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hi all i had my sah/stroke on march 21st 2009, i was at home decorating when i developed a headache, it rapidly got worse and so i presumed it was a migraine. i could not look at the light and laying down did not help, my mum reassured me on the phone that i was ok just to lay down in a dark room. after around 30-40 mins i was repeatedly sick but still thinking it was a migraine. after around 20 mins after 1st being sick i stood up and my arm was floppy i could not move it at all. i called my mum and my aunty came and took me straight to a&e, there nobody seemed to rush to my attention although by then i really thought i was going to die. whilst being assessed i realised that i could not look to my left i was in a sheer state of panic. i was put in a bay to wait to see a doctor. i cant remember much about this apart from feeling like i was going to die and shouting staff to come to me which they did not, my aunt had gone to bring my mum to me as she obviously knew that what was happening to me was serious. before my mum came i was taken for a CT scan, after having the scan i stood up and my leg felt wobbly. i was quickly sat down and after that my entire left side was paralysed but i still had feeling. i was put into recuss and told i was going to be taken to the queens medical centre nottingham, i paniced even more. i kept asking if i would die but nobody answered me, 1 nurse laughed and said no your not going to die. i wonder if i imagined that?? as my story is rather long and i have not really repeated it before i will continue another day xxxxxxxxx

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Hi Kelly

Welcome to BTG, thank you for sharing your story.

I had my SAH in March 2008. I think most of us cannot remember much about the time at hospital.

I know most times we all suffer from fatigue, I know I do so take it easy and you have any questions just ask us here and I am sure some one from here will help you.

I hope to hear from you some more.

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Hey Kelly

Welcome to the site and to the family. I was taken back into the QMC 3 weeks after my brain hem - didn't think much to the care there to be honest (I was treated in Derriford initially as I was on holiday in Devon).

Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi Kelly,

I have already replied to your other post but wanted to say a big hello to you! I'm only down the road in Coventry :-D I'm kind of hoping your not a Leicester City fan or we could be in trouble as I'm a season ticket holder at Coventry :lol::lol:

Stay positive hun and if you ever want to talk or meet, let me know and we'll sort something out.

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Hi Kelly,

Welcome :):)

I had my SAH in June this year. Probably about the time that you were being released from hospital. I know, it's a hard road to go down but I try and positive all the time. I do have my set backs though. One week I will be feeling like I am making progress and then I will have a set back, like an anxiety attack, and I feel like I am starting all over again. But if I look back I have improved so much.

All the best and look forward to hearing more from you :)

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cont... after arriving at qmc i had another CT scan with dye? and was told that i had, had 2 bleeds caused by hypertension, i have never had HB before and haven't since that day, i was told i had no anurysms or avs and the blood would be absorbed back round the body. i was shocked but pleased as i automatically thought that i would have to be operated on. the panic attacks continued until a doctor came in and at last told me that i was not going to die. i didn't really understand what had happened or what was going on all i knew was that i couldn,t move, couldn't look to my left and my head hurt. they said that recovery would take along time, i had no idea how long!! i just wanted to get home i have 3 children aged 11, 3 and 7 mnths she was only 6 weeks old when it happened so i was desperate to be with her. my mum was allowed to stay with me for nearly a week whilst my sister only 23 was at home with my 3 children. what they went through then must have been awful to say the least. nobody could tell me if i would walk again or regain my arm. i stayed at qmc fot 3wks until a bed became available at leicester general hospital, i was moved there to be nearer family. some of the staff there were amazing, others i was'nt so impressed with! the physios came to see me very early on and started work with me which although sitting up was very scary as i kept falling cause id lost my balance i enjoyed it cause i just looked at it as its one step closer to going home.

when i arrived at LGH i was so happy to be home, 1st time ive ever been glad to be in leicester :-D i met my consultant DR Critchley a lovely man and was told that i'd stay on the neuro ward as i was on a waiting list to go to the younger disabled unit which is a building apart from the general for intensive rehab, but there is a long waiting list. to be continued xxxxxxxx

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Hi Kelly

What a rollercoaster hey xx recovery is long but it does get better x x I am 1 1/2 years in since my SAH and still have bad days x x I just take it one day at a time x x best way x x x

We are neighbours, I live in Derbyshire (Heanor)......was in leicester for a course this week gone x x x

I have a 3 year old and I do believe he has/is a huge inspiration to me and in the early days it was him who made me get out of bed hehe x x

look forward to hearing more from you



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Hi Kellie,

Your story sounds a lot like mine, and others on here. We fully understand how you feel writing your Introduction, bless you remembering it is hard, and sometimes very sad too. So, well done my darling for introducing yourself.

Welcome aboard this happy ship, Kellie. :-D I hope we all hear from you again. Please take care.

B x x x :-D

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Hi Kellie and welcome my wife had her sah 27th March this year so you're only about a week apart, How are you doing Merrill my wife has poor short term memory her mobility is not good and (worst of all) she giggles all the time that really gets me wot ever happens no matter how bad (she tripped over and fell in stinger nettles, i paniced and she lays there giggling but all in all you're both very lucky this is our lot and we just have to get on with it anyway good luck with your recovery Rod

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hi rod, thanx for the message, my recovery has been really good and quite quick, the probs i'm having are rather mild, my walking is quite good still limping though, my main thing right now is the mental/emotional part i.e anxiety panic attacks, obviously my left side is still weak but also quite strong. where was merrill treated? all recovery is different isn't it? yes we are both extremely lucky for this im eternally grateful, your right we just have to get on with what we have to do. i really feel for carers/close relatives of us, sometimes i don't think people realise what you are also going through, i don't no if you find this but i often think it of my mum x

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Hi again your recovery sounds as though it's going really well and you sound as if you have a very good attitude to recovery Merrill was at Addenbrooks in Cambridge it's about 70 miles from where we live so i had that drive for 22 days and was i glad to get her home although that was a whole new set of worries but we'll get there in the end she never has a moan about anything not once since all this started so i'm lucky really it could have been so much worse for me Good luck and i hope your recovery continues well for you, Rod

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hi kelly welcome to the site i hope you will find a lot of support and hopefully the family could also benifit from reading and taking part as part of your healing and recover process theres a lot of information on here to help you along along with people who got the t shirt welcome to the family

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spelling mistake
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