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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi Bessie A very warm welcome to you.....i am not surprised that you are so worried, what a terrible thing to happen. But as the others have said.....your Mum is in the right place now and your Consultant is on the case. Is still very early days....i was clipped so a little different to coiling, but also was very weak and my memory was very blurry. I wish you well...please let us know how your Mum is doing. Take care Love Tina xx
  2. Hi Shiree Great to hear from you and that you are doing so well...take care love Tina xx
  3. Hi Sandie A very warm welcome to you....so glad you have found us...as the others have already said.....here we understand what you are going through.....it turns your whole life upside down.....but you will get there...good days, bad days.....we are here for you....take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  4. Hi A very warm welcome to you...so sorry to hear about your friend....i was clipped like you and had sight and balance problems.....i could swallow ok. I hope you friend improves....look forward to hearing from you soon...you take care...love Tina xx
  5. Hi Phil Fabulous news as Janet has just said....so pleased for you both....wishing you both lots of love ...take care..love Tina xx
  6. Hi John...really hope you gets some answers and results....take care love Tina xx
  7. Hi Debbie A very warm welcome to you.....so glad you found us.....BTG has been a God send to me and you will find lots of support and advice here and lots of great friends Its early days ...so listen to your body as Karen would say....take care and look forward to hearing more from you. Love Tina xx
  8. And another Hi Adam from me.......a very warm welcome and hope to hear more from you ...take care. Love Tina xx
  9. Hi Bobby A very warm welcome to BTG....as the others have said, you are doing extremely well, is very early stages. Just remember to listen to your body and rest up....like you i came home with no aftercare... nothing....there does seem to be a big gap with SAH! Without BTG dont know where i would be......look forward to hearing more from you...take care. Love Tina xx
  10. Hi Leonie So glad they found it and can keep an eye on you....some peace of mind as the others have said. You take care...love Tina xx
  11. Hi Sarah You really have been through it bless you....and i hope that you find the counselling helps. I have just started, after waiting 18 months....my third session today....it went better today was not sure if it was for me...the first few are going through everything.....you will find it quite tiring and emotional....but i do think it is good to talk and also sometimes for them to just listen. Hope all goes well for you. Take care Love Tina xx
  12. Hi Debbie keep your chin up!!! I know how hard it can be sometimes...just feels like it is on going...but you have to try and stay positive and things will get better xx I was clipped Dec 07....had 7 hours surgery....have been trying to get back to normality...then bamm as you say i got cancer...but two operations later...i am on the mend again. Life can be so very hard...i do feel for you...but please keep fighting...keep smiling and always remember we are here for you xx Love and hugs to you Debbie. Love Tina xx
  13. Hi Perry Well done you xx I also think that there should be a back up centre where you can get call outs or go and visit and most importantly get information....i came home with nothing at all...like many of us...was so very scary! If it was not for BTG and my good friend Yasmin that told me about BTG....well....i know for sure would not have done as well as i have now!!! Thank you to all my special friends on here that helped and supported me and still do. Good luck Perry i admire you greatly! Take care Love Tina xx
  14. Hi Anne Hope you are well xx I used to be the queen of multitasking and so very organised....now when i am tired, cant, and get so frustrated....i am learning to adapt, slowly.....post it notes and constant double checking. Motivation i am ok with...i wonder also if maybe you are just a little depressed at the moment...so many emotions to deal with as well....i have found it quite a struggle...more so recently than ever. I have been talking with a councillor....one that really just listens...as there is no one that specialises in SAH...or not that they know of....but it does help to talk....have you gone down that route at all....if not, maybe have a word with your GP. Take care ...love and hugs to you Anne...love Tina xx
  15. Hi Tisha Fantastic news about Tina....and also your scan....really hope you have a wonderful holiday....relax and take care ...love Tina xx
  16. Hi Zolabud Its good to hear from you xx Wow what a time you have been having...bless you.....it always seems to me you have to chase everything up yourself......i do feel for you and really hope you can get it all sorted and get some peace of mind. What a nightmare!!! Take care Love Tina xx
  17. Hi Michelle A very warm welcome to BTG...you will find lots of info here and lots of lovely friends...it has been a god send to me...take care love Tina xx
  18. Hi Phil So lovely to hear sharon is communicating now.....but can also understand how very difficult it must be for you when she asks for help......just keep doing what you have been doing....as Donna says...one day at a time...and as karen says....keep hassling your GP. I so hope you get some joy.....take care ...love to you both.....love Tina xx
  19. Hi Jan A very warm welcome to BTG..... that is very interesting, i shall also mention to my GP next time.....look forward to hearing more from you...hope it works...take care . Love Tina xx
  20. So pleased for you...great news Love Tina xx
  21. Hi Tisha hang in there.....my thoughts and prayers are with you...take care ...love Tina xx
  22. Hi Pam A very warm welcome to you.....so glad you found us.....look forward to hearing more from you. Take care Love Tina xx
  23. Congratulations Scott Sorry i am a bit late. Your words were very inspirational to read.......so pleased things are going well for you and your life going to way you want it.....take care ...love Tina xx
  24. Hi Tisha Good to read your update........its lovely to read that Tina is smiling and saying hello......must have made you feel so good I did not need rehab, so cannot comment.....but i wish you and your family all the very best...keep positve. Take care, Love Tina xx
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