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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Phil Happy 1st Anni-versary !!! You have done very well....back to work....its great to hear from you and wish you good luck on the job front...hope you find something that suits you. Keep in touch. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Cyclesa.... so sorry to hear about your friend....i am from the Uk but there are others here from you side of the pond that hopefully can help you regarding other facilities and where you may be able to seek a second opinion. I wish your and your friend all the very best at this very worrying time. Take care Love Tina xx
  3. Hi Debbie....big hugs to you xxx It is so much to take in a deal with....i think you are amazing already back to work.....just make sure you pace yourself. I felt just like you do...i hated being on my own and got very anxious...and yes because we look ok people expect us to be...it is very hard!!!Angiogram ..when i had mine it did not hurt at all....but it does not stop you worrying about it does it. You have alot happening at the moment with your Sons wedding and your holiday etc. Please take care Love and hugs Tina xx
  4. Hi Nora A very warm welcome to BTG....you will find lots of helpful information on here and lots of support and friendship I was very lucky, i have not suffered any seizures. You take care ...look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  5. Hi carol you made me giggle...we have all done it ! Sometimes i get really cross with myself.....but i have found it is better to laugh and start again !!! Timer sounds a great idea as well....Karen suggested post it notes to me...i swear by them lol!!! Yellow post it notes everywhere...but they do help! Take care Love Tina xx
  6. Hi Carol A very warm welcome to BTG ....you will find alot of us that feel just how you do. As the others have said....you will also find lots of support and friendship here...look forward to hearing more from you...take care, Love Tina xx
  7. I too was told to take Ibuprofen and asprin when i left hospital. I was told to take the small dose of asprin for 6 months. Which i did. I still take the odd Ibuprofen and asprin now to help bad pain....was told to take together....i did check with my GP about this. I have low blood pressure and low cholesterol. Always check with your GP or Consultant as we are not medics.
  8. Not silly Perry...not silly at all....thank you and take care xx
  9. Fantastic news John At last....lets hope the outcome will be all good! Take care love Tina xx
  10. Hi Everyone I have just started seeing a counsellor about my panic attacks and anxiety....we are also talking through ways of dealing with them...i have been on a waiting list for 6 months....i am lucky. It is helping to talk it through. I have had 3 so far...i think you only get 6- 8 sessions. Stephen its great to read you are accepting the adjustments needed.... well done you ! It really does help to talk about things. Love Tina xx
  11. Hi Mollie.... i agree with Janet....can you change surgery ?? Sending you big hugs Love Tina xx
  12. Fantastic news...so pleased for you both......take care love Tina xx
  13. Bless you....i do feel for you....i think it is a good idea to go to the doctors. Hope that all goes well today for your husband...will be a very worrying time for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Donna You are not alone as Janet and Stephen have said....i cant add much more, apart from keep positive and keep smiling....thank God for this website and all the wonderful friends on here that understand what we are going through. Take care my friend Love Tina xx
  15. Hi Paul A very warm welcome to you and michele....you both have had a very tough time.......Janet has given sound advice and it really is rest rest rest... Take care and look forward to hearing more from you soon. Love Tina xx
  16. Bessie ...my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Mum...take care Love Tina xx
  17. Hi Perry& Everyone The one thing i find really hard to deal with is that where i was so in control before SAH....i ran my own business like clockwork and my home and family....attention to detail ...never panicked....remembered everything without having to have post it notes everywhere. Never panicked about crowds of people or going out on my own.....i feel very cross with myself about my panic and anxiety attacks. I suppose i was a bit of a control freak / perfectionist and yes i find this new me very hard to accept. I actually feel tearful typing this, and the spinning feelings , hit you suddenly when you are not expecting them. The lights still affect me, especially in supermarkets. So do loud noises. Where you have to stay indoors to recover for quite some time as i did, i found i was avoiding going out...especially on my own. I found if i walked too far up the road and could not see my house i started to panic....head pounding....balance all over the place.....needed to get home. I did not tell anyone about this for ages. In fact the first person was karen, a few months back...i then posted a little bit of how i felt on the green room. I am glad i did as i have started to address it. Karen suggested using a stick...this did help alot, once i got over the embarrassment of having one ! Felt everyone was looking at me. I think Stephen said something recently about learning to accept the new you and move forward.....wise words.....this is something i am trying to do. I will get back to work, i will just have to adapt to new ways of getting organised and to help my memory and tiredness. I am a strong determind person, which will help. I still have this overwhelming feeling of guilt, the feeling of letting everyone down and putting my family through hell and back with worry. I am on the road to recovery...each day is better....i still get bad days and another illness has set me back a bit recently....but onwards and forwards. Sorry if i have rambled.....obvivously needed to let it all out!!! LOL! Apologies !! Love Tina xx
  18. Hi Donna Mine are getting better......but i did have a nightmare recently....where i went all paralysed and could not move on my right side and could not speak...felt so real...was scary. Don't know why it happens...maybe mind just running riot. I try to concentrate on the positive....i am not paralysed...all is ok....i still get funny if crowded and on my own...but trying to deal with it. I have been on a train twice now.......was scary but did it and felt good! Sounds really silly doesn't it? Donna....you have come a long way.....you will get through this.....just takes time.....you take care ...love to you... Tina xx
  19. Hi ...yes i am sure your GP will sort you a Doctors note......and as Janet has said ...hope the Angiogram shows the problem and they can sort your Hubby out...Take care both...love Tina xx
  20. Hi, I had to wait nearly 2 weeks after my bleed for my brain to reduce in swelling before they could clip me....please try not to worry, easy to say i know...but they will be watching very closely, he is in the right place. You take care, i cant imagine how scary it all is for you....thinking of you. Love Tina xx
  21. Hi John Thinking of you....cant believe this is still going on for you.....such a worry and stress you just dont need. You take care....really hope you get some answers. Love Tina xx
  22. Hi Rod I also have had one...and all i remember was that it did not hurt and was not uncomfortable afterwards. I was clipped and have also just recently been discharged. Having been clipped i dont have to have angiograms again, or scans, unless i feel there is a problem...which there wont be Take care Love Tina xx
  23. Hi Sean A very warm welcome to Behind the Gray Glad you found us by accident! You will find lots of helpful information and lots of wonderful support....has been a Godsend to me! I also have memory problems....my Hubby and kids often have to fill me in with what happened in hospital. You are doing great!! Well done you ! Look forward to hearing from you again soon. Take care, Love Tina xx
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