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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Hey stranger!!!! Really good to hear from you. Hope you're keeping well xxx
  2. Hey there It was about 2 months after mine that the depression hit - I was diagnosed with PTSD, so you're doing the right thing by seeing your GP. I was offered counselling before medication and, I have to be honest, between the counselling and this site, the depression lifted and I started to feel more positive about things. Hang on in there, things will improve, but don't be impatient and you then end up in a vicious circle of impatience and depression. Let your brain heal and the rest should follow, maybe slowly but most certainly definitely.
  3. Hi there Welcome to BTG. Could you give us some more information about yourself? Age, Location, what was happening when you had your SAH, type of SAH - it's not that we're nosy (well, we are but.....) it will help with the responses that we can give. You are very early in your recovery and lots of rest and plenty of water will be extremely beneficial for you at the moment. It can be a long road to recovery, but you're allowed to make as many pit stops along the way as you like. Look forward to hearing from you.
  4. Shobs - some of the longest standing members on here actually contributed to that book! x
  5. Hi Kim Glad you found us - hope the headaches subside and you continue to recover well x
  6. Post on behalf of Palhuc What I really would like to know if any any can tell me is what are the signs of returning leg function. My husband had a stage 4 bleed that he was pretty much given up on. They wanted me to let him go whatever that meant but I refused. Today 6 months later he has a bad bed sore due to hospital neglect but is is extremely aware talking and is coming back now very quickly all in the course of about 2 months. He will have a swallow test tomorrow and is considered medically sound as he has no other medical problems. in addition he has had no speech problems , his senses all in tact and very witty and with it. he is writing reading and speaking very well but he is not walking. Or eating, though he can wiggle toes on command and today after a week can now rotate foot. Does anyone know is this a sign of returning leg function. It has been a long road and far from over but he has developed a sense of calmness, and tells me he is prepared to work hard to come home.any comments about legs. thanks
  7. The dictionary definition for this is funnel shaped - so I'm assuming thin neck and bulb shaped at the end rather than a blister like shape directly on the artery. Check with your GP / Specialist to get a clear picture.
  8. Although I know it won't be the same as having her beside you, but if she's not well enough to fly and you have a small ceremony here maybe you can plan to Skype her whilst in Cyprus getting married so that she can see what's happening even if she can't be there. I have everything crossed for you that she gets the OK to fly out but as the others have said only the Consultant/Specialist can agree whether it will be safe for her. Good luck.
  9. Hi Tom This is a hard question to answer as everyone is different. I stayed in hospital for a total of 4 days and really couldn't stomach anything for a week. It was the headache that caused me to lose my appetite rather than the vomiting. Try eating little and often and foods that aren't too creamy or rich. Toast lightly buttered helps me when I'm ill through sickness (not SAH related). The fear of vomiting will cause you to be anxious about eating and then you get into a vicious circle, so try the toast and see how you go. Try to avoid dairy products until your vomiting subsides too. Please let us know how you get on.
  10. Hi Martin Hope your sister is making good progress with her recovery. When she's feeling up to it, please do get her to look at this site - there's always someone around at some point who can offer advise (though not medical advise as none of us are qualified to do so) or a view to their own experience. This site was a godsend to me over 10 years ago, and I honestly don't know where I'd be without it now.
  11. No Graham unfortunately. The problem is that opinions vary from GP to GP and from Specialist to Specialist. I really wouldn't know where you could find data either, and again, its likely to have been compiled by the same professionals.
  12. Hi all Just to put my two pence worth in - they can be but it doesn't mean that they always are. I am the first to have an aneurysm in the history of my family - and its a huge family (one great grandma had 18 children who all went on to have at least 4, and the other one had 12 children who also all went on to have at least 4 and then they went on to have two or three) There is no one else in my entire family to have an aneurysm.
  13. Hi there Susan For most of us on here we didn't know we had aneurysms until after the fact. Think you will most probably be scanned (possibly with dye to locate the exact site of the anni if this hasn't already been done) and then possibly they'll discuss the course of action they want to take i.e. no surgery, surgery, if surgery which kind etc. Is there anyone you can take with you to the appointment? Not only for support but an extra set of ears will be a bonus as some things may not sink in or there may be questions they can ask that you might not have thought of. Please do let us know how you get on, and welcome to BTG x
  14. Daff - there is absolutely nothing else I can add - ditto ditto ditto to everything above xxx
  15. Short term memory is a problem for most post SAH - my memory was almost eidetic before my brain hem so after was really traumatic for me. I couldn't remember what I'd read, who I'd spoken to let alone what I said and I would repeat conversations literally ten minutes later - it was awful which then caused anxiety and distress then frustration and anger. I'm ten years post SAH now and although to me my memory is no where near as good as it was, I cope more than adequately. Brain training games and crosswords helped me no end as did spot the difference and wordsearches. All gentle stimulation but they help the brain rewire and retrain. I now get people at work telling me that they don't know how I've remembered certain things and, to be honest, I don't explain how I used to be compared to how I am now - I'm just glad I am - if that makes sense. Time is a great healer - plenty of rest and water will help at this stage.
  16. Re the sound issue the below might help to shed some light https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperacusis or the below is what I suffer from now http://www.misophonia.com/
  17. Deb I think its more than likely to discuss the results. I had two follow up MRIs and saw my consultant after both of them to discuss the results. If it was anything serious would they really be making you wait until Wednesday? Wouldn't they have asked you to come in straight away? Try not to worry Deb, I know its hard not to but please do try.
  18. Hi Sam My Neuro surgeon told me that people generally fall into 3 categories post SAH 1. Some will suffer severe headaches for a prolonged length of time 2. Some will suffer mild headaches for a prolonged length of time 3. Some will suffer no more or no less headaches than anyone else I know early in my recovery the headaches were daily and severe for a good 6 months and then they calmed down. After a year they were mild and infrequent. After two years almost non-existent. Now, over ten years on, I suffer no more than I did before the SAH and normally only if I'm dehydrated, tired or hungover Get plenty of rest and make sure you drink lots of water.
  19. Definitely worth asking why there's such a price increase if its for annual renewal - my premiums weren't affected at all and the year after were lower still. Are you asking for a quote during an existing policy as they may alter the monthly premium til the end of the policy but even then its a steep increase.
  20. Congratulations Claire - two years on and look how far you've come!! You're amazing xx
  21. My GP didn't take responsibility for my right to drive again either - the DVLA contacted my Neuro Consultant.
  22. Hi If you have a telephone number for your Neuro Nurse, I'd call her and ask her advice. My consultant didn't sign me off work throughout my recovery it was my GP who provided the absence certificate.
  23. I get a barometer head with the change of weather and I don't have a shunt - so may be a common theme amongst SAH survivors xx
  24. Happy Anni-versary SM - its been a privilege to know and meet you. You truly are an inspiration to others.
  25. Myra - really do hope that you have taken your consultant's advice and gone to the ER this morning. Please do get these symptoms looked in to x
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