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Hi everyone- Maddi


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I'm a new member introducing myself. I was fit and healthy when I had my sub-arachnoid haemorrhage at the age of 35. Had 2 aneurysms coiled and spent 10 days in hospital recovering. This happened 3 months ago and to date I am still extremely tired and forgetful but grateful to still be alive as I wasn't expected to pull through from the coiling operation.

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Hi Maddi,

Welcome to BTG.

Our story's quite similar. I'm 35 and had my SAH in November 2009.

I was fit and healthy too. I ran the Berlin Marathon eight weeks before falling ill!!

Feeling tired and being forgetful is very common so don't place heavy demands upon yourself. You feel tired for a reason. It's your brain's way of making you slow down.

It's all trial and error, however and you will get days when you push yourself too hard. You gradually become more adept at knowing what you can and can't do.

It's often frustrating but we try to see humour in some things here!

Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Lynne xx

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Hi Maddi,

Welcome to the site. I do feel for you young ones. I thought I was too young at 45 when I had mine. Each case is different and we have all sorts of issues to deal with afterwards, but to date I've never heard anyone say they don't have the tiredness. Lots of short term memory issues around too. You're still in the very early stages of recovery and need to give yourself time to get through it all. Be kind to yourself and rest as much as you need to. That could be a lot, but it helps the brain heal. Hope you will sign in regular and chat to the people here, they're a real friendly lot and someone always knows how to make us feel better. It's been a great help to me.

Take care,

Sally xx

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Hi Maddi

Welcome to the site.

I was 37 yrs old when I had my SAH 11th Dec 2009. Apart from being on blood pressure medication for about 6 months at the time and suffering migraines on and off for 8 years; I was relatively fit and healthy.

I was in hospital for 10 days in total, but just 7 days after being coiled.

Lynne has already said it all - rest up and take care, and try not to push yourself too hard. It is a slow process...but it does get better.

Take care, hope to hear more from you soon

Kel x

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HI Maddie, I too thought at 43 I was too young for an SAH but I did have an anni almost 4 months ago but firtunately mine didn't burst. I was clipped in June & still feel incredibly tired most of the time & my brain has a problem with over stimulation after about 4 hours anywhere. I am still learning what my limits are & have learnt the hard way to rest when I need to. Things do get better but you do need to take thigs at a pace your body cab]n cope with even if that means slowly.

Welcome to BTG, it's been a Godsend to be able to talk to people who have been throught the same thing

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Hi Maddie :) a very warm welcome to BTG... As the others have already said....listen to your body and rest up lots when you feel tired. Glad you found us, i know i would not be where i am today without all my friends on here. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Take care

Love Tina xx

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Hi Maddi, shocking thing to happen at any time to any age but really tragic when your so young...Sally that includes you too!

Be kind to yourself and take heed of your body,if you feel tired then rest you'll get to know the signs. The best thing you can do for yourself is not to fight it.

Look forward to hearing your progress Maddi good luck and write soon,well done for posting so early.

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Hi Maddie

Sorry the late welcome - been popping in and out for a bit butnot had time to post really.

Hope you get a lot of comfort and reassurance from this site - its been a Godsend to me over the years. I was 35 when I had my bleed and it feels devastating at the time, but it does get better.

Looking forward to chatting more

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Hello and welcome! Yes, very early days for you. I used to hate people saying that!! Now, nearly 8 months after my SAH I can tell I am a lot better than I was at 3 months, even if day-to-day it's not noticeable.

Get plenty of rest, take it easy, and see you around :)

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