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8 years today.

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Well folks, here I am celebrating my 8 year Anni-versary, I don't know where that time has gone.

I have to admit, my anxiety levels still rise in the week leading up to this day, after all this time you would think it should get easier to cope with, for me it hasn't at all, I still find it a very difficult day.


This last year hasn't been very kind to me, I had to cut my time short at my caravan last year due to the quick deteriation in my dad's health, obviously he was more important. Never could I have imagined that by January I would be losing him, that just rocked me to the core and I am still struggling to come to terms with his death.


As usual I got very little or no support from Verdun, I won't go into how I feel about that as you have heard it all before. Let's just say some of the things he did, were totally unforgivable and I will never get over how he acted in the week leading up to my dad passing away. I won't dwell on that though, Karma is a wonderful thing.


I know I haven't been around for a while, I have explained the reasons behind that in the GR a little while ago, that's not to say I haven't thought of you all, I have and do so most days.


On a brighter note, I have in the last month spent some time at home, it was lovely taking some ME time, I got my garden landscaped with the help of my lovely niece and her partner, I felt so much better in myself after doing it, it nearly finished me off physically, I forgot how much heavy work was involved when revamping a garden lol, but it did wonders for my mental health.


I also got a lot of pleasure out of being asked to nominate a charity last October, I had to choose BTG because it has been my life line since 2015, I wouldn't be where I am today without the help and support I have had from my BTG family, so it was lovely to be able to give something back, it really did lift my heart.


My plan for the rest of this year is to take more time for myself, doing things that I want to do, the one big thing for me is learning to drive, I am determined to do that, I have been testing my memory with a Theory Test Book.


I have really surprised myself with how much I have remembered, so I feel more confident about learning to drive, my short term memory was the one thing I thought would let me down, up to now, it hasn't, so fingers crossed I reckon I can do this. Just got to send off for my provisional license now, then I can crack on and get it done.


I really want to say a huge THANK YOU once again to our lovely Karen for having the forsight to set up this wonderful support group, I can honestly say it has saved my life, literally, having somewhere to come and off load, where we all know how each other are feeling and have great empathy and respect for one another, always makes me feel like I have had a giant hug when I am feeling low.


I would just like to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and kindness over these 8 years, you are all amazing.


Anyway, I have gone on longer than I intended to, so I will say, Thanks everyone for always being there for me, I would be lost without you in my life.

Here's to the future and whatever it may bring, 


Take care 


Michelle xx 

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Happy Anni-versary Michelle, sorry to hear you have had a rough start to the year but glad you have managed to have some ME time more recently. How lovely of your niece and her partner to help with your garden, I hope you get to send some more quality ME time there. Sounds like Verdun has been very unkind and I know you have had issues there for many years, I just wish you could find a way to resolves things that would suit you both.


Good luck with the driving lessons - go for it Michelle you've got this!


Clare xx

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Michelle Happy Anniversary, wishing you a happy day.  I think it is wonderful you want to drive and are finding your memory is not letting you down.  I love having the freedom driving gives me.  Best wishes with that and your garden :)



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Awww, bless you Michelle xx Happy Anni-versary lovely lady xx 

Thank you for all the caring support and friendship you give back to us all xx

Good luck with the driving :) 


Take care

Love Tina xx

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Hi Chelle, 


Thank you for the post. Congrats on your number 8 anniversary. My condolences on the loss of your dad. It is hard to rebound from those times we are overloaded with sadness and difficulty. I am glad you were able to garden and got some help. I also find gardening therapeutic. I know you will have lovely times in your garden. Happy to hear you are learning to drive again. Take it one day at a time dear one.


Best, Kathleen (in Colorado)


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