain repairing and reconnecting....hence the sickness and lightheadedness. Rest up lots and if concerned always go back to your Consultant.......take care love Tina xx
  20. Hi Caroline A very warm welcome to BTG....such early days for you....please rest up as much as possible.....so glad you dont have any side effects.....the emotional side often comes out a bit later...or thats what i found....take care love Tina xx
  21. Tina

    New - Graham

    Hi Graham a very warm welcome to BTG...what has happened to you has turned your life upside down...it is so hard to come to terms with......i have found it so frustrating, trying to get back to who i was....i am now trying to accept the new me.....onwards forwards ....look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
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